国家开放大学《商务英语4》Unit 1 Self-test试题及答案 下载本文


—Hey Kyle, guess what! The boss is sending me to Europe for a marketing seminar next month.

—__________________You've been itching to go on a business trip for months. 选择一项:

A. I am sorry to hear that. B. Great! You must be happy. C. So what? 反馈


解析:本题考核“表达心情”的交际用语。选项A表达遗憾的心情,选项B表达高兴的心情,选项C表达妒嫉的心情。根据下句“你几个月以来一直期盼出差”,确定此处是高兴的心情,所以答案是B。 正确答案是:Great! You must be happy. — How would you like to go? —__________________. 选择一项:

A. I'll get in touch with the railroad

B. I'd like to fly to Frankfurt for a stay of two days

C. I expect to depart for Frankfurt on Sunday, September 1st



解析:本题考核“交通方式”的交际用语。选项A表达联系火车站,选项B表达乘坐飞机去法兰克福待两天,选项C表达出发时间为9月1日(周日)。根据提问“你想怎么去呢?”,确定这里是询问交通方式,所以答案是B。 正确答案是:I'd like to fly to Frankfurt for a stay of two days

Travellers, when ____________ the checks, have to sign the checks in the presence of the bank or service clerks. 选择一项: A. buy B. buying C. to buy 反馈



解析:动词-ing形式作时间状语,相当于when travellers buy the checks,所以答案是B。 正确答案是:buying

Can you fill me ____________ ? I need some detailed information. 选择一项:

A. in B. up C. out 反馈



解析:动词词组fill in意为“详细介绍(某事)”;fill up意为“装满”;fill out意为“填写”。根据题意,“我需要一些详细信息”,所以答案是A。 正确答案是:in

Many of the banks and travel services in the western countries provide convenience for the travellers by issuing traveller's ____________. 选择一项: A. checks B. cash C. credit cards 反馈


译文:西方国家的很多银行和旅行社发行旅行支票,为旅行者提供便利。 解析:check意为“支票”;cash意为“现金”;credit card意为“信用卡”。根据题意,“为旅行者提供便利”的应该是“旅行支票”,所以答案是A。 正确答案是:checks