车载GPS定位系统与地图匹配 下载本文




Vehicle GPS positioning system and map-matching

——Path Planning


院 系 信息工程学院 专 业 计算机科学与技术 学 号 指导老师 完成日期


车辆作为人类活动的工具,它在人们的日常生活中起着越来越重要的作用,其发展速度也越来越快。如何有效地指挥和管理各种车辆调配问题已成为交通运输和安全管理部门面临的一个重要问题。本设计使用Visual C++开发工具以及GIS控件MapX,开发了GPS路径规划及其图形化显示的模块,在此平台上实现绘制地图以及GPS路径规划等功能。最短路径分析是地理信息系统(GIS)网络分析的基础,拓扑关系是最短路径分析的关键。由于MapX不支持空间数据的拓扑结构,因此对于采用MapX进行二次开发的用户来说,最短路径分析就成为一个难点。为此讨论了基于MapX的Dijkstra算法,并在此基础上实现了基于MapX的局部最短路径搜索方法。

关键词: GPS定位,MapX,路径规划



Vehicles as a tool of human activities in people's daily life play an increasingly important role, and its speed of development is increasingly rapid. How to effectively command and management of vehicles deployment has become a major problem faced with the transport and safety management departments. This design using Visual C + + development tools and GIS control MapX develops a GPS path planning and graphical display modules, and achieve mapping and GPS route planning in this platform. The shortest path of geographic information system (GIS) is the foundation of the network analysis;The topology is the key of the analysis of the shortest path. Because MapX do not support the topology of spatial data, the shortest path analysis has become a difficult question for MapX users who develop system secondly. This design discusses and realizes the algorithm based on the MapX Dijkstra.

Key words: GPS positioning,MapX,path planning