常见的合同通用条款-中英文对照 下载本文

(a) This Contract shall terminate upon the expiration of the Term unless extended pursuant to Article (Term).

本合同于合同到期日终止,除非双方按照第[ ]条(合同期限的续展)的规定续约。

(b) This Contract may be terminated at any time prior to expiration of the Term by the mutual written contract of the Parties.


(c) At any time prior to the expiration of the Term, a Party (“Notifying Party ”) may terminate this Contract through notice to the other Party in writing if:


(i)he other Party materially breaches this contract, and such breach is not cured within the Cure Period granted pursuant to Article (Remedies for Breach of Contract); or


(ii) the other Party becomes bankrupt, or is the subject of proceedings for liquidation or dissolution, or ceases to carry on business or becomes unable to pay its debts as they come due; or


(iii) the conditions or consequences of Force Majeure (as hereinafter defined) which have a material adverse effect on the affected Party’s ability to perform continue for a period in excess of six (6) months and the Parties have been unable to find an equitable solution pursuant to Article (Consequences of Force Majeure) hereof; or

不可抗力(如下文所定义)事件或其影响持续超过六(6)个月,且双方无法按照第[ ]条(不可抗力的后果)的条款达成一项公正的解决方案;

(iv) a fundamental provision of this Contract (without which one or both of the Parties would not have entered into the Contract) is declared or becomes invalid under Applicable Law.


(v) [insert other conditions triggering temination as appropriate]


2 Continuing Obligations双方持续的义务

The provisions of Article (Termination), Article (Breach of contract) (but only with respect to claims arising prior to the termination hereof or with respect to other continuing obligations), Article (Confidentiality) and Article (Settlement of Disputes) shall survive the termination of this contract.

以下各条的条款在本合同终止后继续有效:第[ ]条(合同终止),第[ ]条(违约)(但其效力仅限于本合同终止前发生的违约事件以及违反其他持续义务的情形),第[ ]条(保密义务),以及第[ ]条(争议的解决)。


1 From time to time prior to and during the term of this Contract either Party (“disclosing Party ”) has disclosed or may disclose Confidential Information to the other Party (“Receiving Party ”). The receiving Party shall, during the term of this Contract and for *__+ years thereafter:


(a) maintain the confidentiality of Confidential Information; 对保密资料进行保密;

(b) not to use Confidential Information for any purpose other than those specifically set out in this Contract; and


(c) not disclose any such Confidential Information to any person or entity, except to its employees or employees of its Affiliates, its agents, attorneys, accountants and other advisors who need to know such information to perform their responsibilities and who have signed written confidentiality contracts containing terms at least as stringent as the terms provided in this Article .


2 The provisions of Article above shall not apply to information that:

上述第[ ]条的条款对以下信息不适用:

(a) can be shown to be known by the receiving Party by written records made prior to disclosure by the disclosing Party;


(b) is or becomes public knowledge otherwise than through the receiving Party’s breach of this Contract; or


(c) was obtained by the receiving Party from a third party having no obligation of confidentiality with respect to such information.


3 Each party shall formulate rules and regulations to inform its directors, senior staff, and other employees, and those of their Affiliates of the confidentiality obligation set forth in this Articles .


4 Upon the expiration or termination of this Contract, [and in any event upon the disclosing Party’s request at any time+, the receiving Party shall (i) return to the other Party, or at the disclosing Party’s direction destroy, all materials (including any copies thereof) embodying the other Party’s Confidential Information and (ii) certify in writing to the other Party, within ten days following the other Party’s request, that all of such materials have been returned or destroyed.


Breach of Contract违约

1 Remedies for Breach of Contract违约救济

Except as otherwise provided herein, if a Party (“breaching party”) fails to perform any of its material obligations under this Contact, then the other Party (“aggrieved party”) may at its option:


(a) give written notice to the breaching party describing the nature and scope of the breach and demand that the breaching party cure the breach at its cost within a reasonable time specified in the notice (“Cure Period”); and



(b) if the breaching party fails to cure the breach within the Cure period, then in addition to its other rights under Article .1(c)(i) (Termination) or Applicable Laws, the aggrieved party may claim direct and foreseeable damages arising from the breach.


2 Limitation on Liability责任限制

Notwithstanding any other provision of this Contract, neither Party shall be liable to the other Party for damages for loss of revenues or profits, loss of goodwill or any indirect or consequential damages in connection with the performance or non-performance of this Contract .The aggregate liability of a Party for all claims for any loss, damage or indemnity whatsoever resulting from such Party’s performance or non-performance of this Contract shall in no case exceed United States Dollars (US$ ) or the RMB equivalent thereof.

无论本合同其他条款有何规定,任何一方均不向对方承担因本合同的履行或不履行而造成的收入或利润丧失、商誉丧失或任何间接或附带性损失的赔偿责任。在任何情况下,一方因本合同的履行或不履行而造成的损失、损害或补偿索赔所承担的责任累计总额不得超过[ ]美元(US¥[ ])或等值的人民币。

Force Majeure不可抗力

1 Definition of Force Majeure不可抗力的定义

“Force Majeure” shall mean all eents which are beyond the control of the Parties to this Contract, and which are unforeseen, unavoidable or insurmountable, and which prevent total or partial performance by either of the Parties. Such events shall include earthquakes, typhoons, flood ,fire, war, strikes, riots, acts of governments, changes in law or the application thereof or any other instances which cannot be foreseens, prevented or controlled, including instances which are accepted as Force Majeure in general international commercial practice.
