常见的合同通用条款-中英文对照 下载本文

appropriate Party. The date of receipt of a notice or communication hereunder shall be the date of delivery confirmed by the courier service in the case of a courier service delivered letter and the next working day after dispatch in the case of a facsimile [or email]. All notices and communications shall be sent to the appropriate address set forth below, until the same is changed by notice given in writing to the other Party.


7 Waiver不放弃权利

Failure or delay on the part of any of the Parties hereto to exercise a right under this Contract shall not operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise of such a right preclude any other future exercise thereof.


8 Assignability可转让性

This Contract may not be assigned in whole or in part by the Party without the prior written consent of the other Party hereto.


9 Severability可分割性

The invalidity of any provision of this Contract shall not affect the validity of any other provision of this Contract.


10 Entire Agreement全部协议

This Contract and the Schedules and annexes hereto constitute the entire agreement between the Parties hereto with respect to the subject matter of this Contract and supersede all prior discussions, negotiations and agreements between them.


11 Schedules and Annexes附录[以及附件]

The Schedules and Annexes hereto are made an integral part of this Contract and are equally binding with the main body of the Contract. In the event of any conflict between the terms and provisions of the main body of the Contract and the Schedules or Annexes, the terms and provisions of the main body of this Contract shall prevail.


12 Language文本

This Contract is executed in the Chinese language in ( ) originals and in the English language in ( ) originals. Both language versions shall be equally authentic.

本合同中文正本[ ]份,英文正本[ ]份。


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of parties hereto has caused this Contract to be executed by its duly authorized representative on the date first set forth above.


[Party A name] [Party B name]

By: By:

Name: [Party A rep name] Name: [Party B rep name]

Title: [Party A rep position] Title: [Party B rep position]

Nationality:[Chinese] Nationality: [Party B rep nationality]

[甲方名称] [乙方名称]


姓名: [甲方代表姓名] 姓名: [乙方代表姓名]

职务: [甲方代表职务] 职务: [乙方代表职务]

国籍:中国国籍: [乙方代表国籍]

SCHEDULE A-Definitions附录甲-定义

1. Unless the terms or context of this Contract otherwise provide, the following terms shall have the meanings set out below:


“Affiliate” means any entity which, directly or indirectly, is controlled by , under common control with, or in control of, a Party; the term “control” being used in the sense of power to elect

or appoint a majority of directors or to direct the management of a company.


“Applicable Laws” mean the laws, regulations, rules, and legislative, executive or judicial notices, orders, decisions or other documents binding on either Party or the subject matter of this Contract.


“Business Day” means, in respect of Party A and any action to be taken by Party B in the PRC, any day on which the companies in the PRC are generally open for business in the PRC, including a Saturday or Sunday which the PRC government temporarily declares to be a working day (“Working Rest Day”), but excluding a statutory holiday, or a Saturday or Sunday other than a Working Rest Day; in respect of any action to be taken by Party B in [Party B Home Country], any day on which the companies in [Party B Home Country] are generally open for business in [Party B Home Country].


“China” and “PRC” mean the People’s Republic of China, *but for purposes of this Contract do not include the special administrative regions of Hong Kong and Macau and the region of Taiwan]


“Confidential Information” means any business, marketing, technical, scientific or other information disclosed by any Party which, at the time of disclosure, is designated as confidential (or like designation), is disclosed in circumstances of confidence, or would be undertstood by the Parties, exercising reasonable business judgement, to be confidential.



“Effective Date” means the *date of this Contract first shown above+*the date on which each of the conditions precedent in Article , have been satisfied or waived in accordance with the terms thereof].

“Expiration Date” means the day on which the initial Term or any extended Term expires in accordance with the provisions of Articles .1 and .2.


“Intellectual Property Right” or “IPR” means any and all rights in any invention, disvcovery, improvement, utility, model, copyrightable work, industrial design or mask work, algorithm, data structure, trade secrets or know-how, Confidential Information, or any idea having commercial value. IPR shall include any trademark, trade dress, trade name, domain name, or other marks that serve to indetify and distinguish goods or services as coming from, or falling under the control of, a single source. IPR shall include all rights of whatsoever nature in computer software and data, all intangible rights or privileges of a nature similar to any of the foregoing in every case in any part of te world and whether or not registered, and all rights in any applications and granted registrations for any of the foregoing rights;


“Renminbi” or “RMB” means the lawful currency of China.


“Term” means the initial or extended Contract term set out in Articles .1 or .2, as