基于ug的肥皂盒注塑模设计 毕业设计 下载本文


毕业设计 摘 要





This article is about the soapbox mold design, plastic parts in the correct analysis of the structure, technical requirements and actual situation of production after the injection mold plastic parts design. Respectively Polypropylene performance analysis of structural characteristics of plastic parts, the use of points for pouring gate, as well as the choice of injection machine, the choice of parting surface, the determination of the number of cavity, forming the structural design of components, with a legend to be described. The use of CAD software for mold design, analysis, graphics. The core knowledge is the plastic mold, molding material and technological base, and mechanical design, plastic molding technology, computer-aided design, CAD, such as mold.

Through this design may to cast the mold to have a preliminary understanding, notes in the design certain detail question, understands the mold structure and the principle work, The design should be certification, Primarily related to the injection machine of important parameters the certification including die close thickness sizes, the name distance, injection machine of the die drae force and so on. After checking qualified , the molding parts machining process design must ensure that the quality of Supervision taking into account the economy.

KEY WORDS:polystyrene,injection mold, soapbox , pouring system, parting surface

第一章 绪论 ................................................................ 2 第二章 注射成型工艺及注射机的选择 ........................................... 3 2.1 塑件三维图及基本尺寸 ................................................... 3 2.2.肥皂盒塑料PS的结构与工艺特性 ......................................... 4

2.2.1塑料的含义及分类 4 2.2.2 塑料的组成 4 2.2.3 塑料的特性 5 2.2.4主要塑料的性能参数 5 .2.2.5聚苯乙烯的工艺性能 7 2.3注射机的选择 ............................................................ 8

2.3.1工艺分析 8 2.3.2 注射成型基本过程 8 2..3.3注射机的分类 9 2.3.4 注射机的选择 11 2.3.5注射机工艺参数的校核 12

第三章 塑件在模具中的位置 ................................................ 12 3.1 型腔数目的确定 ........................................................ 12 3.2 型腔的分布 ............................................................ 13 3.3 分型面的选择 .......................................................... 14 第四章 浇注系统的设计 ..................................................... 15 4.1 浇注系统的组成及设计原则 .............................................. 15 4.2主流道的设计 ........................................................... 16 4.3 分流道的设计 .......................................................... 16

4.3.1设计要求 17 4.4浇口设计 ............................................................... 18 4.5冷料穴和拉料杆的设计 ................................................... 19 4.6 排气系统的设计 ........................................................ 20 第五章 成型零部件的结构设计 ............................................... 21 5.1凹模的结构设计 ......................................................... 21 5.2 型芯结构的设计 ........................................................ 22

5.2.1主型芯的设计 23 5.2.2小型芯的设计 23 5.3 成型零部件的工作尺寸的计算 ............................................. 23

5.3.1计算成型零部件工作尺寸要考虑的因素 23

5.3.2成型零部件相关尺寸的计算 .............................................................................. 24

第六章 结构零部件的设计 ................................................... 26 6.1模架的选择 ............................................................. 26 6.2支撑零部件的设计 ....................................................... 27

6.2.1支撑板的设计 27 6.3合模导向机构的设计 ..................................................... 28