【创新设计】2015高考英语(四川专用)二轮复习定时训练(2) 下载本文



体裁:夹叙夹议文 话题:人生经历 时间:15分钟

A father's job is unique.

If parents had job descriptions,__1__ would read: organize bills,playmates,laundry,meals,laundry,carpool,laundry,snacks,outings and shopping,and laundry.

The only thing on my husband's description would be the word“__2__”.Although he is a selfless caregiver and provider,our children __3__ him more as a combination of a jungle gym and clown.

Our parenting styles compliment(补充)each other.His __4__ is a nonstop adventure where no one has to worry about washing their hands,eating vegetables,__5__ getting cavities(蛀牙).My style is similar to Mussolini.I'm too busy worrying to be fun.__6__,every time I try,I am constantly __7__ by my husband. I bought my children toothpaste and I taught them how to __8__ their teeth in tiny circles so they wouldn't get cavities.They thought it was neat until my husband taught them how to rinse(漱口)by spitting __9__ water between their two front teeth like a fountain(喷泉).

I took the children on a walk in the woods and,after two hours,I __10__ to catch a slow ladybug into my son's insect cage.I was“cool”until their father came home,spent two __11__ in the backyard,and captured a beetle the size of a Chihuahua!

I try to tell myself I am a good parent __12__ my husband does things I can't do.I can stand in line for five hours so the children can see Santa at the mall or be first in line to see the latest Disney movie.But I __13__ wire the VCR so my children can watch their favorite __14__.

I can carry my children in my arms when they are tired,tuck them into bed,and __15__ them goodnight.But I can't put them on my shoulders so they can see the moths(飞蛾)__16__ inside of the light fixture.

I can take them to doctor __17__,or field trips to the aquarium(水族馆),but I'll never go fishing in the wilderness and __18__ the fish over an open flame on a piece of tin foil. I'll even sit in the first row of every Little League game and cheer until my throat is __19__,but I'll never teach my son how to hit a home run or slide into first base.

As a mother I can do a lot of things for my children,but no matter how hard I try—I can never be their __20__.

【语篇导读】 一个非常好的母亲能不能代替父亲的角色呢?本文的答案是:再合格的母亲也无法代替父亲,父亲的角色是独特的!

1.A.theirs B.ours C.his D.mine

解析 考查代词。前文提到job descriptions,且全文以第一人称叙述,此处应是my job description,所以用mine。

答案 D

2.A.disappointment B.fun C.curiosity D.amazement

解析 考查名词。本段尾句的叙述,不难得出对这位父亲的描述就是fun,这里的clown表示“小丑”。

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答案 B

3.A.think about B.think up C.think of D.think over

解析 考查短语动词。后文有as提示,think of sb/sth as...是常用搭配,表示“认为??是??”。

答案 C

4.A.style B.job

C.opportunity D.description

解析 考查名词。本段首句有提示,本段后半部分也有提示。 答案 A

5.A.and B.or C.but D.so

解析 考查连词。本句中getting cavities要和前文的washing their hands,eating vegetables并列,而且前面有否定词no one,所以要用or。

答案 B

6.A.However B.Besides C.Therefore D.Instead

解析 考查副词。根据前句和后句之间的关系,断定二者之间是并列关系,所以用B项。 答案 B

7.A.outlined B.output C.outweighed D.outdone

解析 考查动词词义辨析。这里的outdone,表示“被胜过/被超过”。 答案 D

8.A.clean B.wash C.brush D.clear

解析 考查动词词义。前文提到了牙膏,应特指使用牙刷刷牙,所以用C。 答案 C

9.A.up B.on C.in D.out

解析 考查短语动词。A项表示“婴儿的呕吐”,B项表示“向某人啐吐沫”; B项表示“啐吐沫于??”;D项表示“喷出/吐出”。

答案 D

10.A.managed B.succeeded C.attempted D.tried

解析 考查动词词义辨析。manage to do表示“成功做了某事”,B项不跟to do;C项和D项表示“尝试去做某事,不一定成功的”。

答案 A

11.A.hours B.days C.minutes D.weeks

解析 考查名词词义。此处应突出父亲的能干,作者用两个小时才捉到了一个又慢又小的瓢虫,而父亲应是用二分钟就捉到了一个大如Chihuahua的甲虫!

答案 C

12.A.only if B.if only C.even if D.as if

解析 考查连词。该空前后应是转折关系,所以要用even if。 答案 C

13.A.can't B.needn't C.shouldn't D.mustn't

解析 考查情态动词。前文几句都在表明“我能??”,but之后应用“我不能??”。

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答案 A

14.A.TV B.programme C.project D.video 解析 考查名词词义。前文VCR表示“录像机”,所以看到的应是video,表示“视频”。 答案 D

15.A.say B.wave C.kiss D.smile

解析 考查动词词义。前文有tuck them into bed,其后有goodnight的提示,所以要用C项,kiss sb goodnight吻某人晚安。

答案 C

16.A.jumping B.dancing C.flying D.falling

解析 考查动词词义。前文是the moths,所以应是flying。 答案 C

17.A.appointments B.moments C.departments D.documents

解析 考查名词词义。看医生当然要预约,这是惯例。 答案 A

18.A.taste B.cool C.calculate D.cook

解析 考查动词词义。后文over an open flame是提示。 答案 D

19.A.low B.loud C.sore D.cheerful

解析 考查形容词词义。前文cheer当然要用喉咙,时间久了当然要“喉咙酸痛”,C项合乎语境。

答案 C

20.A.mother B.father C.brother D.sister 解析 考查名词。根据文章中心,“再好的母亲也无法替代父亲”,可知答案。 答案 B Ⅱ.阅读理解

体裁:说明文 话题:生活用品故事 时间:6分钟

What defines American clothing or fashion? Can you think of a piece of clothing that is inseparably linked to American culture? Your answer would be blue jeans.

Levi Strauss did not invent jeans,but he is considered the first person to make and sell great numbers of them.He was born in Bavaria,an area that today is part of Germany.In 1847 he and his family immigrated to the United States.

Levi Strauss opened a small dry goods store,first in New York,then in San Francisco,California.Among the products he sold were jeans.These pants were especially useful for miners in

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