11年翻译广外英专考研外国语言学和应用语言学真题 下载本文

刚下考场,以下是今年的英翻中,感谢考研论坛广东外语外贸大学区~ 英翻中:

The autumn leaves blew over the moonlight pavement in such a way as to make the girl who was moving there seem fixed to a sliding walk, letting the motion of the wind and the leaves carry her forward. Her head was half bent to watch her shoes stir the circling leaves. Her face was slender and milk-white, and in it was a kind of gentle hunger that touched over everything with tireless curiosity. It was a look, almost, of pale surprise; the dark eyes were so fixed to the world that no move escaped them. Her dress was white and it whispered. He almost thought he heard the motion of her hands as she walked, and the infinitely small sound now, the white stir of her face turning when she discovered she was a moment away from a man who stood in the middle of the pavement waiting.




秋风吹落叶,卷过月光流照的人行道,袅袅婷婷的一位姑娘仿佛并未移步,而是乘风履叶,若飞若扬。她低着头,望着脚下随风转的乱叶;容颜瘦削而洁白,温柔之中含有渴望,显出一种不知疲倦地探索一切的神情,一种近乎惊异的神情,一双黑眼睛好象时刻注视着世界,观察着人间的变动;一身素服,走起路来瑟瑟如私语。他似乎连她双手摆动的声音也能听到,甚至听到她微微转过脸来时很轻很轻的声音:她已经发现自己距离在人行道中间止步的男人不过咫尺之遥。 In this world, other than spousal relationship, there can be, I believe, friends of opposite sex who share the same tastes and interest, enjoy each other, and pay mutual appreciation. Their friendship is free from affectionate love. They are just like two brilliant sunbeams meeting by chance, making coherent enhancement and giving off glaring splendor. Although orthodox values may restrain people of their longing for socializing with the opposite sex, I believe such friendship still exists. It is initially an unintentional talk that triggers a desirable spark, and in a eureka moment, your inner light kindles. You suddenly realize he is the man who smiles and stares at you in dreams, and vanishes in the mist when you turn and walk up to him. I had searched numerous times; perchance I turned and found he was where lights were few and dim. Such a feeling is very romantic and above sexual passion; it is a feeling of mutual understanding.