2018-2019学年外研版英语九年级上册检测题module 10 下载本文

九上英语Module 10 检测题 (一) 听下面5

1.W:Did you go to Sydney last month,Li Ping?

M:Yes,I stayed there with my friends.Sydney is a beautiful city. Q.:Where did Li Ping stay with his friends? 2.W:Have you eaten ham?

M:No,but I have tried beef.It's delicious. Q.:What has the man eaten?

3.W:What kind of fruit do you like better,apples or oranges? M:Neither.I like grapes.

Q.:What kind of fruit does the man like?

4.W:Is the Sydney Opera House the symbol of Australia?

M:Yes,it is.You can enjoy the wonderful popular music,jazz and dancing. Q.:What can you enjoy in the Sydney Opera House? 5.W:Does Austria have more sheep than Australia?

M:No,Australia is called the country riding on the sheep. Q.:Which country has more sheep? (二)听句子,选答 听下面5 6.What colour are the grapes? 7.Do you want a cup of tea? 8.What are you up to?

9.It's a photo that I took under the water. 10.Did you see any kangaroos or crocodiles?

(三) 听下面2 听第1段对话,回答第11至12 M:How was your trip to New York,Jane? W:It was great until I lost my wallet. M:Really?How did that happen?

W:I was waiting in line to buy a ticket at the train station.When I wanted to get the money,I found my wallet lost.

M:Bad luck!Did you leave it anywhere? W:I don't know.

M:Then how did you come back?

W:I called my friend and he drove me back home. 听第2段对话,回答第13至15

M:Excuse me,what is the number of our flight leaving Shanghai for Moscow? W:Flight No.CA 3504.

M:What time does the plane leave? W:At 6:45.

M:And what time does it arrive in Moscow?

W:At 13:30.

M:Does it stop in Beijing? W:Yes.

M:By the way,could you tell me which gate we have to go to? W:Let me see.Oh,please go to Gate 6. M:Thank you.

W:You're welcome. (四) 你将听到一篇短文,

Mike was a student in England.He always stayed at home for his holidays.One day he said to himself,“I've never left my country,but some of my friends have been to the USA.They have visited so many places.I should go there for my holidays this year.

So Mike went to the USA.He got to New York first and stayed in a small town.One morning he went out for a walk.In his country,people drive on the left,but in New York they drive on the right and Mike forgot about this,so when he crossed a busy street,he was knocked down by a motorbike.

Mike lay on the ground for a few seconds and then he sat up and said,“Where am I? An old man was selling maps.He came over to Mike at once and said,“Do you want a map of the city,sir?