闸北区初三英语第一学期期末质量抽查试卷 下载本文


Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar

V. Choose the best answer:

( ) 31. It's common knowledge that light travels faster than sound. A) a B) an C) the D) /

( ) 32. Thanksgiving Day falls on the fourth Thursday November.

A) in B)on C) at D) for

( ) 33. Children in the UK call Childline for help with many different .

A) advice B) trouble C) information D) problems

( ) 34. My wish is to be a detective like Conan. What is ?

A) you B)your C) yours D) yourself

( ) 35. I don't quite understand what you said. Would you please give me example? A) other B) the other C) others D) another

( ) 36. ---Would you like to see a film called Let the Bullets Fly or go shopping this weekend?

--- . I prefer to surf the Internet at home. A) Either B)Both C). None D) Neither

( ) 37. Are you able to give your answer Question No. 6, please?

A)in B)of C)on D)to

( ) 38. I paid a visit to Athens. I was attracted by those famous historical places. A) five days B) five-day C) five-days D) five-days'

( ) 39. Pansy's composition is very good. a few spelling mistakes.

A) except B) except for C) except that D) besides

( ) 40. It's true that the brain every part of the body.

A) controls B) connects C) removes D) trains

( ) 41. The three types of comic books are detective, science fiction and humour.

A) popular B) more popular C) most popular D) the most popular

( ) 42. The old fisherman is to go fishing any more. He has to stay at home. A) too weak B) so weak C) weak enough D) not weak

( ) 43. Every student likes Miss Green because she always talks to them .

A) politely B) lovely C) friendly D) luckily

( ) 44. Jim has so many exams . He doesn't know how to deal with the pressure. A) take B) taking C) to take D) to taking

( ) 45. Why not ask your teacher for help if you can't finish the report by yourself?

A) write B) writes C) writing D) to write

( ) 46. Look! The light is still on in Mr Green's office. I'm afraid he his work yet.

A) doesn't finish B) didn't finish C) hasn't finished D) won't finish

( ) 47. The first comic strip, The Yellow Kid, in the New York Sunday World on 5 May, 1895.

A) published B) was published C) has published D) is published

( ) 48. Linda often has a poor memory____ she receives most of her knowledge in a passive way.

A) though B)so C) because D) so that

( ) 49. We_________ eat plenty of beans which are good for brain performance. A) ought B) should C) can't D) mustn't

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( ) 50. You'd better get your broken CD player repaired,__________?

A) wouldn't you B) don't you C) hadn't you D) had you ( ) 51. In my opinion, keeping an electronic dog is better than keeping a real dog. The underlined part means \\

A) I hope B) I think C) I suggest D) I believe

( ) 52. The carpet in the bedroom is spotlessly clean. The underlined part means \ A) mainly B) hardly C) completely D) rarely

( ) 53. ---I have a terrible headache and a cough. ---__________have you been like this? --- For two days. A) How soon B) How long C) How often D) How far ( ) 54. Could you please tell me___________?

A) when the opening ceremony will start B) when the opening ceremony had started C) when will the opening ceremony start D) when did the opening ceremony start ( ) 55. ---I want to complain about this iPhone 4. ---___________. A) No, you can't. B) Yes, here it is.

C) What's the problem? D) Thank you very much.

( ) 56. ---Travelling by plane is faster than by train. ---_____________.That's why I like it. A) I agree. B) I don't agree. C) That's all right. D) Sorry, it isn't.

VI.Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空,每空


57.Sherlock Holmes solved a lot of__________ according to the clues. (case)

58.The Parthenon is a temple that was built in the____________century B.C. in Athens. (five) 59.Kids are asked to dress_______________in the kindergarten . (they)

60.Nowadays blogs are much more useful than _________________diaries .(tradition) 61.Do you agree that______________ is the spice of life'? (vary)

62.A _____________survey shows that almost 80 percent of vets think that more pets are getting fat. (recently)

63.The main reason computers got smaller was through the________of the computer chip (芯片) in 1962. (invent)

64.I'm_________sorry that I couldn't find your palmtop computer, Jane. (terrible)

VII.Rewrite the following sentences as required (根据所给要求,改写下列句子,每空一词) ? Bruce has to look after his little brother at weekends. (改为一般疑问句) __________ Bruce_____________to look after his little brother at weekends?

? We can see paper cutting in many parts of China during the Spring Festival. (改为被动语态) Paper cutting can___________ ___________in many parts of China during the Spring Festival. 67.It is very interesting to float on the Dead Sea. (改为感叹句) ____________ ____________ it is to float on the Dead Sea!

68.In Chinese culture, celebration is held for a baby's first-month birthday. (对画线部分提问) ___________ __________ held for a baby's first-month birthday in Chinese culture?

69.When a person dreams about muddy water, it means he doesn't know what he should do. (保持句意不变) When a person dreams about muddy water, it means he doesn't know_______ __________ do. 70.Take the maglev train, or you will be late for the plane. (保持句意不变)

You__________ be late for the plane_____________you take the maglev train.

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C. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage (选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文)

My name is Terry and I am a middle-aged man from Newcastle. I remember how television has changed over the last fifty years and perhaps 85 , how television has changed our lives.

The one thing I remember really clearly from my childhood, is watching the coronation(加冕典礼) of the Queen of England on television in 1952. My family did not have a television at that time because they were so expensive. In fact, 86_ in our street had one, so everyone got together to watch the television in the local working men's club. It was quite difficult to see because the television 87__ was so small and the picture was in black and white. Even though I can remember the day very clearly, I remember that the picture was not very clear at all! It was also difficult to hear because the speakers were small and not very powerful. Everyone was cheering for the Queen while we were watching. I remember how 88 _we were - you must remember that this was an amazing thing for us, to be able to see the Queen even though she was hundreds of miles away in London.

In 89__ . I watched the Queen's golden jubilee on my colour television. A golden jubilee celebrates someone being a king or queen for fifty years. It was wonderful to see all the flags, horses and soldiers in their colourful uniforms. My television is really big and the sound quality is great. It has surround sound. It 90 that I can hear sounds of the TV programme coming from all directions while I'm watching television. Everyone in my family has a television. We have a small television in the kitchen, 91 ones in all the bedrooms and a super-size one in the living room. How things have changed!

( ) 85. A) more importantly B) for the time being C) from side to side D) having no choice ( ) 86. A) someone B) no one C) everyone D) anyone ( ) 87. A) speaker B) main unit C) screen D) drive

( ) 88. A) relaxed B) amused C) excited D) disappointed ( ) 89. A) 1962 B)1982 C)2002 D)2010 ( ) 90. A) means B)looks C) sounds D)says

( ) 91. A) smaller B) the smallest C) bigger D) the biggest

闸北区初三英语第一学期期末质量抽查试卷 参考答案

Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar

V. Choose the best answer:

31-35 DADCD 36-40 DDBBA 41-45 CAACC 46-50 CBCBC 51-56 BCBACA M 57. cases 58. fifth 59. themselves 60. traditional 61. Variety 62. recent 63. invention 64. terribly

65. Does, have 66. be seen 67. How interesting 68. What is 69. what to , 70. will ... unless/won't ... if

Part 3 Reading and Writing 85-91 ABCCCAC

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