高一上学期期末综合能力评估试题 下载本文

all high school courses last year were taught online.

But the authors of “Disrupting Class” predict it will be ten percent in about six

years. And their research suggests that the number will be about fifty percent by 2019. And Michael Horn says the future of online learning could be even greater in developing countries.

72. Which of the following is TRUE about the book “Disrupting Class”? A. It was written by more than one author. B. It thinks the computer affects students’ studies. C. It introduces a new scientific technology to readers. D. It has been a best-seller since it was published. 73. Paragraph 4 is written to show _____. A. how modern the Boston public school is B. how clever the American students are C. how well the American teachers teach D. what computer-based learning is like

74. From the last two paragraphs, we can infer the authors of “Disrupting Class” think that _____.

A. more and more students are interested in “Disrupting Class” B. those who take online courses are mainly college students C. enrollments in online courses haven’t grown recently D. more and more high school courses will be taught online 75. The passage is mainly about _____. A. a new book B. a new learning way C. some American writers D. the advantages of computers

第四部分: 写作




横线上写出一个英语单词的完整、正确形式,使对话通顺。 S = Susan J = John

J: Hey, Susan. Have you heard Robert is retiring?

S: Oh, really? Well, maybe you’ll be made c 76 of our tennis team. Keep your fingers crossed. 76. __________ J: Oh, I hope not. W 77 they choose is fine as long as it’s not me. I’m the

77. __________

wrong person for the j 78 ! 78. __________ S: Why do you say that? What kind of p 79 does it take? 79._________ J: Someone w 80 a more easygoing personality. 80. __________ S: Oh, come on. You s 81 like someone who can deal with anything.

81. _________

J: Me? You’ve got to be kidding. That job would make me much too nervous. B 82 , I’m happy with things the way they are. 82. _________ S: So you really don’t think you’re cut out for it?

J: No, I really don’t. I just can’t i 83 myself managing the staff and

83. _______

worrying about finances. I don’t know how to d 84 with too much pressure.

84. _______

S: You know, that’s not the i 85 I have of you at all. That’s how I’d describe myself.



85. _________

有困难,感到很孤独。班主任老师很严厉,你对他的某些做法也很不理解,感到很困惑。请你给某杂志社的编辑写封信, 谈谈你的情况,并请求帮助。 要求:1. 信的内容包括以上所提示的要点; 2. 可适当增加细节,使行文连贯;


3. 词数: 100-120。开头和结尾已为你写好, 但不计入总词数。

Dear Editor,

I am a newcomer in my school. I feel very upset because ...

Yours, Li Hua



21-25 DBDDC 26-30 CACAD

31-35 ABADB 36-40 DABAB 41-45 CCBDA 46-50 CABDA 51-55 DDAAD 56-60 CDDCA 61-65 CDDDC 66-70 CABBD 71-75 DADDB 76. captain 79. person

77. Whoever 78. job

81. seem

80. with

82. Besides 83. imagine 84. deal

85. impression

One possible version: Dear Editor,

I am a newcomer in my school. I feel very upset because I have difficulty in communicating with my new classmates here. Maybe the reason is that we have a lot of different habits. So I feel very lonely. To make things worse, I have a very strict head teacher, who is always so strict with us students that I’m afraid of him. Sometimes I can’t understand what he does. For example, we have a 30-minute break in the morning, but he doesn’t allow us to go out of the classroom until we have finished a 20-minute handwriting exercise. I hate that, but I dare not speak my mind to him. What should I do? Could you give me some advice? I’m looking forward to your reply.

Yours, Li Hua