新版PEP小学五年级下册英语教案(全英)Recycle-2 下载本文

Recycle Two 1 , To translate into Chinese “ Mike’s summer camp ” 2 , To write down the correct answer

Teaching aims 3 , Review the words of “ Unit Four to Unit Six ”

4 , Review the key sentences of “ Unit Four to Unit Six ” 5 , Recite “ Let’s talk ” of “ Unit Four to Unit Six ”

Important points The words of Unit Four to Unit Six Teaching contents

Difficult points Recite Let’s talk Unit Four to Unit Six Teaching aids The word cards , a tape

Teaching procedures Teacher Students

The first lesson


I Organization Teacher and students say 1, Free talk “ Hello ” to each other 2, Let’s sing : “ School days ” Sing after the tape II Revision

1, Review the words of Unit Four first (1st) , second (2nd) , third (3rd) , fourth (4th) , Student read after teacher fifth (5th) , sixth (6th) , seventh (7th) , eighth (8th

2, Review the key sentences of Unit Four Listen and write When is the { Children’s Day New Year’s Day China National Day Student make sentences It’s on { June 1st use the key sentences January 1st October 1st Practice in groups 3, Review the words of Unit Five his dog—his , her dog—hers my dog—mine ,our

dog—ours , your dog--yours , their dog--theirs Listen and write

4, Review the key sentences of Unit Five

Look! That’s { my } dog!

his Make sentences use the her key sentences their

Yes! It’s your dog. The dog is { yours.

his hers theirs

III Mike’s summer camp Open the books 1, Open your books and turn to page sixty-six

2, What will he do? Listen and match Listen to the tape

3, Tick right picture. What are the children doing? 4, Listen to the dialogue. Choose the right answers 5, Read the chant and write the months Write down the correct answer IV A game : Animals and dates Let’s play a game Turn to page sixty-seven

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The second lesson

----------------------------- I Organization Teacher and students say “ Hello ” to each other

1, Let’s play : “ Animals and dates ” 2, Let’s sing : “ School days ” Sing after the tape II Revision 1, Review the words of Unit Six Student read after teacher doing morning exercises , having…class ,

eating lunch , reading a book , listening to Listen and write music , cleaning … room , watching TV

2, Review the key sentences of Unit Six

Student make sentences It’s 7:30p.m. What is Chen Jie doing? use the key sentences She’s { listening to music.

doing morning exercises having … class Practice in groups eating lunch

reading a book

III Let’s play the game “ I am in the picture ” 1, Open your books and turn to page sixty-eight

2, Put yourself in the picture. Ask and answer Open the books

3, Look at Mike’s photo. Fill in the blanks

IV Read the sentences. Find “friends” for the words Write down the correct answer V Summarize and homework Finish your exercise-book

blackboard design

Recycle Two

Let’s review the words :

Unit Four to Unit Six Let’s review the key sentences : Unit Four to Unit Six