仁爱版 英语 九年级上 句型语法 下载本文

I don’t think aliens can be found in space, can they?


see…with one’s own eyes= see sth.oneself

科学研究 scientific research


take part in the space flight to Mars

羡慕宇航员admire the astronauts

发现新东西 discover something new

长大 grow up

掌握一些基本技能master some basic skills

在未来 in the future

进展顺利 /不顺 go well / wrong

登上火星 land on Mars

在旅途期间 during the journey

更糟糕的是 what’s worse

水供给water supplies

限制用水 limit the use of water

值100元钱 be worth 100 yuan

值得做某事be worth doing sth

绕地球go around the earth

相隔 at a distance of

在表面上 on the surface


one third as strong as


be a quarter as big as the earth

离…近 be close to


look at the stars through telescopes

在太阳系之外 beyond the solar system

把…送入… send…into…

发射卫星 send up satellites

了解某事 learn about sth

最令某人高兴的是 To one’s joy


在户外in the open air

与某人聊天 chat with

互相 each other =with one another

与某人相聚 have a get-together with

很快,马上 (at)any minute now

及时 in time

匆忙in a hurry

动身,出发 set off

朝回走 head back

朝回家的路走 head back home

有一个美好的未来 have a great future

期望做某事 look forward to doing sth.

给某人一个拥抱 give a hug to sb.

旅途平安 Have a safe flight!

出去散步 go out for a walk