【人教版】2017-2018学年初中英语九年级英语全一册全套课时习题 下载本文

④where it is A. ①②③ B. ①③④ C. ①②④ D. ②③④

( ) 53. When did Paricutin erupt last time? A. In 1502. B. In 1708. C. 63 years ago. D. 100 years ago.

( ) 54. Which of the following words can describe Victoria Falls? A. Highest. B. Oldest.

C. Widest. D. Largest.

( ) 55. Where is the material probably from? A. A travel magazine. B. Science fiction. C. A storybook. D. A notice.


As a teenager, I had a lot of anger (愤怒) and was not good at communicating with my parents.

One day, when I was getting ready for school, my mother handed me a T-shirt. It was my father’s, not mine. At that time, I was taller and stronger than my father, so when I put the T-shirt on, I felt like I was being choked (窒息) in it! I realized that it was a small mistake by my mother, but the feeling of being choked made me very angry. Without thinking, I took out my anger on my mother. I ripped (撕破) the T-shirt!

Later, my mother told my father what had happened, “See what your son has done.” Instead of scolding me, my father asked my mother to repair the T-shirt. He then wore it to work the next day.

Later when my mother told me about what my father had done, I felt ashamed of my behavior. He spent the whole day wearing a ripped T-shirt. At the same time, I was filled with great admiration (钦佩) for my father. His kindness taught me a life lesson I would never forget. On that day, I made a decision that I would never let anger beat me. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。

( ) 56. Why did the writer feel bad in the T-shirt? A. Because it smelt terrible. B. Because he hated the color. C. Because it was too small for him. D. Because it was made of cheap material. ( ) 57. What did the writer do to the T-shirt? A. He ripped it. B. He washed it. C. He threw it away. D. He gave it to his father.

( ) 58. What does the underlined word “scolding” in Paragraph 3 mean in Chinese? A. 遗忘 B. 责骂 C. 提醒 D. 同情

( ) 59. What did the writer think of his father? A. He was kind. B. He was strict.

C. He didn’t care about him.

D. He was not good at communicating.

( ) 60. The passage mainly tells us that we should ______. A. control our anger

B. not make mistakes C. care about our parents

D. not spend much money on clothes


I am learning French and German now, and have also learnt Italian in the past, so I know how hard learning a language can be. (61) __________

Go to the country

Go to the country whose language you are learning. (62) __________ It also encourages you to learn the language. For example, when I started learning Italian, I thought I wasn’t improving fast enough. Then, I got the chance to go to Italy for a few days and everything changed!

Everywhere I went I was surrounded (包围) by delicious Italian food, interesting Roman buildings, and the beautiful Italian language. (63) __________

Read, read, read!

Reading is an important skill in language learning. But I’m not just talking about serious things like difficult newspaper articles. (64) __________ But I would advise you not to choose difficult things to read, because you are more likely to get bored and give up. Instead, why not choose something fun that you want to read, like a children’s book?

TV and films

Another thing that really helps me learn a language is watching television programs or films in the language. (65) __________ You can start with a children’s show or something that you have already seen in your native language. That way you will already know what’s happening and you can write down useful words and sentences or try to repeat what they say.


A. This allows you to hear the language spoken by native speakers and talk with them in the language. B. Again, it doesn’t have to be anything really difficult. C. It made me really want to improve my Italian so I could be a part of such a wonderful culture. D. However, I have found a few things that have really helped me to improve.

E. You can also make friends with native speakers to learn the language. F. You may think that reading harder texts will help you to improve quickly. 61. _________ 62. _________ 63. _________ 64. _________ 65. _________ Ⅸ. 词汇运用(每小题1分,共5分)


66. In English, the spelling of a word is not always a guide to the ________ (pronounce). 67. Annie has ________ (increase) her reading speed that way. 68. Mike and Paul are my ________ (partner) in the activity.

69. The project ________ (create) many jobs for young people last year. 70. I’m one of Dr. Shaw’s ________ (patient). He is kind to me. Ⅹ. 完成句子(每小题1分,共5分) 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空词数不限。 71. 有些人足够幸运,天生就有好的方向感。

Some people are lucky enough to _______________a good sense of direction. 72. 请注意他说话时的表情。

Please _______________ his expression when he is speaking. 73. 你为什么能把这个诚实的年轻人和罪犯联系在一起呢?

Why can you _______________ this honest young man _______________ the criminal? 74. 两年前,这个女孩爱上了摇滚乐。

The girl _______________ rock music two years ago. 75. 我认为从不犯错的人是不存在的。

I think a person who never _______________ doesn’t exist. Ⅺ. 综合填空(每小题1分,共10分)

阅读短文,从方框中选择恰当的词并用其适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺,每词限用一次。 compete, discuss, they, see, town, open, slow, decide, if, down Creating a palace out of ice

In 1895, the town of Leadville, Colorado, USA was in trouble. People were leaving and not coming back. The (76) _______ leaders needed to come up with a plan to keep people in Leadville.

They also hoped others would come to visit or live there. After much (77) _______, they planned to build something amazing to make people want to go to their town. They (78) _______ to build a very large palace (宫殿) out of ice!

On January 1, 1896, after only two months, the Leadville Ice Palace (79) _______. That morning, members of different sports clubs walked (80) _______ Leadville’s streets. Soon the whole town seemed to walk toward the Ice Palace.

For the next three months, Leadville celebrated at the Ice Palace. People of the town called it (81) _______ “Crystal Carnival”. There were different kinds of activities, such as (82) _______, parties and games. A dining hall was open all the time. Visitors came from as far away as Europe. In the spring of 1896, the Ice Palace (83) _______ melted (融化) away. No one knows what happened to the palace’s wooden frame (框架).

Today, (84) _______ you visit the small mountain town of Leadville on the first weekend of March, you won’t see the Ice Palace. However, you will (85) _______ people celebrating at a modern palace.

And in other places around the world, you can still find wonderful ice palaces or ice hotels. You can even spend the night in those hotels! Ⅻ. 书面表达(15分)


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