2017-2018学年上学期外研版五年级英语期中试题 下载本文


线 — (60分钟 120分)

__—__—__—__— Hello, boys and girls! 这个学期你的英语 号—肯定又有了很大的进步吧? 今天让我们来检考——验一下。 — Come on! — — 题号 听力部分 读写部分 等 — — 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 十一 级 — 名—得分 姓—— —

— — —等级 评卷人 一.选出你所听到的单词。(每小题2分,共

— 级订 班 —10分)

— — — ( B )1. When _____ you come back ? A. do B. did — 级—( A ) 2. Yesterday I _____ to the park. A. went B. want 年—— — —( A ) 3. We need food ______ our picnic . A. for B. of — — —( B ) 4. ______ did you do at the weekend? A. When B. What 校—学——( A ) 5. Please give ______ the pencils. A. out B. up — — 二.听音,排序。(每小题2分,共10分) — — —

— — 镇—乡—等级 评卷人 ( 2 ) 1. Did they buy ice cream?

—装 ( 1 ) 2. How many do you want? ( 5) 3. We visited lots of places.

( 4 ) 4. Mum bought a new T-shirt for me. ( 3 ) 5. Daming took a photo of the Great Wall.

等级 评卷人 三.听音,判断正( T )误( F )。(每小题2分,


1.The dress is Ms Smart’s. (F) 2. They came back last Saturday. (F)

3. Daming wants five bananas. (T) 4. It’s Lingling’s sweater. (T) 5. There are enough pencils. (F)

等级 评卷人 四 听音,选出正确的汉语意思。(每小题2分,


( A ) 1. A.快点 B. 多少 ( B ) 2.A.冰激凌 B. 奶酪 ( B ) 3.A. 盒 B. 瓶 ( A ) 4. A. 大英博物馆 B. 伦敦

( A ) 5. A. 小时 B.分钟

等级 评卷人 五.听音,根据问句选择合适的答语。(每


线(B)1. A. I’m Lingling. B. I’m fine, thank you. C. Hello — __—__—(A)2. A. No, she didn’t. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, she does. __—__— 号—(A)3. A. Half a kilo. B. five C. six

考—— —(B)4. A. London. B. By bus C. At seven o’clock. — — —(C)5. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I will. C. Yes, he did. — — 名— 读写部分 姓—— — — — — 等级 评卷人 六、单项选择。


— 级订班 —

— — (B )1.Did they_____ ice creams? — — 级— A. bought B.buy C.went D. go

年—— — (A )2.Yesterday I went to the park______ my mother. — — — A. with B.to C.at D.in — 校—学——(A )3.Did they go home____ bike? — —A. by B. with C.at D. in — — —( D)4.Yesterday, I _____ an ice cream. — — 镇—A. do B.have C.has D. had

乡——装(A)5.______you live in this city? A. Do B.Does C.Is ( B )6.We_____back last Sunday. A. come B. came C.comes ( A )7.______ did you come back? A. When B. What C.Who ( A )8.I _______my ice cream! A. dropped B. drop C.drops

( B)9.I ____ near Amy and Sam now. A.lived B. live C.living ( A )10.I come______ China. A. from B. of C.for

等级 评卷人 七、 选择适当的译文。(每小题2分,共 分)

( A )1.When did you come back?

A. 你什么时候回来的? B.你到哪儿去了? ( B)2. How many bananas do you want?

A. 你想要香蕉吗? B. 你要多少香蕉?


(B )3.There are ten pencils in the blue box.

A. 蓝色的盒子里有多少铅笔? B. 蓝色的盒子里有十支铅笔。

线 —(B )4. Sam took my T-shirt.

__—__— A. 萨姆想要我的体恤衫. B. 萨姆拿走了我的体恤衫. __—__— 号—( A )5.What did you do at the weekend?

考—— — A.你周末做了什么? B. 你周末要做什么?

— — —等级 评卷人 八、 对话配对。(每小题2分,共10分)

— — 名—

姓—— — ( B ) 1. Where did you go? A. We bought some apples. — — — ( D ) 2.Did you wash Lingling’s T-shirt? B.We went to the British — 级订班 —Museum.

— — (A )3. What did you buy? C. Four apples. — — 级—( E ) 4. How did you go there? D. No, I didn’t. 年—— — ( C ) 5. How many apples did your mum say? E. By bus.

— — — 等级 评卷人 九、连词成句。 (每小题2分,共10分)

— 校—学——

— — 1. you, did , back, come, when ? — — — When did you come back? — — 镇—乡——装2.food, need, for, we , our, picnic We need food for our picnic. 3. bananas, you , did, how many, buy How many bananas did you buy? 4. go, did, you, where Where did you go? 5. dropped, my, ice cream,I I dropped my ice cream. 等级 评卷人 十、阅读理解。(每小题2分,共10分)

Yesterday was Saturday. It was sunny. I got up at 7:30. After breakfast, I went to the beach(海滩)with Alice. There were many people on the beach. We ran, jumped and played volleyball(排球)on the sands(沙滩). We swam in the sea. Some men fished on a boat. We had a good time. We were tired(疲乏的), but happy. ( B )1.Yesterday was ______ . A. Sunday B. Saturday ( A )2. The weather was _____. A. sunny B. windy ( B )3. I got up at ____. A. 7:00 B. 7:30