新世纪大学英语(第二版)综合教程3课后习题答案完整版UNIT 6 下载本文

Nowadays, the media and commercials repeat over and over again the significance of the material side of life, so that we have been all brainwashed into believing that happiness can be purchased. We show off to people around us a new piece of property, and take pains to keep enriching our bank accounts. We are hungry for love, trying to substitute material things for love, gentleness and tenderness. However, we have never experienced maximum happiness. We are always envious of those who have more money and power. As a matter of fact, we have put our values in the wrong things and failed to tell/distinguish material happiness from spiritual happiness. Money is incredibly important, but other than it, we should also have good friends, a harmonious family, a strong body and a worthy goal. It is these things that (will) bring us lasting happiness.