高中英语书面表达专项训练(100篇)【附参考范文】 下载本文

reality. My deskmate Zhang Hong is the top student in our grade and she is a model I can see every day. What she impresses me about her most is that she uses every minute she can spare to study. While others are talking and laughing outside the classroom, she is found to be at her desk in the classroom.

It’s time for me to learn from the old woman and catch up with Zhang Hong. [答案] 44.【参考范文】 Love

After the author got home, she found her daughter had gone to bed and left her a note showing love. She felt so moved that she did so. The family are getting along well with each other in their daily life and the parents educate their daughter in the atmosphere of love.

Love plays an important part in this world today. Nowadays relationship between people is becoming looser. However, it is difficult to imagine how they would be like if there were no love for each other. Love is the caring, and understanding of other people. To love and to be loved is the true happiness in life.

Love in families is a special one. This love must be honest and be shared by both parents and children. The love of parents is a great support in their children’s lives. It will remain with them and help them overcome all the difficulties.

There are other kinds of love. Love between friends, partners, human beings and animals. The power of love makes us endure the difficulties. Even though we may not have the chance to think about it, it may be kept alive deeply in our hearts. [答案] 45.【参考范文】 Boys and girls, Recently I have found that kinds of food are thrown everywhere in the school dining room after each meal. What a pity it is!

We all know that farmers make every effort to grow crops. Every grain is hard for them to gain. Now the government advocates that every citizen should try their best to set up a thrifty society. We should do something in reaction to this proposal. Everyone must realize that saving is glorious and wasting is ashamed.

I think when we have meals, we should buy the right amount of food that you can eat up, and choose the food that you like to eat. If you don’t like it, you can share it with other fellow students, or you can leave it for next meal. If you do have something that you can’t eat, you should put it into the dustbin. I call on all of you to save every grain of food. [答案] 46.【参考范文】

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In the picture there is a boy who fell down on the ground and, however, the public are laughing at him or complaining him about his embarrassment. It tells us that it is a fact that there is really a misunderstanding of education in society. Whether education goes well will depend on children’s efforts. The public including families, schools and society, have ignored the importance of sharing the responsibility of education. They should make efforts to help children get over different obstacles. Thus they will be able to manage every step and stage. Children need support and help in life, but not laughter or complaints. Aren’t we thinking that it is our failure if children can’t get a smooth development? [答案] 47.【参考范文】

Last week a mock fire-fighting action was taken in our school to promote the awareness of the prevention from fires and create a secure schoolyard. In the morning all the teachers and students involved were arranged in the building in advance as if we were working as usual. Once the fire alarm sounded, we were guided to get away from the fire place. It was only three minutes before we managed to move to the empty playground as planned. Though it was a mock, I realized that it was important for us not to be in panic when facing a certain emergency, otherwise there would be a mess, which is likely to cause injuries and deaths. What’s more, we learned how to use some fire equipment properly by operating it ourselves. [答案] 48.【参考范文】

As we can see in the picture, a boy sits in a cage like a bird, looking unhappily at his father, who sits opposite to him, looking puzzled on his face. There is a piece of paper which says “summer vacation”. The boy plans to go fishing, play football, climb mountains, go out for a ride and play chess. But the father keeps him in a cage for “safety” for fear of a car accident, drowning, falling off a tree, fighting or being deceived.

It reflects the way in which the parents protect their children from dangers while the children are growing up. Is it a good way to do that? I don’t agree. It seems to be safe staying in the cage. But the little boy will never know what a danger is and how to deal with it. So he may not adapt to the surroundings on his own in the future.

In my opinion, the parents should let their children out into nature to enlarge their knowledge and widen their sights during their holidays. [答案] 49.【参考范文】

The pictures make us think about the way parents educate their children. As can be seen from the left picture, in order to encourage their kid, the couple give him money for full marks as a reward. But to their surprise, next time the boy does badly in the exam and still asks them for money. In the eyes of the little boy, taking exams means earning money, whatever the outcome.

In my opinion, rewards should be given to children wisely and properly. Children need encouragement and rewards that will help them make more progress and grow up healthily. But

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the rewards offered in the pictures mislead the boy, bringing a negative influence on him. Parents should make it clear to their children that it is their duty to work hard at their lessons. [答案] 50.【参考范文】 Planting a Tree

Spring is coming, and everything comes to life. This afternoon I went to plant a young tree in my orchard.

I carried a pail in my hand with a shovel on my shoulder. My dog Doggy carried the young tree in his mouth. Together we set out for my orchard. First I dug a hole into the earth and planted the young tree in the hole. Then I carried some water with the pail and watered it. My dog sat by the tree and looked at me. After all had been finished, to my surprise, my dog pulled the young tree out and followed me home, with the tree in his mouth. It was really an interesting experience, wasn’t it? [答案] 51.【参考范文】 Why Does the Flower Wither?

Mr. Wang raises a flower plant. He spends much time caring for it. Every day, he waters it and keeps moving it to different spots where it can get enough sunshine. But somehow there isn’t any flower on it, which puzzles him a lot. Then he tries hard to find out the reason. After much thinking, he concludes that it may be because of the dry and cold climate. He takes a look at the thermometer and decides that the flower plant needs hot water. So he gets some hot water and pours it into the pot. To his surprise, the flower plant is withering instead of growing faster. From this story we can see that if we don’t do things in a correct way, we’ll get bad results. [答案] 52.【参考范文】 Dear Editor,

I shall be grateful if you are kind to publish my letter expressing my thanks to a taxi-driver. Yesterday I was caught in a heavy rain in the center of the city. I got wet all over. Just then came up a taxi, the driver of which opened the window and asked me to get on quickly. I thought he would overcharge me, so I hesitated. He smiled and said he would not charge more than usual. As the rain was much heavier, I had to get on the taxi. After 15 minutes, I got off at my address. On arriving at my house, I found my case gone. What should I do? Just then I heard someone knocking at the door. To my great surprise, it was the taxi-driver with my case in his hand. I was so excited that I couldn’t say anything before he drove away.

I don’t know his name. But I want to express my appreciation to him in this paper.

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Yours, Li Hua

[答案] 53.【参考范文】

In this picture, we can see a young man, who looks terrible, running after a young girl. He is stretching out one hand to catch the girl, while holding a dagger in the other. The girl throws away all her manners to run forward with all her power. She is so terrified that she cries out for help. The onlookers just stand there as if they were watching a TV play or seeing a film.

Since the old times, the Chinese have been famous for their braveness of helping those in danger. I hope that those onlookers will follow the tradition and give their hands to those in need of help. [答案] 54.【参考范文】 There are four seasons in a year.

When spring comes, it gets warmer and warmer. Green grass comes out from the ground and covers the earth with green clothes. Some trees take on a new look. Swallows fly high above, singing happily in the sky. Summer comes after spring, when it is very hot. Children go swimming and boating to enjoy themselves. Autumn is the season for harvest. People are very happy, with big smiles on their faces. Winter comes at last. Though it is freezing cold, children still play games outdoors. When it snows, children always make the snowman or have a snow fight with each other.

The four seasons come one after another and each has its own charm. [答案] 55.【参考范文】

It is reported in People’s Daily that Hunan Provincial Office of Education issued a document that any ordinary high school is not permitted to divide the students into arts classes or science classes. According to this report, different people have different opinions. Firstly, educational experts think it is improper to let the students study arts subjects or science subjects separately. Doing like this goes against the education for all-round development. Secondly, however, parents of students are in favor of the system that students should be divided into arts classes or science ones in order to reduce study load on their children. Thirdly, the leaders and teachers in schools say they have no other way.

As a student in a senior high school, I think no matter what we are made to study, we should learn them, as long as they are good for our growing up. I hope educational experts can arrange some subjects that interest us. [答案] 56.【参考范文】

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Nowadays, an increasing number of people choose western festivals instead of traditional ones. The reasons are as follows: First, we usually pay much attention to eating and drinking during traditional festivals, which we are tired of. Second, western festivals focus on entertainment and fun, and we have various ways to celebrate them. Besides, some companies try to encourage people to consume as much as possible, for they can make a large sum of money in this way. Therefore, I suggest that more traditional Chinese festivals should be set as official holidays besides Mid-autumn Festival, Dragon-boat Festival and Qingming Festival so that they will not die out some day. In addition, our government should organize more activities to promote our traditional festivals. We should treasure our traditional culture and try to celebrate our own festivals in a more interesting way. [答案] 57.【参考范文】 Dear Editor, As we all know, children must receive compulsory education, but in our community I find there is something wrong with the schooling of the children of migrant workers. Though these children have come to the city together with their parents, a large part of them can’t receive education they should have. According to my survey, about 20% of them are out of school and 70% of them can only attend cheap private schools where they are offered education of poor quality with few facilities and few qualified teachers.

I think there are many reasons for this. To start with, the parents are too busy to take care of their children. Secondly, they can’t afford to pay the tuition fees for urban public schools.

I hope our government will take some measures to provide good education for migrant workers’ children. They should attend public schools without any limit; besides, more schools should be set up for the children. Yours, Li Hua [答案] 58.【参考范文】

Last weekend our class organized social practice activities. We were divided into three groups. The students in Group One went to the Renmin Square and held a picture exhibition on environmental protection, which lasted for the whole Saturday. Many passers-by realized how important it was to protect our environment.

On Saturday afternoon the students in Group Two went to a scenic spot to pick up the litter. Afterwards, they put the rubbish into the nearby recycling bin and non-recycling bin respectively. I was in Group Three. On Sunday afternoon, we went to the crossing near our school to help the traffic policemen, and I realized how important and tiring the work was!

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