datastage安装详细文档 下载本文

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(23) 确认DataStage的安装路径,输入n,回车

(24) 确认oracle数据库的安装路径,输入n,回车

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执行关于Oracle 数据库的相关驱动程序

#cd /home/ap/dsadm/Ascential/DataStage/PXEngine/install 执行命令 #./install.liborchoracle

4. 检验

安装完data stage,请修改datastage安装目录的属性dsadm:dstage 以及文件权限为 775 。 Datastage 进程的启动和停止

用root用户登入OS,进入到datastage 安装目录,启动和停止datastage服务,命令如下: # cd /home/ap/dsadm/Ascential/DataStage/DSEngine/bin 启动: #./uv –admin –start 停止: #./uv –admin –stop 验证DataStage的安装

检查Datastage的进程是否已启动,执行命令#ps –ef |grep dsrpcd

检查/etc/services,执行命令#vi /etc/services,有如下信息

安装过程中,可以监控日志 cd /tmp/dsinstall/longfile/ tail -f dsinstall.log.* 直到看见

Starting JobMonApp JobMonApp has been started. Done.


用ps -ef | grep dsrpcd命令看ds后台进程是否运行. ps -ef | grep JobMon 看JobMonApp进程是否运行.

5. 安装后的配置

(1)编辑/app/dsadm/Ascential/DataStage/DSEngine/目录下dsenv文件,我的dsenv文件内容为: #!/bin/sh

#################################################################### #

# dsenv - DataStage environment file #

# Copyright (c) 1997 - 2004 Ascential Software Corporation. All Rights Reserved # This is unpublished proprietary source code of Ascential Software Corporation # The copyright notice above does not evidence any actual or # intended publication of such source code. #

# This script is sourced by the DataStage dsrpcd daemon to establish # proper environment settings for DataStage client connections. #