2018-2019学年仁爱版七年级英语上册全册教案 下载本文

the conversations with conversations on the the pictures and check blackboard. the answers.

Consolidation 1.Pair work. (8minutes)

1.Do 1b. Read 1a in 1.Give students one pairs and two pairs act minute to read 1a in out the conversations pairs and choose two in pairs; Make


pairs to act it out; new Let students make up

a new conversation with the expressions in 1a in pairs, if necessary, they can use the expressions they



conversations in pairs; Share

Sections A & B; their Choose two pairs to



conversations with the show whole class.




whole 1.Do 2a. Listen to the 1.Show the letter


carefully, cards from Oo to Zz

(10minutes) class work.

observing the teacher’s one by one and read mouth. And imitate the them with rising and pronunciation;

falling tones;

Try to write down the Ask students to write letters with correct them



stroke order with book correct stroke order;


2.Individual work.

3.Individual work. 4.The

closed; Then open the Walk around the

books and self-check classroom and check; their own spellings;

Then write down the

Follow the teacher to letters one by one trace the letters in the with correct stroke air with their hands order while reading and read them.

them aloud.

2.Do 2b. Read the 2.Let students do 2b letters aloud and do 2b first by themselves; by themselves;

Play the tape and let

Listen and check the students check the answer.

answer of 2b.

3.Do 2c. Write down 3.Show some words the big or the small we have learnt to letters.

students and write them down on the blackboard.

whole 4.Do 3. Students sing 4.Play the ABC song

the song and fill in the and



class work.

blanks. Then sing the answer. song again together.

Production 1.The

whole 1.Sing the song and




(6minutes) class work and follow the tape. Three song. Have a letter

group work.

students come to the competition: blackboard and write Choose three students down the 26 letters in to come to the order. The student blackboard and write who


most down the 26 letters


quickly and best is the in order. winner. 2. Assign homework: Review the words and expressions Section C; Make up a new conversation orally; Write the letters in Aa~Zz on four-line grid; Copy the new words for five times; Sing the letters song; Preview Section D-Grammar and Functions. Teaching reflection: 本节课学生在做2b部分时,遇到了问题,对于相同音素掌握不牢,找不准确,在以后的语音学习中老师应多加强学生这方面的训练。 Ⅶ. Blackboard design

Welcome to China! Section C 1. —Here you are. 3. —Good afternoon. —Thank you./ Thanks. —Good afternoon. 2. —How are you? 4. —Goodbye. —Fine, thanks. And you? —Bye. —I’m OK.


Section D

Ⅰ. Material analysis

本课是本话题的最后一课,主要是通过Grammar和Functions两部分来巩固Sections A~C已学过的内容:be动词am, is, are的用法;表示问候、感谢、欢迎等功能句;26英语字母的书写及大小写的转换;最后通过Project 板块让学生制作并使用名片交友的活动综合运用本话题所学的知识,学会用英语做事情。本节课老师将采用多媒体教学,以培养学生的学习兴趣,辅助整节课的教学。 Ⅱ. Teaching aims 1. Knowledge aims

引导学生复习本话题Sections A~C的单词; 引导学生熟练读写26个英语字母及大小写;

引导学生总结be动词am, is, are的一般现在时在不同情况下形式的变化及am的缩写形式: I am Kangkang. = I’m Kangkang. This is Miss Wang.

—Are you …? —Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.


2. Skill aims

能听懂有关问候、告别、介绍等的表达方式; 能听懂简单的日常用语并作出适当的反应;



能够在图片的帮助下进行阅读,理解大意,并按要求进行语言活动; 能正确书写字母和单词,并能用大小写字母对所学单词进行较自如的转换。 3. Emotional aims

能够与同学积极合作,参与课堂活动,大胆实践; 能够认真、规范书写字母和单词;

能够有兴趣了解中外有关称谓的知识,并能在现实中积极实践。 Ⅲ. The key points and difficult points

1. Key points