英语人教版八年级下册Unit5 SectionB 2b 下载本文

Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?

Section B 2b教学设计 宜良县第十一中学 王飔婷


文章借助过去进行时态讲叙了2个过去发生的故事:马丁路德金被谋杀和世贸大厦被袭击。本节课的重点是借助各种阅读技巧理解文章并进行相关的表达。在教学方面,教者做了以下整合:1、增加音乐和视频和图片材料作为输入的素材,让学生在愉快的气氛中学习本节课的重点知识。2、我把文章2c和2d 的练习题放在课后作为作业,重心放在引领学生会读、读会这篇文章。3、为了帮助学生更好的完成任务,加深对课文的印象,我将引导学生用事件发生五要素when、where、how、who、what把文章里的两次大事件复述出来,再有条理地用过去进行时态讲述事件的整个过程。4、以2b的文章为载体,引导学生联系自己的实际生活,讲述类似的事情,引出昆明2014年3月1日发生火车站恐怖分子暴力袭击事件,来表达自身的感受。 学情分析


Ⅰ.Teaching aims 1. Knowledge aims:

Students can study some new words:pupil, recently,terrorist,tower

Students can learn some new phrases,such as take down, completely shocked,

in silence. 2. Ability aims:

Students can get some information from the passage with the help of two reading tips.

3. Emotional attitude:

Students can Learn to talk about past events and cultivate an optimistic attitude towards the terrible experiences. Ⅱ. Teaching keys and difficulties 1. Key points:

Study some new words and phrases;talk about the two big events. 2. Difficult points:

Get the two reading tips and learn to use them in reading. Ⅲ.Teaching methods

Cooperative learning method,tasked-based teaching method,group work,pair work.

Ⅳ.Teaching tools:multimedia Ⅴ.Teaching process Step 1. Lead-in

T plays a song name Some dreams and lets Ss enjoy the song.And T shows a dream speech about Martin Luther King.

T:If you like the song,you can sing aloud with it. S:.....

T:Do you know a famous speech about dream? S:Yes, I have a dream T:Whose speech is it? S:Martin Luther King Purpose: Make a relaxing atmosphere for the beginning of the reading class and lead out Martin Luther King. Step 2. Pre-reading

1.T shows a passage about Martin Luther King and lets Ss do a quiz, Ss answer a question “what kind of people is Martin Luther King?” T:马丁路德金是一个什么样的人?

S:马丁路德金是一个为种族平等和民权斗争的人。 T:Where did you find the answer? S:From the title.

T:So you got an important reading tip,read the tip together.

2.T shows a short video about Martin Luther King was killed and another short video about the World Trade Center.

3.T shows the new words and phrases and play a game.

Purpose: Get students to know the first reading tip and review the new words and phrases by an interesting and funny way. Step 3.While-reading

1.Prediction:Look at the title and predict.

From the title,we predict that the passage is about the events that happened _____. A. in the past B. in the future

2.Skimming: Find out the topic sentence and read Paragraph Two and Four, then complete the sentences. ①The topic sentence ②Complete the sentences

3. Listen to the tape and have a reading competition of the four groups. 4.Careful reading:Read the two events and find the answers. ①Question about the first event. a.How old is Robert Allen at that time ? b.How did Robert's parents feel ? ②Question about the second event. a.Where is Kate Smith’s office? b. How did kate Smith’s feeling change?

Purpose: Ss will have a basic knowledge of the two events and use them to finish the exercises.Help them understand the whole passage. Develop their ability of reading. Step 4. Post-reading 1.Review the topic sentence.

2.Retell the two events by using the five factors:When、Where、Who、What、 How 3.Show the third event and do pair work,talk about the event of Kunming train station. Purpose: Help Ss understand the passage further.And let Ss talk a big event that happend around them after reading the two events. Step 5. Summary

1.T gives a saying to the students and lets Ss think more about the saying by using their own words.