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1、牵着你的手,一直到天荒地老。Holding your hand, until the glebe's old.
拉着你的手,和你去天涯海角。Pull your hand, and you go to the ends of the earth.
2、不管是海枯石烂,我都不会放手。Whether the seas run dry and the rocks crumble, I will not let go.
不管是天崩地裂,我都会抓住你。Whether the sky were to fall, I will catch you.
3、所有的纠缠和羁绊、是毁灭还是救赎。All the entanglement and the fetter, is destroyed or redemption.
所有的背叛和欺骗、是疼痛还是离别。Are all the betrayal and deception, pain or leave.
4、十指紧扣,我们之间相濡以沫的甜蜜!Clasped hands, caring and sweet between us!
四目相对,我们之间心照不宣的默契!Four eyes relative, tacit understanding between us!
5、站在奈何桥,看迩生生世世轮回。Standing on the helpless bridge, see you shengshengshishi samsara.
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独步忘川河,乱迩一世情愁何堪。A one-step forget the sichuan river, disorderly family strong sorrow galling.
6、我的心不大不小,但它单单只能容下你。My heart is not small, but it can only let you alone.
我的手不大不小,但它单单只能牵住你。My hand is modest, but it just can only hold you.
7、有些事知道就好了,不必多说。Would be better to know some things, need not say more.
有些人认识就好了,不必深交。Some people know good, don't have to fraternize.
8、天使不是不痛、只是因为她在天堂。Angel is no pain, only because she is in heaven.
海豚不是不哭、只是因为他在海底。Dolphins are not don't cry, just because he is at the bottom of the sea.
9、情深似海诋毁不过时光蹉跎。Oceans vilified but waste time.
百里情深不及他人笑言诋毁。Thyme deep than others jokes. 10、你跟我分手后,我就要你管我叫妈。After you break up with me, I will you call me mom.
你跟我分手后,我就要你管我叫爸。After you break up with me, I will you call me dad.
11、你不必撕心裂肺,有我代替你。You don't have to tore
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heart crack lung, I instead of you.
我不必撕心裂肺,有你代替我。I don't have to tore heart crack lung, you are in my place.
12、他说,她若不离,他定不弃。He said, if she, he don't abandon.
她说,他若安在,她定会爱。If he be in, she says, she will love. 13、想要拥有的时候,得到的是舍弃。Want to have, is to leave. 想要逃离的时候,却牢牢的抓住。Want to escape, but firmly grasp.
14、想幸福就不要怕受伤。Think happiness is don't be afraid to hurt.
想安宁就不要碰爱情。Want to rest, don't touch the love. 15、鱼说:你看不见我眼中的泪,因为我在水中。Fish said: you can't see the tears in my eyes, because I am in the water. 水说:我能感觉得到你的泪,因为你在我心中。The water said that, I can feel your tear, because you are in my heart.
16、刺你之名,刻我之骨,你是我的刺青爱人。Stab you in the name of that moment my bone, you are my tattoo lover. 忘你之情,噬我之心,你是我的噬心爱人。Forget you, bite my heart, you are my beloved autophagy.
17、一起发光因为你是中国的太阳。The sun shine because you are Chinese.