【人教版】2019届高三英语一轮复习练习案 选修六 Unit 2 含答案 下载本文


选修六 Unit 2



1.Life is like a bus loaded (load) with passengers, each man to his destination. 2.In everyday communication, information conveyed (convey) by gestures is often misinterpreted.

3.Many students with a large amount of pocket money may not know how to use it appropriately (appropriate).

4.Some students feel that exchanging (exchange) gifts can make more friends and expand their network of friends.

5.As Chinese chat app WeChat moves into merchandising,it has opened (open) an on-ground “test”WeStore in GuangZhou.

6. To his sorrow, he has lost all his relations in the earthquakes.

7.There were several reasons contributing to the problem,not any one in particular. 8.English is one of the branches (branch) of Germanic family of languages. 9.We had many difficulties at first, but eventually (eventual) we succeeded.

10.We should use our schedule flexibly (flexible) to balance our academic and spare time.


1.After a long journey,he has run out his energy. out后加of

2.If you worked hard then,you would be in the university now. worked前加had 3.The reason he gave me that he didn't attend the meeting was that he was badly ill. 第一个that→why

4.Let your child know that you expect him or her to act appropriate towards other people. appropriate→appropriately

5.Some of us always take for granted that our parents or grandparents should take care of us. 第一个take后加it


1.他们想做兼职工作有着各种各样的原因.(reason(s)why...) 答案:There are various reasons why they want part-time jobs.


答案:With a great many articles to write,he won't have time to go shopping this morning. 3.他给我们解释的理由是他之前没有读过.(the reason which/that)



答案:The reason which/that he explained to us was that he hadn't read it before. 4.我们喝完了牛奶,吃完了面包,只好忍受饥饿.(run out of) 答案:We ran out of milk and bread and had to suffer hunger. 5.放松几天你就又能去工作了.(take it/things easy)

答案:Take it /things easy for a few days and you will be able to go to work again.



Mini Book Excerpts(节选)


When Salinger learned that a car park was to be built on the land, the middle-aged writer was shocked and quickly bought the neighboring area to protect it. The townspeople never forgot the rescue and came to help their most famous neighbor.

J.D.Salinger:A Life by Kenneth Slawenski (Random House,$27) Mystery(悬疑小说)

“You're a smart boy.Benny's death was no accident, and you're the only one who saw it happen.Do you think the murderer should get away with it?”The boy was staring stubbornly at his lap again.

A thought suddenly occurred to Annika,“Did you...You recognized the man in the car,didn't you?”

The boy hesitated, twisting his fingers,“Maybe,”he said quietly. Red Wolf by Liza Marklund (Atria Books,$25.99) Short Stories

She wants to say to him what she has learned,none of it in class.Some women are born stupid,and some women are too smart for their own good.Some women are born to give,and some women only know how to take.Some women learn who they want to be from their mothers,some who they don't want to be.Some mothers suffer so their daughters won't.Some mothers love so their daughters won't.

You Are Free by Danzy Senna (Riverhead Books,$15) Humor

Do your kids like to have fun? Come to Fun Times!Do you like to watch your kids having fun?Bring them to Fun Times!Fun Times'“amusement cycling”is the most fun you can have,legally, in the United States right now.Why spend thousands of dollars flying to Disney World when you can spend less than half of that within a day's drive of most cities?

Happy And Other Bad Thoughts by Larry Doyle (Ecco,$14.99)

[语篇解读] 本文是向读者推荐了几种不同类型的书,并分别作了简介.有传记、悬疑小




1.If the readers want to know about the life of Salinger,they should buy the book published by _________ .

A.Ecco C.Riverhead Books

B.Atria Books D.Random House

解析:D [细节理解题.根据第一段可知,第一本书是介绍Salinger生平的书,这本书是由Random House出版的.]

2.The book Happy And Other Bad Thoughts is intended for ________ . A.young children B.Disney World workers C.middle school teachers D.parents with young children

解析:D [细节理解题.根据第四部分Humor可知,这本书是关于父母如何让孩子玩得高兴的书,所以这本书的读者应该是有小孩的父母.]

3.Which book describes women with characters of their own? A.Happy And Other Bad Thoughts. B.J.D.Salinger:A Life. C.You Are Free. D.Red Wolf.

解析:C [细节理解题.根据第三部分Short Stories中的Some women are born stupid, and some women are too smart for their own good...some who they don't want to be.可知,这是一本用妇女自己的性格来描述她们的书.]

4.After finishing the book Red Wolf, the readers would learn that ________ . A.the boy helped arrest the murderer B.Benny died of an accident

C.the murderer got away with the crime D.Annika carried out the crime

解析:A [细节理解题.Red Wolf是一本悬疑小说,由“The boy hesitated, twisting his fingers”可知,小男孩犹豫了,那接下来应该就是帮助警察破案并逮捕凶手了.]



Do you want to improve the way you study?Do you feel nervous before a test?Many students say that a lack of concentration is their biggest problem. __1__ If so,use these tips
