《精品》2017-2019三年高考真题英语分项汇编专题19完形填空夹叙夹议文(原卷版) 下载本文


专题19 完形填空夹叙夹议文

1. 【2019·全国卷I】

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Every year about 40,000 people attempt to climb Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa. They ___41___ with them lots of waste. The ___42___ might damage the beauty of the place. The glaciers(冰川)are disappearing, changing the ___43___ of Kilimanjaro. Hearing these stories, I’m ___44___ about the place — other destinations are described as “purer” natural experiences.

However, I soon ___45___ that much has changed since the days of disturbing reports of ___46___ among tons of rubbish. I find a ___47___ mountain, with toilets at camps and along the paths. The environmental challenges are ___48___ but the efforts made by the Tanzania National Park Authority seem to be ___49___. The best of a Kilimanjaro ___50___, in my opinion, isn’t reaching the top. Mountains are ___51___ as spiritual places by many cultures. This ___52___ is especially evident on Kilimanjaro as ___53___ go through five ecosystems(生态系统)in the space of a few kilometers. At the base is a rainforest. It ends abruptly at 3, 000 meters, ___54___ lands of low growing plants. Further up, the weather ___55___ — low clouds envelope the

mountainsides, which are covered with thick grass. I ___56___ twelve shades of green from where I stand. Above 4, 000 meters is the highland ___57___: gravel(砾石), stones and rocks. ___58___ you climb into an arctic-like zone with ___59___ snow and the glaciers that may soon disappear. Does Kilimanjaro ___60___ its reputation as a crowded mountain with lines of tourists ruining the atmosphere of peace?I found the opposite to be true. 41. A. keep 42. A. stories 43. A. position 44. A. silent 45. A. discover 46. A. equipment 47. A. remote


B. mix B. buildings B. age B. skeptical B. argue B. grass B. quiet

C. connect C. crowds C. face C. serious C. decide C. camps C. all


D. bring D. reporters D. name D. crazy D. advocate D. stones D. clean

48. A. new 49. A. paying off 50. A. atmosphere 51. A. studied 52. A. view 53. A. scientists 54. A. holding on to 55. A. changes 56. A. match 57. A. village 58. A. Obviously 59. A. permanent 60. A. enjoy 2. 【2019·江苏卷】

B. special B. spreading out B. experience B. observed B. quality B. climbers B. going back to B. clears B. imagine B. desert B. Easily B. little B. deserve

C. significant C. blowing up C. experiment C. explored C. reason C. locals C. living up to C. improves C. count C. road C. Consequently C. fresh C. save

D. necessary D. fading away D. sight D. regarded D. purpose D. officials D. giving way to D. permits D. add D. lake D. Finally D. artificial D. acquire


Wildlife has been greatly threatened in the modem age. There are species(物种)that are ___36___ every day. The white-naped crane is a typical example. So scientists are trying their best to ___37___ the species from going out of existence.

Chris and Tim work at a zoo, helping endangered cranes with their ___38___. Emma, a female crane, has been in their ___39___ since she arrived in 2004. Born at an international crane foundation, Emma was ___40___ by human caretakers. This led to an unexpected ___41___, though she had a wonderful time there. Emma had ___42___ taken herself as a crane and become deeply attached to humans. She ___43___ to live with male cranes, and even had a ___44___ for killing some of them, which made it ___45___ for her to become a mother. ___46___, the two zookeepers didn’t want to see the extinction(灭绝)of this precious species. With their patience and efforts, they successfully developed a ___47___ of artificial breeding(人工繁殖)and natural reproduction. This ___48___ Emma to give birth to five baby cranes. The two keepers are proud of their productive work. But before they can be ___49___, more efforts must be made, because the population of the crane in the wild is on the ___50___, and many other species appear headed


toward extinction. ___51___, not everyone has realized that wildlife has thoughts, feelings, and most importantly, equal rights to survive.

How can we ___52___ the ever-widening gap that separates us from other animals? Chris and Tim offered us the ___53___: human beings took it for granted that their ___54___ held all the solutions, but maybe their hearts can be a better ___55___. 36. A. growing 37. A. ban 38. A. abortion 39. A. care 40. A. found 41. A. bonus 42. A. never 43. A. liked 44. A. gift 45. A. illegal 46. A. Therefore 47. A. combination 48. A. forced 49. A. defeated 50. A.list 51. A. In contrast 52. A. leave 53. A. course 54. A. brains 55. A. guide 3. 【2019·天津卷】

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从16~35各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 I was ready to pay for my bananas at the grocery one night,when fear seized me. My wallet was gone. I could only have left it on the G9 bus,which was now speeding in the dark to some______16______station. The____17____moment was quickly followed by mental math. How much time and money would it cost to


B. migrating B. save B. recreation B. eye B. chosen B. consequence B. always B. refused B. skill B. inspiring B. Moreover B. collection B. forbade B. grateful B. rise B. After all B. bridge B. excuse B. behaviors B. treat

C. competing C. split C. reproduction C. mind C. raised C. victory C. unluckily C. decided C. concern C. important C. However C. strategy C. taught C. assured C. agenda C. By the way C. open C. answer C. services C. example

D. disappearing D. remove D. administration D. story D. seized D. sacrifice D. cheerfully D. hesitated D. reputation D. impossible D. Instead D. system D. enabled D. tolerant D. decline D. On the contrary D. identify D. reward D. projects D. companion