【人教版】2017-2018学年初中英语九年级英语全一册全套课时习题 下载本文

“At the end of the day, when I'm tired and worried, my dad always gives me a smile, some words of advice, and a hot meal to make me feel loved.” —Susan “My family supports each other by always being there. If we fall down, we will always be there to cheer each other up.” —Ben “My family has a 30-minute time each morning. We read articles about love and talk about how we put it in each of our lives. We also have a family day once a month. Mostly, we talk with and listen to one another.” —Jake “My family supports each other by cheering each other on and cheering each other up when it's needed!” —Laura “Every day, I keep myself busy with school, friends, and kinds of activities. My parents have been there supporting me with anything I need, like talking things through or telling me to take a break.” —Robert 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。

( )46. Who gives Susan encouragement when she is unhappy?

A. Her mom. B. Her dad. C. Her sister. D. Her brother.

( )47. How does Jake’s family support each other?

A. By communicating. B. By giving presents. C. By going out together. D. By giving smiles and advice.

( )48. Robert’s school life is _______.

A. exciting B. colorful C. stressful D. busy

( )49. How many students’ families support each other by cheering up?

A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four. ( )50. We might read this material in a _______.

A. notice B. diary C. magazine D. dictionary


Edinburgh, the capital (首府) of Scotland, is a fantastic city for tourists. During the month of August, the number of tourists always increases quickly. They come to enjoy the Edinburgh Festival.

The Edinburgh Festival is an amazing time to visit the city. For around four weeks, the city has lots of arts and cultural festivals. Artists and performers come to show their talents. There are shows for children, young people and adults. There are shows for people of all tastes: dance shows, music concerts, photography and art exhibitions (展览), plays and more.

Whatever you like you can find something to see. And at whatever time of day, you can watch what you want: the first shows start at 9 a.m., and the last finish at around 2 a.m. Some shows at the festival can be a little expensive but many are very cheap, and lots are completely free.

For those who cannot decide what to see, there are lots of shows on the Royal Mile. It’s Edinburgh’s main street for tourists. There are always singers, actors and musicians offering free shows to the crowds.

Thousands of tourists from all over the world go to the Edinburgh Festival. The festival also attracts many performers. So you can meet many interesting people. For many performers, the Edinburgh Festival can be the start of their career (职业生涯). For example, actor Rowan Atkinson (most well-known for playing Mr. Bean) began his career at the Edinburgh Festival.

Edinburgh is a fantastic and fun city to visit all year round. However, if you plan to visit it, the city is at its best in August. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。

( )51. The Edinburgh Festival lasts for about _______.

A. a week B. a month C. two weeks D. two months

( )52. When can we see shows in the Edinburgh Festival?

A. At 3 a.m. B. At 6 a.m. C. At 8 a.m. D. At 10 a.m. ( )53. Paragraph 4 mainly talks about _______.

A. the shows on the Royal Mile B. Edinburgh’s main street C. different performers D. free shows

( )54. What does the underlined word “attracts” in Paragraph 5 mean in Chinese?

A. 资助 B. 保护 C. 培训 D. 吸引

( )55. What’s the writer’s purpose of writing this passage?

A. To tell people about places of interest in Edinburgh. B. To encourage people to go to the Edinburgh Festival. C. To show people how important the Edinburgh Festival is. D. To ask people to show their talents in the Edinburgh Festival.


Samantha Hunt wants to make the world a better place. She uses her drawings of butterflies to raise money to help people.

It all started when Samantha learned that her brothers have food allergies (过敏反应). They become really sick when they eat certain foods, including eggs.“I decided to raise money for allergy research,” explains Samantha. She asked her mom if she could sell some of her drawings. Her mom thought it was a great idea and advised to print the artwork on T-shirts. Samantha sold the T-shirts and raised almost $2,000 to help kids with food allergies.

A few years later, Samantha drew special butterflies for an art competition. “I took part in an art competition with the theme ‘Together We Can’,” says Samantha. “The theme made me think about doing something for cancer research and I thought butterflies looked nice for the theme.”

Samantha won the first prize! Samantha says, “Everyone liked the butterflies so much. I thought the drawing may raise money for cancer research in some way.”

Samantha had one of her butterflies made into a car magnet (车贴) and started selling the magnets through stores and a website. Soon, she started seeing her butterfly magnets on cars around town. Samantha’s butterflies are flying around the country, too. “It’s about 10 states now,” says Samantha.

Last year, Samantha took part in the Long Island 2 Day Walk for cancer research. Once again, she raised money with her butterflies. People who supported her bought her magnets online. All of the money was used for cancer research.

Samantha is thinking about creating key chains (链子) to sell now — with butterflies on them, of course!


56. Why did Samantha decide to sell her drawings? __________________________________________ 57. What did Samantha draw for an art competition? __________________________________________ 58. Where can we buy Samantha’s butterfly magnets? __________________________________________ 59. Do Samantha’s butterfly magnets sell well? __________________________________________ 60. What does Samantha plan to do next?

__________________________________________ Ⅷ. 情景交际(每小题1分,共5分)

根据对话内容,在空白处填入恰当的单词、短语或句子,使对话完整、通顺。 A: You look a little tired this morning.

B: Yes. I got up at 4 a.m. to (61)______________ for my mother. A: At 4 a.m.? You are really a great daughter, Joan.

B: Not really. It is my mother who is wonderful. She gave me (62)______________ and brought me up.

A: So you try to repay (报答) her on Mother’s Day?

B: Right. But she has given me so much that it would take hundreds of years to repay her. A: Maybe we should have Mother’s Day every day (63)______________ just once a year. B: (64)______________. But I can’t get up early to make breakfast for her every day. A: But we can tell our moms (65)______________ we love them more often. B: I agree! I will do that from today on. Ⅸ. 词汇运用(每小题1分,共5分)


66. Mike’s father punished him because he ________(steal) others’ things. 67. I don’t think ________(lay) these flowers in the kitchen is a good idea. 68. The teacher warned us not ________(read) this kind of novel anymore. 69. The young children crowded against one another for ________(warm). 70. Sam ________(spread) the news to the whole school and soon everyone knew it. Ⅹ. 完成句子(每小题1分,共5分) 根据括号内的要求完成下列各题,每空一词。

71. The sun is bigger than the moon. The teacher told the students. (合并为一句) The teacher told the students ________ the sun ________ bigger than the moon. 72. This book is interesting. (改为感叹句) ________ ________ interesting book this is!

73. Susan is similar to her mother in looks. (改为同义句) Susan ________ ________ her mother.

74. Dick dressed up as a black cat to celebrate Halloween. (对划线部分提问) ________ ________ Dick dress up as to celebrate Halloween?

75. Bob loves the Dragon Boat Festival because he can watch the races. (对划线部分提问) ________ ________ Bob love the Dragon Boat Festival? Ⅺ. 综合填空(每小题1分,共10分)


A 90-year-old grandmother has become the world’s oldest primary school student. Priscilla Sitienei is f (76) a small village in Kenya. She hass (77) most of her life working as a midwife. She helps women to give birth to babies. She wants to read and w (78) so she can pass on her nursing skills. She wants to write down the medicines she uses when she helps