2018年最新人教版PEP六年级英语下册全册教案 下载本文

2.教师准备录音机和录音带。 3.教师准备本单元的挂图。 四、教学过程 1、Warm-up

(1)播放Let’s chant,师生一齐吟唱。

(2)教师出示Let’s learn的教学挂图,随意指向图中的一个人物,要求学生根据人物特征快速配音,如“I have a cold”。

2、Presentation and practice (1)“辨别真假”活动。

学生分成两大组,一组说“I have a headache.”同时做头疼或其他动作和表情,另一组来判断,动作和句子意思一致,说:Yes.不一致说:No.

(2)教师接着说新句子:I have the flu.同时做打喷嚏,咳嗽,提示学生flu的意思。并问学生:How do you feel if you have the flu? 让学生回答各种症状,如:I have a headache. I have a sore throat. 教师说:If you have the flu, you should go and see the doctor or take some medicine. 教授新单词medicine和短语take some medicine。


Sore throat see a doctor

Nose hurt have the flu take some medicine and drink hot water

Have a headache stay in bed

(4)Let’s sing.教师用简笔画画三张脸来表示happy, sad 和mad. 教师播放录音,学生静听,教师略讲歌词大意,学生跟着学唱歌。

(5)Good to know.学生看Zoom的四种表情,再请学生读句子,然后与Zip手举的四种颜色连线,并核对答案。 (6)活动名称:哑剧表演

活动目的:巩固新词组,并导入句型“What’s the matter…? / Do you have a ….”


活动过程: 把词组写入小纸片,抽到纸片的同学表演动作,其他同学运用“What’s the matter…? Do you have a ….” 提问,要求表演的同学运用“I feel sick. / I have a…”来回答。


一名学生扮演医生,另一名学生扮演病人,医生边询问病情边给病人开处方,增强学生的口头语言表达能力. Name: Mike Age: 12 Sex: F

Symptom(症状): Have a headache,Sore throat,Nose hurt Diagnosis(诊断): have a bad cold

Advice (建议) :take some medicine and drink hot water stay in bed

3、Consolidation and extension (1)学生听读P18五遍。

(2)表演动作表情给家长看,并用英语介绍。 五、板书设计:

Unit 2 What’s the matter, Mike? have the flu take some medicine drink hot water stay in bed



1.能够听说读写五个情绪单词:tired, angry, excited, happy, sad ,bored.

2.能够听说读句型:How does Amy feel? She’s tired.并进行关键词的替换操练。 3.能够完成Task time的任务。 二、教学重点与难点

重点是使学生熟练掌握五个四会单词,并能替换句型“How does she/he feel? She’s/he tired.进行回答。 难点是学生熟练掌握五个四会单词。 三、课前准备

1.教师准备本课时所需的词卡。 2.教师准备录音机和录音带。 3.教师准备本单元的挂图。 四、教学过程


(1)教师放歌曲“The way I feel”,学生跟唱。 (2)学生朗读A-Let’s read,教师提问:How do you feel if you have the flu/a toothache/a headache等,学生做简要回答。

2、Presentation and practice

(1)播放歌曲 ( If you are happy.)用歌曲来引出新授单词happy的教学。边唱边做动作。教师做出“开心”的样子对学生说:You are happy. I am happy, too. Look at my face. This is a happy face. 然后在黑板上画“happy face”和“sad face”。教师指着 sad face问学生:Is it a happy face?以此教学单词sad。教师可让学生同桌之间一人做表情,另一人画脸,再描述如:He/She is happy/sad.用简笔画的形式教授其他单词:excited, tired, angry, bored. (2)教师做出各种表情,请学生猜:Are you happy/tired/bored…? 然后两人一组 一个做表情另一个猜,以此复习巩固所学的形容词。

(3)教师播放B-Let’s learn的录音,学生跟读单词。然后出示教学挂图,请学生仔细看图片。教师提问:How does Amy feel? How does John feel? 此活动也可在小 组之间进行,鼓励学生人人参与。活动之后,请几组学生来做回答,检测活动的效果。

活动名称:Read a feeling book



Feelings are inside of me and my face shows how I feel. these are the ways I feel sometimes:

I look like this when I feel happy. When my birthday comes near and when I eat my favourite pizza, I feel very happy.

I look like this when I fell sad. When I’m sick in bed, and when I can’t play football because of rain, I feel very sad.

I look like this when I feel proud, when I get a good grade in school, and when I ride the bike without falling, I feel very proud.

I look like this when I feel scared, when the light goes suddenly, and when I read stories about ghosts, I feel very scared.

I look like this when I feel angry, when my toy gets broken, and when someone says bad words to me, I feel very angry.

I feel lots of feelings everyday.

(4)Pair work。教师给学生半分钟的时间看Pair work部分的图画,提示学生尽量记住图中的人物及其表情,比一比谁能猜的又快又对。Task time,引导学生仔细看图,猜测每幅图中发生的事,教师适当讲解故事内容,接着领读图中的提示句子。