2020版导与练一轮译林英语习题:第一部分 语言知识 必修2 Unit 1 能力提升题组训练(B) 下载本文




Climate affects health

When it comes to the effects of climate change,we usually think of melting icebergs(冰山) and rising sea levels.But few would imagine it could actually impact our mental health as well.

A recent study by ecoAmerica and the American Psychological Association found just that.It was discovered that disasters linked to climate change could cause shock due to personal injuries,loss of a loved one,damage to property or even the loss of livelihood.When the negative emotions caused by these events eventually go away,they may be replaced by longer-term mental impacts.

For example,both suicides and suicidal thoughts more than doubled among people in Louisiana,US,after Hurricane Katrina happened in 2005,according to the report. Nearly half of the people living in the affected area developed anxiety or a mood disorder such as depression.

However,disasters alone aren’t the only causes of climate change-related mental health problems.Changes in climate also harm agriculture,infrastructure(基础设施) and livability(宜居度),which in turn affect jobs and quality of life.As a result, some people are forced to leave their homes and become so-called climate refugees.

These effects can lead to a loss of personal and professional identity,or cause feelings of helplessness and fear.

The effects can also have an impact on physical health.High levels of stress and anxiety are linked to conditions such as a weakened immune system.

In addition,climate change is influencing the way communities interact(互动).Both long-term effects such as droughts and extreme weather,such as hurricanes, have been shown to make people more aggressive according to earlier studies.

But there is no need to panic.The authors of the report suggested several strategies people can use to cope with the negative mental impacts of climate change.Susan Clayton,lead author of the report and a professor of psychology at the

College of Wooster,US,said the most important thing is to encourage social connections,make people feel more secure and give them greater access to information.

Another important factor is being prepared.

“The fact that most of us ignore climate change makes the effects worse because we don’t really know what to expect and it seems scary and unknown”,Clayton told The Washington Post.

“But if we inform ourselves that that’s what is likely to happen in our area,we would be more prepared and in control of the situation.”she added. 1.The article mainly talks about . A.the negative emotions caused by natural disasters B.why certain people react to climate change differently

C.the effects of climate change on mental health and some possible solutions D.how the study of negative feelings led to a better understanding of climate change 2.Which of the following people could be called a climate refugee? A.A farmer who lost his kids in Hurricane Katrina.

B.A fisherman who gave up his home due to rising sea levels. C.A man who experienced a typhoon suffering from depression. D.A woman who is extremely afraid of stormy weather.

3.We can learn from the last four paragraphs that . A.climate change has become a widely recognized public issue

B.the public needs immediate access to information about climate change C.the threat of climate change is not as big as it seems

D.the influence of climate change could be reduced if people prepared more 语篇解读:本文是议论文。本文指出气候对人体的影响及相关应对措施。 答案及剖析:

1.C 主旨大意题。全文指出气候改变对人体尤其是精神方面的影响及应对措施。故C项 正确。

2.B 推理判断题。由第四段“As a result,some people are forced to leave their homes and become so-called climate refugees”可知,由于天气变化的原因被迫弃家而去的一些人称之为climate refugees,可推知B项正确。

3.D 推理判断题。由后四段尤其是最后两段的具体描述和倒数第三段的论断可知D项正确。


The freezing Northeast hasn’t been a terribly fun place to spend time this winter,so when the chance came for a weekend to Sarasota,Florida,my bags were packed before you could say “sunshine”.I left for the land of warmth and vitamin C(维生素C),thinking of beaches and orange trees.When we touched down to blue skies and warm air,I sent up a small prayer of gratefulness.Swimming pools,wine tasting,and pink sunsets(at normal evening hours,not 4 in the afternoon) filled the weekend,but the best part-particularly to my taste,dulled by months of cold-weather root vegetables-was a 7 a.m.adventure to the Sarasota farmers’ market that proved to be more than worth the early wake-up call.

The market,which was founded in 1979,sets up its tents every Saturday from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m.,rain or shine,along North Lemon and State streets.Baskets of perfect red strawberries;the red-painted sides of the Java Dawg coffee truck; and most of all,the tomatoes: amazing,large,soft and round red tomatoes.

Disappointed by many a broken,vine-ripened(蔓上成熟的) promise,I’ve refused to buy winter tomatoes for years.No matter how attractive they look in the store,once I get them home they’re unfailingly dry,hard,and tasteless.But I homed in,with uncertainty,on one particular table at the Brown’s Grove Farm’s stand,full of fresh and soft tomatoes the size of my fist.These were the real deal-and at that moment,I realized that the best part of Sarasota in winter was going to be eating things that back home in New York I wouldn’t be experiencing again for months.

Delighted as I was by the tomatoes in sight,my happiness deepened when I learned that Brown’s Grove Farm is one of the suppliers for Jack Dusty,a newly opened restaurant at the Sarasota Ritz Carlton,where-luckily for me-I was planning to have dinner that very night.Without even seeing the menu,I knew I’d be ordering every tomato on it.

4.What did the author think of her winter life in New York? A.Exciting. B.Boring. C.Relaxing. D.Annoying. 5.What made the author’s getting up early worthwhile?