大学英语4 Unit one 下载本文

新视野Reading and Writing Book Four

Unit one The Tail of Fame

Useful expression

1. 参与自我毁灭to participate in one’s own destruction

2. 最乐观地说at best

3.出人头地the conquest of fame 4.精神崩溃emotionally bankrupt

5.渴望粉丝追捧desire for worshiping fans

6 发挥唱歌特长exploit one’s talent for singing 7. 加速某人走红 to hasten sb.’s popularity seek attention

8.某人青云直上 sb.’s ride on the express elevator to the top 9. 缺乏吸引力a lack of continuity in one’s appeal 10. 稍加改动某事make minute changes to sth. 11.失宠to lose sb.’s favor

12.污染心灵 之井contaminate the well of one’s soul 13.最糟糕at one’s worst

14.冒名声之险替人说话risk one’s name in sb.’s defense

15.为某事感到高兴be happy with sth 二 短语精炼 Para 1

1.丢掉有固定收入的工作 to quit/give up /leave one’s day job 不论你干副业能挣多少外快,丢掉固定工作是不明智的

No matter how much extra income you earn from your sideline, it is unwise of you to quit your day job.

2.激励某人向前 spur sb on


What has become of the family in the past 10 years verifies the truth that poverty spurs one on to seek for change.

3.沉浸在成功后的无上光荣中 to drown in fame’s imperial glory 对于渴求知识的人,沉浸在知识海洋中的诱惑是难以抵挡的

For those hungry for knowledge, the lure of drowning in the ocean of learning is hard to resist.

Para 3

4.很难做某事be hard- pressed to do sth


From my angle of view, she is the best candidate for the role, since you’d be hard-pressed to find anyone better for it

5.风靡一时的东西flavor of the month/week/ year



Any flavor of the month, like a flash in the pan, will lose its appeal to the public before long.


6.为某事付出------代价 pay for sth by doing sth else


They fell in love at first sight. But they paid for it by losing their consistent hunger for knowledge.


7.忠于remain true to one’s word/oneself /form/type



He remained true to his word and never let the cat out of the bag. 8.指控某人做某事 accuse sb of doing sth


She was accused of being intimate with her superior, which turned out to be out of thin air 9. 被驱除 驱逐 be expelled from


He was expelled from the academic circle for stealing others’ findings of research


10.偶尔想出解决办法 come upon/h一t upon an idea or a solution



What matters is not how many ideas you have come upon, but which idea of yours will lead to your success.

三 Sentence patterns

1.艺术家追求成名,如同狗自逐其尾,一旦追到手,除了继续追逐不知还能做些什么。 An artist who seeks fame is like a dog chasing his own tail who, when he captures it, does not know what else to do but to continue chasing it.

Sb. who do sth. be like sb. else doing sth. else who, when / once …, … 做某事的人如同他人做······, 一旦······, 就······ 用于表述“事物之间的类比”。


A teenager who is hot on online games is like one taking drugs who, once addicted to it, does not know what else to do but to continue seeking thrill from it.


“Don’t quit your day job!” is advice frequently given by understandably pessimistic family members and friends to a budding artist who is trying hard to succeed.

“…” is advice frequently given by sb. to sb. else who do sth. “······”是某人常常给做某事的人提出的建议。 用于表述“人在特定情况下常提的建议”。


Idleness in youth spells regret in old age!” is advice frequently given by the old to those who show a lack of the desire to advance.


When the performer, painter or writer becomes bored, their work begins to show a lack of continuity in its appeal and it becomes difficult to sustain the attention of the public.

When one becomes bored (with sth./ sb.), sth. or sb. begin to show a lack of continuity in … and it becomes difficult to do sth. else. 若人(对某事/人)感到厌烦,某事/人就难以继续保持······,也就难以······



When you remain true to your moral norms, temptation begins to show a lack of continuity in its appeal and it becomes difficult to exert any effect on you.


Artists who do attempt to remain current by making even minute changes to their style of writing, dancing or singing, run a significant risk of losing the audience’s favor.

Sb. who do attempt to do sth. by doing sth. else, run a risk of ... 某人为了做某事,会······,但这将冒······的危险。



Some students who do attempt to enliven their school life by playing online games from time to time run a risk of getting addicted to it.


The same is true of painters like Monet, Renoir, or Dali and moviemakers like Hitchcock,

Fellini, Spielberg, Chen Kaige or Zhang Yimou.

Sth./Sb. be/do sth. The same is true of (holds true for) sth./sb. else. 某人/物是/做某事。这也同样适用于······



The art of living is to know how to enjoy a little and to endure much. The same is true of our marriage.


When things were at their worst, he found that no one was willing to risk his or her name in his defense.

When sth. / sb. be at their worst / best / prime, sb. find that … 某事/人处于最糟/好的时侯,某人发现······



When at his best, the person found that he could get done what he had never before. 7.为保持真我,他付出的代价是,在最需要崇拜者时,谁也不理他

His price for remaining true to himself was to be left alone when he needed his fans the most One’s price for doing sth. is to do sth. else. 为了做某事,某人所付出的代价是······ 用于表述“某人做某事的代价”。


Her price for gaining fame was to lose the freedom to lead a free and easy life.


Failed artists may find comfort in knowing that many great artists never found fame until well after they had passed away or in knowing that they did not sell out.

Sb. find comfort in knowing / thinking that … or in knowing / thinking that … 某人寻求安慰时,会想到······,或······


懒汉寻求安慰时, 总会想“有福之人不用忙”,或“无福之人跑断肠”。

Lazybones always find comfort in knowing that a lucky dog needs no haste, or in knowing that an unlucky dog runs heartbroken.