2019精选教育新概念英语第二册笔记第二十四课.doc 下载本文


manager n. 经理,管理人 1) manage v. 经营,管理 management n. 管理

eg. I want to manage my own company one day. 我想有一天经营自己的公司。 manage a shop 经营一家商店 / run a shop /operate a shop

manage a business 经营公司 manage a factoty 经营一家工厂 manage money 理财

2) n. a person controlling a business, etc. a shop manager 商店经理 a hotel manager 旅馆经理 a cinema manager 影院经理 the general manager 总经理

eg. His wife is a bad manager. 他妻子不会当家。

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/His wife is a poor manager. upset

1) adj. 苦恼的, 心烦的,不安的

eg. I had just lost £50 and I felt very upset. 我刚丢了50英镑,感到心很烦。 eg. He was upset at not being invited. 他因没有被邀请而感到苦恼。 2) v. 使哭恼,心烦意乱,弄翻,打乱,使(肠胃)不适,意外击败 upset-----upset----upset

eg. The terrible sight upsets me. 这可怕的景象令我心烦意乱。 eg. A tall bottle upsets easily. 高瓶子容易翻倒。 eg. He upset his stomach by eating too much rich food.


eg. Don’t be upset by trifles ['traifl] . 不要为小事烦恼。 3) n. 翻倒,打乱,(在比赛中)意外失败

eg. The fire caused an upset in the building. 大火在大楼里引起混乱。 eg. The news gave me quite an upset. 这个消息令我心烦意乱。 eg. Their team suffered an upset. 他们队意外地失败了。 sympathetic [,simp?'θetik] adj. 表示同情的

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be sympathetic to sb 对某人表示同情 /be sympathetic towards sb / be sympathetic with sb a sympathetic look 同情的表情 a sympathetic smile 同情的微笑 a sympathetic remark 同情的语言

feel sympathetic towards the beggar 对那个乞丐表示同情

eg. The hotel manager was sympathetic to me. 这个旅店经理对我表示同情。 sympathy ['simp?θi] n. [U] 同情 show sympathy to sb 对某人表示同情 /show sympathy towards sb /express sympathy to sb /express sympathy towards sb /feel sympathy for

eg. She never expressed any sympathy when I was in trouble.


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