british culture review 英国文化 下载本文

2014-2015-2 Final Review on British Culture

I. Gap-filling: (20%, 1 for each)

1. Britain consist of __four__ nations, including England, _ scotland__, _wales__ and __northern ireland________.

2. The full name of the United Kingdom is _ Great Britain__and __ Northern Ireland_______.

3. Britain is a country with a history of invasions, in 43 AD Britain was invaded by __Roman___, in the late 8th century they experienced __Vikings____ raids from Scandinavia and in the 11th century they suffered invasions from ____.

4. The Anglo-Saxons began to settle in Britain in _ 5th _____ century.

5. The island of Great Britain is made up of _England___, __Scotland____ and _Wales_____.

6. London plays a significant role in _ Britain’s__ economic and cultural life. It’s not only the financial _center_____of the nation, but also one of __three____ major international financial centers in _________.

7. Name two Scottish cities which have ancient and internationally respected universities: __Glasgow___ and __Edinburgh___.

8. The capital of Scotland is _Edinburgh____ which is well-known for its natural beauty.

9. In 1979, the Conservative party under ___Tracher___________ came into power and carried out a program of privatization.

10. Since the discovery of oil and gas under the _North Sea_______, Britain has gained a strong position in the off shore oil industry.

11. The main duty of the British Privy Council is to ___give advice_____. 12. The policies of the Conservative Party are characterized by pragmatism and _____

13. Strictly speaking, the Parliament today consists of _The Queen______, the house of lords and _the house of commons____.

14. One of the oldest of the early “old English” literary works is called _Beowulf________.

15. __The Canterbury Tales______________ is generally regarded as Geoffrey Chaucer’s masterpiece.

16. Name the four tragedies written by Shakespeare: _______ , _______,_______ and ______________.

17. The most significant achievement of the English Renaissance is _____drama______________________. 18. ________________








__________________ is the most popular one.

19. Name the four comedies written by Shakespeare: _______ , _______,______ and ______________.

20. Charlotte Bronte and Emily Bronte are noted for their novels _Jane Eyre___and _Wuthering Heights___ which are largely the love stories of a woman for a man.

21. The United Kingdom has been a member of ___European Union_____ since 1973.

22. The UK has a total area of approximately __245000____ km2, almost a quarter-of-a-million square kilometers.

23. The distinctive British traffic rule is _left-driving_____.

24. The most popular dish in England is ___fish and chips______________. 25. _____________________________________ is one of the four most famous

Grand Slam tennis tournaments, the others are the Australia Open,, the French Open (Roland Garros) and the US Open

26. The Tudor period started from Henry VII after he defeated the House of York in the _War of Rose___ in 1485, and ended with the death of _Elizabeth____ on 24th March 1603 after 45 years on the throne.

II. Definition Explaining: 20% (5 for each)

1. The Canterbury Tales:

Geoffrey Chaucer 2002-5 This work tells the story of 30 pilgrims who meet by chance at the Tabard Inn in Southwark, London, and journey together to the shrine of St Thomas Becket in Canterbury cathedral. To pass the time along the way, they tell stories to one another, shot through with cunning wit and dry humour

2. William Shakespeare: 1564-1616

3. Red Brick University Red brick university (or redbrick university) is a term originally used to refer to six civic universities founded in the major industrial cities of England. The term is now used more broadly to refer to British universities founded in the late 19th and early 20th centuries in major cities.[1] All of the six original redbrick institutions, or their predecessor institutes, gained university status before World War I and were initially established as civic science or engineering colleges

4. Fry-up 英式早餐在英语里即a full English breakfast。但由于它是各种各样油炸食品组成,因此也俗称为fry up English breakfast in English that is a full English breakfast. But because it is all kinds of Fried food, so also known as fry up

5. Easter: 复活节是最古老最有意义的基督教节日之一。它庆祝的是基督的复


后的第一个星期日。 Easter is the oldest one of the most significant Christian festivals. It celebrates the resurrection of Christ, christians around the world celebrated every year. Easter is symbol of rebirth and hope. Time is on the first Sunday after the vernal equinox month circle.

6. Good Friday 受难节(good friday)是纪念耶稣受难的节日。《新约全书》记载,耶稣被罗马统治者钉死在耶路撒冷的十字架上。教会称这一天在犹太教安息日的前一天,规定复活节前的星期五为受难节。 Good (good Friday) festival commemorates Jesus' crucifixion. \crucified Roman rulers of the cross in Jerusalem. The church said that the day the day before the jewish Sabbath rules on good Friday for the day.

7. Boxing Day 节礼日(Boxing Day),为每年的12月26日,圣诞节次日或是圣诞节后的第一个星期日,是在英联邦部分地区庆祝的节日,一些欧洲国家也将其定为节日,叫做“圣士提反日”。这一日传统上向服务业工人要赠送圣诞节礼物 Boxing Day (Boxing Day), for each year on December 26, the next

Day or on the first Sunday after Christmas, Christmas is celebrated in parts of the commonwealth, some European countries will also be a holiday, called \saint's Day\

8. Trooping the Colour 英国皇家军队阅兵仪式(Trooping the Colour)是专为英国君主官方庆生举行的分列式阅兵仪式,每年六月都会吸引无数的伦敦

市民和游客驻足围观,同时也有几百万的观众通过电视关注这一盛况 The royal army parade (Trooping the see Colour is designed for the British monarch's official birthday parade of such of June each year attracts millions of londoners and visitors watching, at the same time, there are millions of audience attention this on TV

9. St. Patrick’s Day 1737.3.17 圣帕特里克节 是为了纪念爱尔兰守护神圣帕特里克 圣帕特里克节传统颜色为绿色 酢浆草(三叶草)

10. Guy Fawkes’ Night 1605.11.5 盖伊福克斯之夜”(Guy Fawkes Night)又称“篝火之夜”(Bonfire Night)或“焰火之夜”(Fireworks Night),在英国已有400多年的历史。人们最初庆祝这一节日是为了维护对宗教和国家的忠诚,它是一个政治性节日。“请记住11月5日,炸药、背叛、阴谋。(”Remember, remember the fifth of November, Gunpowder treason and plot.)这首歌谣使人们想起“盖伊福克斯之夜”的起源。

III. Question Answering: (30%, 6 for each)

1. What is the difference between UK, England, Britain, Great Britain

(GB) and British Isles?

2. Say something about “Middle English”. 3. What is “ Continental breakfast”?

4. How many Bank Holidays in England? And what are they? 5. What is the Christmas Pantomime?

6. Say something about the Easter celebration. 复活节化装游行