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312 The One With All The Jealousy

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Rachel is getting ready for her first day.]

Rachel: (running in from her bedroom, wearing only a towel) Okay. Hey. Umm. Does everybody hate these shoes?

Chandler: Oh yeah, but don't worry. I don't think anybody's gonna focus on that as long as your wearing that towel dress.

Rachel: (to Ross) Tell him.

Ross: (to Chandler) It's her first day at this new job. Your not supposed to start with her!

Chandler: All right, I suppose I can wait a day. Hey, what are you doing Friday?

Ross: Why?

Chandler: I need you to come to this bachelor party for my weird cousin Albert, y'know he's the botanist.

Ross: Oh God. Y'know, botanists are such geeks.

Chandler: Yeah. Is that a dinosaur tie?

Ross: Hmm? Oh, yeah. (he makes a growling sound)

Phoebe: (entering, with about 20 purses hanging around her neck) Morning. Rach, I'm here with the purses!

Chandler: (to Phoebe) It must take you forever to find your keys.

Rachel: (running into the living room) Thank you, thank you, thank you, Pheebs.

Phoebe: Your welcome, oh please not the one with the turtles.

Rachel: No, no, no, no turtles scare me. I don't need that today.

Ross: Honey, just relax, it's gonna be fine. Hey, umm,. why don't I come down there and I'll take you out to lunch?

Rachel: Oh honey, thank you, but Mark's taking me out.

Ross: Mark is that ah, the same Mark that helped you get the job?

Rachel: Yeah, it's kinda like a 'good luck on your first day' sort of thing. (to Phoebe) Is this actually a lunchbox?

Phoebe: Umm, no, it's a purse. And there's a thermos in it.

Rachel: Oh.

Chandler: (to Ross) Hey, so can you make it on Friday?

Ross: What? Oh yeah, yeah I think so. Why am I invited to this again?

Chandler: Well apparently Albert has no friends. He's very excited about the bachelor party though. I think actually the only reason he's getting married is so he can see a stripper.

Phoebe: A stripper at a bachelor party, that is so clich? Why don't you get a magician?!

Chandler: Well, if the magician can open my beer with his but cheeks, then all right.

Opening Credits

[Scene: Chandler and Joey's, Ross and Chandler are entering, Joey is on the phone.]

Ross: She's having lunch with him. She's having lunch with him. And you should of seen the hug she gave him when she got the job. And, and, and, (to Joey) he's really good looking. (Joey gives an enthusiastic thumbs up) What am I gonna do?

Chandler: Don't do anything. Keep it inside. Learn how to hide your feelings! (pause) Don't cry outloud.

Joey: (hanging up the phone) Yes! Guess who's in an audition for a Broadway musical?

Chandler: I want to say you but, that seems like such an easy answer.

Joey: It is me! It's a musical version of Tale of Two Cities. So I think I'm gonna sing New York, New York, and ah, oh I left My Heart in San Francisco.

Ross: Ah Joey, I don't think you get to pick the cities.

Joey: What?

Ross: Mr. Dickens gets to pick 'em.

Joey: Who?

Chandler: I'll get you the Cliff Notes.

Joey: The what?

Chandler: The abridgment.

Joey: Oh, okay. (to Ross) The what?

[Scene: Rachel's office, Mark is training Rachel.]

Mark: ...and the style number, and the invoice number, and the shipping date. Good. Any questions so far?

Rachel: Yeah. What kind of discount do we get?

Mark: Twenty percent.

Rachel: Oh!! I love this job! (her phone rings) Wow! My first call.

Mark: Here, let me. (answers phone) Rachel Green's line, how may I help you?

Ross: (on phone) Hi, is Rachel there?

Mark: And who may I say is calling?

Ross: This is Ross?

Mark: Ross of.....

Ross: Of Ross and Rachel.

Mark: Oh hi. It's, it's Mark.

Ross: Oh hey, hey Mark.

Mark: Hey, hold on a second.

Ross: Okay.