人教版英语中考总复习第一轮 复习要点(重要单词、词组、句型) 下载本文

月 日 签字:


英语国际音标表(48个) 单元音 (12) 双元音 (8) 10对清浊 辅音 其他 辅音 (8) 长元音 短元音 合口双元 集中双元 清辅音 浊辅音 鼻辅音 半元音 似拼音 /i:/ /?:/ /a:/ /u:/ /?:/ /i/ /?/ /?/ /u/ /?/ /e/ /?/ /ei/ /ai/ /au / /?i/ /?u/ /i?/ /??/ /u?/ 爆破音 摩擦音 破擦音 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. have a look at = look at

-Good morning. -Good morning.

-Nice to see/meet you. -Nice to see/meet you,too. -How are you? -I’m fine, thanks, and you? -How do you do? -How do you do?

七(上)U 7~12 复习要点

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33.

-Can I help you?=What can I do for you? -Yes, please. Here you are. I’ll take it.

You’re welcome. 不用谢。 =That’s all right. =It’s my pleasure. =Not at all.

English speech(speaking) contest learn/tell/know about in English speak English tell a story say it again

help sb. with sth.

musicians wanted for Music Festival take a shower = have a shower

eat/have (one’s) breakfast/lunch/dinner work very long hours brush one’s teeth go to work/school get to work

take the number 17 bus to a hotel take sb. to work go home get home go to bed

in the morning / afternoon / evening on Sunday morning / afternoon / evening on Sunday

do (one’s) homework at around six-fifteen best wishes for two hours

May is the 5th month of the year. It’s + adj. +for Sb+ to do sth.

颜色类词汇(colors):red, pink, blue, green, brown, yellow, orange, gray, black, white, purple 34. 总是以复数形式出现的名词:

pants, trousers, jeans, shorts, shoes, socks, gloves, glasses, earings 表数量要用a pair of…

/p/ /t/ /k/ /b/ /d/ /g/ /m/ /n/ /?/ /w/ /j/ /h/ /r/ /l/ /f/ /θ/ /s/ /?/ /v/ /e/ /z/ /?/ /ts/ /t?/ /tr/ /dz/ /d?/ /dr/ 26个字母及发音:

Aa /ei/ Bb /bi:/ Cc /si:/ Dd /di:/ Ee /i:/ Ff /ef/ Gg /d?i:/ Hh /eit?/ Ii /ai/ Jj /d?ei/ Kk /kei/ Ll /el/ Mm /em/ Nn /en/ Oo /?u/ Pp /pi:/ Qq /kju:/ Rr /a:/ Ss /es/ Tt /ti:/ Uu /ju:/ Vv /vi:/ Ww /’dublju:/ Xx /eks/ Yy /wai/ Zz /zi:/ or /zed/



七(上)U 1~6 复习要点

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

first name=given name 名字 last nam= family name 姓氏 Mr. /Mrs. /Ms. /Miss

What’s your telephone number?

What’s your address? 15 Peace Road. call sb at+电话号码

in the lost and found case school ID card a set of keys

Is this/that Jim? No, it isn’t. after school / after class

play ping-pong/tennis/volleyball play the guitar/piano/drums/trumpet play with Sb/Sth play/do sports

come and see for yourself at a very good price bag (s) for sports buy sth. for only ¥… afford our price buy sth. from …

第1 / 28页

月 日 签字:


New Year’s Day January 1st Spring Festival Women’s Day March 8th Dragon Boat Festival April Fool’s Day April 1st May Day/ Labour Day May 1st Mother’s Day the second Sunday of May Father’s Day the third Sunday of June Children’s Day June 1st Teachers’ Day September 10 th Mid-Autumn Day National Day October 1st Christmas Day December 25 th

人称代词和物主代词表 人称代词 第一 人称 第二 人称 第 三 人 称 复数 单数 单数 复数 单数 复数 主格 宾格 物主代词 形物代 名物代 I we you you he she it they me us you you him her it them my our your your his her its their mine ours yours yours his hers its theirs

七(下)U2 复习要点


1. post office /police office 2. pay phone 3. across from 4. next to

5. between … and … 6. in front of

in the front of

7. on the right/left (of…) 8. on Center Street 9. in the neighborhood 10. go straight

11. go/walk along/down the street 12. walk/go throngh the park 13. turn right/left

14. take a taxi to/from the airport 15. on the way to my house 16. excuse me/I’m sorry

17. a small house with an interesting garden 18. have fun=have a good time 19. have a good trip

20. take the first tuning on the left/right =turn left/right at the first crossing 二、句子

1. Is there a bank near here? Yes, there is. /No, there isn’t.

2. Where is the park? It’s on Center Street. 3. Do you know the way to the hotel? ★问路 =Can you tell me the way to the hotel? =How can I get to the hotel? =Which is the way to the hotel? 4. The park is across from the bank.

=Across from the bank is the park.

七(下)U1 复习要点


1. be from =come from 2. pen pal=pen friend

3. the United States=the USA=American the United Kingdom=the UK=England 4. live in+地点名词

5. go to the movies with Sb 6. speak a little English 7. write to me soon 8. tell Sb about Sth 9. an action movie 10. on weekends 二、句子:

1. Where is your pen pal from?

=Where does your pen pal come from?

2. He is from France.=He comes from France. 3. Where does he live? He lives in Paris.

4. What language does he speak? He speaks English and a little French. 5. I don’t like math=I dislike math.

6. Please write and tell me about yourself. 7. He doesn’t have any brothers or sisters. 8. Is this /that your new pen pal? Yes, it is. 9. How old are you?=What’s your age? 反身代词(oneself): 第一人称 第二人称 第三人称 单数 myself yourself himself/herself/itself 复数 ourselves yourselves themselves

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月 日 签字:

5. I know you are arriving next Sunday

6. –I hope you have a good trip. –Thank you.

七(下)U3 复习要点


1. South Africa

2. in the south of China on the south of China to the south of China 3. a map of China 4. what kind of animal 5. what other animals other系列 one…the other… (两者之中)一个…另一个… another+单数名词 泛指同类物中的“再一个” other+复数名词 泛指“其他人或物” others 泛指“另一些” the others 特指“其余的”,“剩下的全部” 6. every day/everyday 7. be friendly/kind to me 8. in/during the day 9. at night 二、句型

1. Why do you like…? Because … 2. Where are lions from? =Where do lions come from? 3. Let’s +动词原形 4. Isn’t he cute?

5. She likes to play with her friends and eat grass? 6. He sleeps and relaxes (for) 20 hours every day. 基数词: 1 one 11 eleven 2 two 12 twelve 20 twenty 3 three 13 thirteen 30 thirty 4 four 14 fourteen 40 forty 5 five 15 fifteen 50 fifty 6 six 16 sixteen 60 sixty 7 seven 17 seventeen 70 seventy 8 eight 18 eighteen 80 eighty 9 nine 19 nineteen 90 ninety 10 ten 100 one hundred 1,000→one thousand 10,000→ten thousand

100,000→one hundred thousand 1,000,000→one million 10,000,000→ten million

100,000,000→one hundred million

1,000,000,000→one billion 146→one hundred and forty-six

1,813→one thousand eight hundred and thirteen 序数词: 1st first 11th eleventh ndth2 second 12th twelfth 20 twentieth 3rd third 13th thirteenth 30th thirtieth 4th fourth 14th fourteenth 40th fortieth 5th fifth 15th fifteenth 50th fiftieth 6th sixth 16th sixteenth 60th sixtieth 7th seventh 17th seventeenth 70th seventieth 8th eighth 18th eighteenth 80th eightieth 9th ninth 19th nineteenth 90th ninetieth 10th tenth 21st twenty-first 22nd 100 th one hundredth twenty-second 基变序有规律, 词尾加上-th ; 一二三特殊记, 单词结尾t d d ; 八减t, 九减e , f要把ve替 ; ty把y改为i , 记住前还有e ; 若遇到几十几, 只把个位变序。

★年月日的表达:April 20, 1987(美)

读作:April the twentieth, nineteen eighty-seven ★时间的表达: 1. 直接表达法

①整点:用基数词 + o'clock,o'clock须用单数,可以省略。8:00 eight (o'clock)

②非整点:用基数词按钟点+分钟的顺序。 11:05 eleven o five 6:40 six forty 2. 间接表达法


1:08 eight past one 4:20 twenty past four ②分钟数多于30分钟 8:35 twenty-five to nine ③当分钟数是30分钟 9:30 half past nine ④当分钟数是15分钟

7:15 a quarter past seven 7:45 a quarter to eight ⑤若想表明是上午,可在时间后加上am或a.m. 若想表明是下午,可在时间后加上pm或p.m.

七(下)U4 复习要点


1. shop assistant 2. bank clerk

3. TV station / police station 4. go out to dinners 5. talk to/with/about

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