人教版高中英语选修六Unit 4 Global warming (2) 下载本文



Unit 4 Global warming


◆ 思维导图 重点词汇 phenomenon contribution quantity random consume oppose state tend circumstance consequence average advocate subscribe glance range quantities of come about be opposed to result in go up even if keep on on the whole on behalf of put up with so long as and so on renewable consequence drought fossil commitment graph trend per

其它词汇 catastrophe widespread tendency steady pollution growth data mild environmental economical existence individual electrical casual fuel flood microwave presentation educator nuclear disagreement refresh 重点语法 it用法(Ⅱ) 重点短语 ◆ 新课讲解

Part 1 重点词汇(一)

1. After _________ her face, he knew she got angry.

A. glancing at B. glancing on C. glaring at D. staring at [近义词辨析]


(2)gaze:“凝视,注视”,常指因惊异或赞赏而长时间无意识地凝视某人或某物; (3)glare:“怒视”,强调带有敌对或威胁的态度; (4)stare:“盯着看,凝视”,常指因好奇或感兴趣。

2. He ________ to lose his temper if you don’t obey the rule.

A. tends B. intends C. pretends D. bends

3. The price of beer _________ from 20 cents to $ 4 per liter during the summer season.

A. altered B. ranged C. separated D. differed

4. I’m only a (n) _________ driver, so I can’t do more than drive the bus back.

A. average B. common C. general D. usual

5. Most of the local residents _________ the closing of the local hospital.

A. avoided B. exposed C. opposed D. defended

6. It’s already 10 o’clock. I wonder how it _________ that she was two hours late on such a short trip. A. came over B. came out C. came about D. came up [短语辨析]

(1)come up (2)come up with (3)come out (4)come about (5)come to (6)come across (7)come into power (8)come into effect (9)come into being (10)come into existence (11)when it comes to

7. Before they enter an entrance examination, they have to do ___________ exercise.

A. a great deal B. a lot C. quantities of D. a number of

8. Tom would like to find somewhere to work because he can not ___________ the boss.

A. put aside B. put up C. put down D. put up with (1)put aside (2)put on weight (3)put back (4)put on (5)put up (6)put off (7)put up with (8)put forward (9)put out (10)put down

(11)put away

9. Economically, the country is in a very healthy ____________.

A. state B. phenomenon C. trend D. circumstance

10. I __________ to a number of journals concerned with my subject.

A.subscribe B. oppose C. tend D. contribute

Part 2 重点词汇(二)

11. He made full preparations for the interview; as a _______________________(结果,后果), he was employed by the company.

12. International terrorism is not just a recent _____________________________(现象).

13. Einstein made a great _____________________________(贡献)to science.

14. Each year Americans __________________(消费,消耗)a high percentage of the world’s energy.

15. We care the quality of life and we _____________________(提倡,倡议,拥护)a life of quality.