最新人教版PEP英语三年级下册第一单元单元测试题 下载本文


Unit1 Welcome back to school

班级: 姓名: 得分:


1. c , a 2. C, G 3. E, F 4.e, c 五、听音,写出你听到的字母的大小写。


( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 5. B, E 6. b, d 7. B, D 8. A, H 二、听音,圈出你所听到的单词

1. A. China B. America C. Canada 2. A. friend B. student C. teacher 3. A. head B. body C. hand 4. A. pen B. pencil C. eraser 5. A. pink B. blue C. black 6. A. bread B. water C. juice


﹙ ﹚1. A. I’m a teacher. B.I’m a student. ﹙ ﹚2. A. Happy Women’s Day! B. Happy Birthday!

﹙ ﹚3. A. Nice to meet you. B. Nice to meet you, too. ﹙ ﹚4. A. I’m from Canada. B. I’m from China.

﹙ ﹚5. A. Good morning, Mr. Black. B. Good afternoon, Mr. Black. ﹙ ﹚6. A. I have a green sharpener. B. I have a yellow crayon. 四、听问句,选择合适的答句。

﹙ ﹚1. A. I’m Amy. B. I’m from America. ﹙ ﹚2. A. My name is Tom. B. Oh , no! ﹙ ﹚3. A. I’m eight。 B. I’m John.

﹙ ﹚4. A. Welcome! B. Very well,thank you. ﹙ ﹚5. A. OK!Thank you! B. Nice to meet you. ﹙ ﹚6. A. Two dolls. B. Four kites.



apple dog student Coke elephant girl


( )1.A. I'm from China. B. I'm from Canada. C. I'm from America.

( )2.A. Goodbye, Mike! B. Hello, I'm Mike. C. A A A, say “OK”!

( )3.A. This is a ball. B. This is a balloon. C. Bounce the ball.

( )4.A. This is a girl. B. This is a boy. C. This is a teacher.

( )5.A. Act like a cat. B. Act like a duck.

C. Act like a dog. ( )4、当班上了新同,你要表示欢迎时,该说:

A、Welcome. B、What’s your name? C、Goodbye. ( )5、如何询问“你自哪里?”

A、Where are you from?. B、How are you?. C、Nice to meet you.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

( )6、有人敲门,你叫他进,该如何表达:

A、Good afternoon. B、Come in. C、Watch out! 十、我会填,根据汉意把相应的字母填在横线上。(10分)

a, b, c, d, e oy(男孩) uck(鸭子) nt(蚂蚁) gg(蛋) oke(可乐) 十一、找出不同类的那个单词选项。

( )1. A. teacher B. student C. friend ( )2. A.apple B. boy C.girl ( )3.A.duck B. elephant C.egg ( )4.A. Coke B. coffee C. cat ( )5.A.you B. I C.my ( )6.A.Miss B. America C.Mr

( )7.A. good morning B. good afternoon C. goodbye ( )8.A. this B. nice C. new ( )9.A. meet B. see C. too ( )10. A. ant B. dog C. bag 十二、根据中文意思,选择与其相符的英语表达。 ( )1、当你迟到了,应该说:

A、 Come in. B、 I’m sorry. C 、It’s OK. ( )2、第一次与别人见面时,可说:

A、How old are you? B、 I’m sorry. C 、Nice to meet you. ( )3、如何介绍你的朋友:

A、My name’s Chen Jie. B、 I’m from America. C 、This is my friend,Amy.

( )7、如何表达“我自美国。”

A、I’m from China. B、I’m from America ( )8、别人跟你说“I'm sorry.”你应该回答: A. Come in. B. Oh, no. ( )9、下午见到朋友,你应该说:________________ ﹙ ﹚10.你要提醒对方小心,可以说﹕___________ 。 A. Hello! B. Watch out!

﹙ ﹚11.你不小心撞了对方一下,应该对他说﹕___________ 。 A. I’m sorry. B. I’m fine. 十三、找朋友。

1. We have a new friend today. 2. Watch out.

3. Welcome back to school. 4. Nice to see you again. 5. Where are you from? A.小心,留神。 B.欢迎返回校。 C.你自哪儿?

D.今天,我们有一个新朋友。 E.很高兴再次看到你。

C、I’m from Canada. C. It's OK.