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Merger, acquisition and reorganization under the condition of market economy is enterprise expansion is an important tool, for most enterprises, mergers and acquisitions than internal expansion can effectively accelerate the development of enterprises. But Chinese enterprises' m&a, compared with the western mature m&a behavior, there are many shortcomings. Are mergers and acquisitions and mergers and acquisitions among enterprises phenomenon, its deep reason lies in the market. In other words, the enterprise m&a behavior reason and purpose is to change and rationalize market in our countryadjustment of industrial structure, industrial structure toward a higher productivity, rapid demand growth on the basis of the more advanced technology in the direction of the transfer, the final performance for the benign development of the economy, international trade conditions improve. The core of the industrial structure upgrading is to improve productivity. In a nutshell, industrial upgrading is from the current industrial structure into a larger, more profitable profit industrial structure. Such as from the traditional factory for the development of new and high technology industries.
Key word: Merger, acquisition and reorganization, industrial upgrading, mature, advantages and disadvantages