外研社八年级上英语Module 8 Accidents Unit1 导学案 下载本文

外研社八年级上英语Module 8 Accidents 导学案

本模块学习目标:1. 记住本模块所学单词、短语及重点句型。 2. 掌握过去进行时的结构及其用法。 3. 能够准确描述过去正在进行的动作。 4. 通过情景故事,掌握一些生活技能技巧。

Unit 1 While the lights were changing to red,

a car suddenly appeared .

课前预习:1. 用英语读出并写出以下单词:

苍白的 出现,显露 转到(某物的)另一边 拐角,街角 碰撞 高兴的,欢喜的 危险,风险 注意力 侧面 2. 读、背、翻译以下短语:

及时 从……跌落 注意,留心 并排地,肩并肩地 3. 自读对话,翻译以下句子并背熟:

While the lights were changing to red , a car suddenly appeared .

A boy was riding his bike and listening to music on the road .

Don’t ride side by side with your friends .

合作探究:读对话,找出对话中过去进行时的句子。 达标检测:


1. When I crossed the street yesterday , a car suddenly a______________ round me . 2. The boy rode very fast , he h_____________ an old man . 3. Jack is g________________ to see his friends again .

4. That poor man f_______________ off the tree and broke his leg .

5. Think about the r________________ of accidents please drive slowly .

6. --- You look p______________ , What’s wrong with you ? --- I have a bad cold . 7. She tried to pay a___________________ to what the boy was saying . 8. There is a shoe shop at the street c_________________ . 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。

1. I saw a dog _________________ ( lie ) on the ground .

2. While Kate _________________ ( write ) a letter , a snake appeared .

3. Please remember __________________ ( close ) the window , it’s going to rain . 4. The doctor suggests _________________ ( run ) for half an hour every day . 5. My father tries __________________ ( not drink ) .

6. I think drunk driving is very __________________ ( danger ) .

7. When I hear the sound of the ball ________________ ( hit ) the floor , my heart follows its

beat .

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8. When the accident happened , we were ________________ ( have ) dinner . 9. The girl suddenly ________________ ( fall ) off the bed last night .

10. The boy was ___________________ ( walk ) down the street when he saw the accident . 三、根据汉语意思完成句子。 1. 吉姆昨天出了一场事故。

An _________________________________ Jim yesterday . 2. 你一定不能和朋友肩并肩地骑自行车。

You mustn’t ride _________________________ with your friends . 3. 当你过马路时,请当心车辆。

When you _______________ the road , please _________________________ the cars . 4. 请仔细考虑并回答这个问题。

Please ________________________ carefully and ____________________ this question . 5. 那位司机正在用手机打电话。

The driver _______________________________ his mobile phone . 6. 当灯正变成红色的时候,一辆小汽车突然出现在拐角附近。

_____________ the lights ____________________ to red , a car ____________________ round the corner .

7. 昨天他从树上掉了下来伤到了左腿。

He ______________________ the tree and ____________________ his left leg yesterday . 8. 请把地上的书捡起来。

Please ________________________ the books on the floor . 9. 昨天那个时候他正在饭店工作。

He _______________________ in a _________________ at that time yesterday .