本科毕业论文_小型电子商务网站的设计与实现 下载本文



题 目: 小型电子商务网站的设计

院 系: 计算机科学与技术 专 业: 计算机科学与技术

论文提交日期: 2013年6月15日 论文答辩日期: 2013年6月26日



摘 要


本文探讨了小型电子商务网站网上购物系统的理论基础和设计思想,并根据软件开发模型理论对系统进行需求分析、概要设计和详细设计。明确了系统的功能、性能需求,前台功能模块和后台数据库的设计模式。实现了用户注册、登录功能,用户对所有在售商品的浏览和已选商品信息的查询以及结算等功能。系统采用Browser/Server计算机网络架构及J2EE技术作为开发平台, 并采用了基于 MVC 的设计模式, 使用JSP完成浏览器页面设计, 数据库系统采用 MySQL, 并使用JDBC 技术实现数据库操作,采用Tomcat 6.0 作为系统的Web服务器。


关键词:购物车;商品管理;订单管理;B/S结构; J2EE技术; MVC设计


Design and Implementation of Small e-commerce site


With the continuous development of electronic information industry, network communication and popularization of information technology in human life, the use of computer technology, network communication technology and Internet to realize business internationalization,

informationization, has become a big trend in the development of business, the traditional mode of shopping has been gradually replaced by convenient online shopping, electronic commerce is in order to adapt to market demand and booming, online shopping also soon become a fashion way of shopping, and accepted for the majority of Internet users, with the continuous

development of electronic commerce in recent years, large and small network mall have gradually emerged, more successful cases include: taobao, joyo and dangdang, this paper will with dangdang network as a reference, to small for the development of e-commerce sites.

This paper discusses the small e-commerce site, online shopping system of theoretical basis and design ideas, and according to the software development model theory on the system demand analysis, outline design and detailed design. Clear the function of the system, the performance requirements, function modules and the design of backstage supporter's database pattern at the front desk. Realize the function of user registration, login, the user browsing of all in the sale of goods and the selected commodity information query and settlement etc. Function. System USES the Browser/Server network architecture and the J2EE technology as a development platform, and adopted based on the MVC design pattern, complete Browser page design using JSP, using MySQL database system, and using the JDBC technology database operations, using Tomcat 6.0 as Web Server of the system.