云南省昆明第一中学2018届高三第八次月考英语试卷 含答案 精品 下载本文


第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



Organizations that support women and promote equality and fairness in wages, in behavior,

and with opportunities have spent years putting women’s rights first as their missions. Check out the institutions that are helping fight for what’s fair, no matter where women are in the world.

School Girls Unite

This nonprofit deals with education discrimination among young women in developing countries.

In Mali, Africa, for example, only one in four girls make it to the 7th grade. School Girls Unite sponsors the girls’ education, often at a cost as little as $75 per child, and follows them to complete their education. Every Mother Counts

Model Christy Turlington Burns founded this activist group that seeks to improve medical care

for mothers around the world by training professionals, improving transportation to care facilities, and donating crucial supplies to clinics. The organization has arranged funds that have improved mother mortality rates in Tanzania, Haiti, and India. ANITA B. ORG

Since 1987, this social enterprise has pursued the mission statement of founder Anita Borg

by putting women in a position to excel in the technology field. The group provides resources for education in coding and diversity both in the U.S. and abroad. In India, they organize career fairs for women only, offering companies the chance to improve their gender diversity in the workforce. Dress For Success

Wearing appropriate clothes for a job interview is vital for potential employees. For over

20 years, the caregivers at Dress for Success have been helping women realize their professional goals by providing suits they might not otherwise be able to afford. The nonprofit accepts clothing donations and then distributes them to countries and areas in need.

1.School Girls Unite helps women by .

A. training female instructors for the school

B. providing free guidance on

girls’ education

C. financially aiding girls with their education

D. asking girls’ parents to

support their education

2.Who may benefit from Every Mother Counts?

A. A woman who majors in medicine

B. A woman who is to give birth soon

D. A single mother raising children

C. A mother suffering from discrimination


3.Which organizations aim at women employment?

A. ANITA B. ORG and Dress for Success C. ANITA B. ORG and Every Mother Counts

B. School Girls Unite and ANITA B. ORG

D. School Girls Unite and Every Mother



Throughout high school, I failed to volunteer as much as I had wanted. As a college student,

I am still busy with maintaining my grades and staying involved in my school’s community, but I decided to get out of my comfort zone and volunteer for America Recycles Day. And this turned out to be an awesome experience.

The organization Ouachita Green put together this event, which allowed people from the Monroe

area of Louisiana to bring in their recyclables, free of charge. Unfortunately, Louisiana is lacking in environmentally-friendly initiatives(倡议) so recycling is not offered to most people in our community. In contrast, it is required by law to recycle back in my home New Jersey. This truth astonished me, but more importantly, it encouraged me to seek change.

I meant to make a difference. Through joint efforts, my classmates and I ended up starting

the Green Club at the University of Louisiana. It focuses on creating a green attitude within the university and the greater Monroe area. While working on it, I met a group of ambitious high school students, who shared the same concern about the environment as us. While talking, we decided that working together would benefit not only the organizations at our schools, but also the community as a whole. Is we let the community know we are serious, there is an even better chance that we will succeed and influence others.

If you are hesitant to volunteer or help out with an event in your community, my recommendation

is to go ahead and do it. Even if it may be out of your comfort zone, it is important to put yourself out there. At the end of the day, you miss all of the shots you don’t take. 4.What surprised the author greatly?

A. Louisiana’s lack of environmental laws B. Louisiana’s limited access to


C. New Jersey’s legal requirement of recycling

D. New Jersey’s great advantage

over Louisiana

5.The Green Club is intended to .

A. offer part-time jobs for high school students





environmentally-friendly lifestyle

C. make university life in the Monroe area colorful

D. help with community events in

the Monroe area

6.What did the high school students and the author agree on?

A. The need to co-operate

B. The importance of recycling

D. The drawbacks of seriousness

C. The possibility to succeed

7.The author suggests the potential volunteers .

A. praise themselves


Competition in the workplace can be a good thing for a number of different reasons. On the

B. force themselves D. challenge themselves

C. believe themselves

other hand, competition can also have some disadvantages, though. Some industries tend to be more competitive in the workplace than others. For instance, those in the sales field will typically be more competitive with co-workers than individuals in other fields, such as information technology. Nevertheless, a little competition in even the least competitive industries can be positive.

Competition in the workplace can create an environment where employees push each other to

exceed their normal limits, which can result in increased production, both at an individual level and among the entire workforce as a whole. As individual production numbers increase, so do those of the entire team of workers who seek to outdo one another. Competition can be rewarded with bonuses or various types of rewards.

Workplace competition can also inspire a commitment to self-improvement. While financial

motivations and bonuses are always a plus to get the competition going, those who see the bigger picture may take the competition as an opportunity to better themselves in the process of winning the competition. Self-improvement may include actions like changing work habits to be more organized, using visualization and goal setting to achieve goals and simply performing higher quality work.

Not all competition in the workplace necessarily has to take place at the individual level.