2018-2019学年仁爱版七年级英语上册全册教案 下载本文

both of them have one letters Aa~Gg. swatter. One student says one of the letters in Aa~Gg that they have learnt one by one. When the other student hears the letter, he/she uses the swatter to slap the letter quickly. Then change the role. The student who gets more letters correctly is the winner. Presentation 1. The whole 1.Do 1a. Follow the 1.Introduce (15minutes) class and work. work teacher and say, “This students to several other group is…” Then students students one by one, practice the structure: and present the new “This is Mr./Miss/ structure, “This is…” Ms…” One student Then show some introduces the other famous people on the student to the teacher, screen who are familiar using the sentence: to students and say, “This is Miss... How “This do you do?” Mr./Ms./Miss…” is Tell students the difference among Mr., Ms. and Miss. At last, create a scene with two students 9

in front of the class. Consolidation 1.Group (10minutes) work. 1.Do 1c. Make up a 1.Show the word box new conversation with on the screen. Teach the the words in the box word “dad” by showing in groups. Then make a picture of a family. new conversations in Let students make up a front of the class. new conversation in groups. And choose two groups to act out the conversation. 2.Individual 2.Do 1b. Listen to the 2.Play the tape and work. conversations and check the answer. number the pictures. 3.Individual 3.Do 1d. Complete the 3.Choose two groups to work and conversation act out the conversation group work. individually and check and check the answer. the answers in groups with your group members. Two groups show the conversations to the class. Practice (10minutes) 1.The whole 1.Do 3a. Listen to the 1.Show the letters from class work.

teacher observing carefully, Hh to Nn one by one the and read them with teacher’s mouth. And rising and falling tones. imitate the Ask students to write pronunciation. Then them down with correct try to write down the stroke 10

order. Walk letters with correct around the classroom stroke order with book and check. Then write closed. Open the down the letters one by books and self-check one with correct stroke their own spellings. order while reading After that, students them aloud. follow the teacher to trace the letters in the air with their hands and read them. 2.Individual 2.Do 3b. Listen and 2. Play the tape. work. number the following letters, and then circle the letters with the same sound as Aa. 3.Individual 3.Do 3c. Change them 3. Check the answers. work. into big or small letters. Production (5minutes) 1.Individual 1.Do 2. Answer the 1.Play a game. Show work and questions one by one. the questions on the group work. Then make up a new flashcards one by one. dialogue in groups. Then choose students to Two groups show answer the questions the conversations to one by one. the class. Stick the flashcards with the questions:“How do you do? Nice to see you. Good morning.”on the 11

blackboard and add one expression “This is…” Let the students make up a new dialogue in group others. Choose two groups to show the conversations to the class. 2. Assign homework: Review the key words and expressions; Make short dialogues orally; Copy the new words for five times; Preview Section C-1a. Teaching reflection: 本节课采用多媒体教学,能够增强学生的学习兴趣;通过做游戏和表演情景剧,能够调动学生学习的积极性和参与课堂的意识。同时,通过表演对话,老师可以检测学生对知识的掌握情况,在教学过程中不断做好形成性评价,可随时掌控学生的学习效果,对今后的教学起到重要的作用。但是,对于初学者,老师一定要把培养孩子的学习兴趣放在首位,因此,要让学生积极参与课堂活动,调动他们的积极性。

to introduce 12