广州市初一年级年级英语牛津版(上册)Unit1复习 下载本文



一、重点单词及短语 Unit1 中文 德国的 adj. 博客 n. 语法 n. 声音 n. 完成 v. 爱好 n. 国家 n. 年龄 n. 梦想 n. 德国 n. 山;山脉 n. 年长的 adj. 二、重点语法 特殊疑问句 1.常见的特殊疑问词

(1)what什么,提问“物品或职业”. (2)when什么时候,提问“时间”。 (3)where哪里,t提问“地点”。 (4)how怎样,提问“方式”。. (5)how old多大,提问“年龄”。

(6)how many多少,提问“可数名词的数量”。

(7)how much 多少,提问“价钱或不可数名词的数量”。 (8)how often多久一次,提问“频率” (9)how long 多长的时间,提问“时间” (10)how soon 多久,多快,提问“时间” 2.特殊疑问词的构成

特殊疑问词+一般疑问句?其答语不能用“Yes/No”,而是要根据提问的内容来回答。 不定冠词a和an


英文 中文 工程师 n. 世界 n. 日本 n. 公寓 n. 你自己 pron. 美国 n. 接近 去上学 擅长 与...... 交朋友 遍及 愿意 英文 友爱的;友好的 adj. 人人;所有人 pron. WORD格式.可编辑

1.不定冠词a 用于以辅音音素开头的单词前,而an用于以元音音素开头的单词前。 注意:

1)首字母h不发音,首个发音字母为元音,故+an ,如: hour(n. 小时) / honest(adj. 诚实的) 如:He is an honest boy.

2) a, e, i, o, u为首字母构成单词时,除u发[ju:]时+a, 其余情况均+an 如:a useful book 与 an umbrella

3)“Oh, Mr. Len is a fox. ”该句子中包含的所有字母第一个音都是发元音,所以以以单个形式出现时,用an。

如:There is ___________“s”in the word of “son”. 2. 不定冠词具体用法 用法 1. 泛指某人或某物 3. 表示“每一”相当于every, one 4. 泛指一类人或事 5. 用于序数词表“又一,再一” 一、请在横线上填上a或an: 1. _________ dog

2. _________ dictionary

4. _________ egg 6. __________ island

8. _________ European country 10. ________ 8—year plan

3. ________ student 5. ________ elephant

例句 An old man got out. 2. 第一次提及某人某物,非特指 A boy is waiting for you. We study eight hours a day. A plane is a machine that can fly. The man has two homes in the city, and he bought a third one. 7. ________ university student 9. ________ honest boy 11________ unhappy boy 13. ________ orange

15. ________ green apple 17. ________ useful book 二、单项选择

12. ________ umbrella 14. ________ hour

16. ________ long umbrella 18. ________ old bike

1. There is ____ “s” and ____“f” in the word “surf”.

A. an, an

B. a, an

C. an, a

D. a, a

2. I have two brothers. One is ________ UN official and one is _______ Art student.



A. an; a A. Where

B. a; a

C. an; an

D. a; an

3. _______subject do you like better, Maths or Art

B. Why

C. Which

D. When

【Part 2 课堂练习】 一、单选

1. My cat Kitty ________ my family.

A. lives with

B. lives

C. lives on

D. lives in

2. ---Where _______ you _______? --- Guangzhou.

A. are; come from A. younger A. play

B. do; come from B. old

C. do; from C. elder

D. are; come D. young D. to playing

3. Sarah is my _______ sister. I am 15 years old and she is 12 years old. 4. My hobby is_______ computer games.

B. playing

C. to play

5. Anna is from _______, so she can speak _______.

A. German; German C. German; Germany A. friendlily A. get up A. on bus A. learns A. Which

B. Germany; Germany

D. Germany; German

D. friendly D. got up D. by bus D. to learn

6. I like my new school because my new teachers are very _______.

B. friends

C. friend

7. On Sundays I often _______ at 7:00.

B. gets up B. in bus

C. gotten up

8. I live far away from school, so I go to school _______.

C. by a bus

C. learn

9. Sam enjoys _______about different places in the world.

B. learning B. Where

10. _____ present did you receive? —A computer and an MP3.

C. What

D. How many


Simon’s Chinese name is Li Peichun. He __ 1 __with his parents in the UK. He enjoys __2 __ rugby and badminton in winter and tennis in summer. His best subject at school is maths. He can speak Chinese, but he can’t write it very __3 __. He wants to be __4 __ engineer. There are four people in his family. Simon has a brother. He works __ 5 __doctor in London.

Mary is __ 6 __ American schoolgirl. She is now __7 __Beijing with her parents. Mary doesn’t know Chinese. But She is trying __8 _ it. She often tries to speak Chinese to 9
