(通用版)小学英语六年级语法专项练习--系动词专项练习题(含答案) 下载本文



1. My brother ____ a teacher. He ____ his pupils very much.

A. is, like

B. is, likes

C. are, likes

D. are, like

2. A: How many days ____ there in a week? B: There ____ seven. A. is, is A. became A. got

B. are, are B. felt B. is

C. is, are C. looked C. turned C. look C. be C. be C. are C. be

D. are, is D. am D. was D. become D. am D. × D. is D. will D. look D. become

3. I ____ tired last night.

4. Her face ____ pale(苍白)when she heard the bad news. 5. You ____ pale. What's wrong with you?

A. turn A. are A. are

B. seem B. is B. is B. am

6. The boy ____ ill today.

7. Which ____ bigger, the sun or the moon? 8. Neither she nor I ____ a doctor.

A. am not A. am

9. I ____ a worker next year.

B. will be B. sound B. turn

10. Her voice ____ like my mother's.

A. sounds A. get

C. looks C. grow

11. It often rains and the crops ____ fast. 12. A: How are you ____ now?

B: Much better, thank you. A. getting A. feel

B. feeling B. to feel

C. making C. feeling

D. turning D. felt

13. The teacher's smile made me ____ better. 14. My English teacher ____.

A. all look young C. look young A. am, am

B. looks young D. all looks young C. am, will be

D. being, will be

15. I ____ busy now, but I ____ free next week.

B. am, will

16. I ____ at this school for about two months.

A. am

B. will be B. has been B. will be

C. have been C. was C. was

D. was D. is D. is D. was, got D. feels D. were D. has turned D. look D. looks D. feels D. smell D. looks

D. that she is happy

17. My brother ____ in the League for about five years.

A. have been A. are

18. Come to my office if you ____ free tomorrow.

19. If water ____ heated, it will be ____ into vapour (蒸气).

A. was, turned A. is A. am

B. is, turned B. will be B. are

C. is. get C. get C. is

20. If you don't take back what you just said, Mother ____ angry. 21. Neither of us ____ a doctor. 22. He ____ a famous writer.

A. turns A. turned A. looked A. get

B. become B. got

C. has become C. feel C. feel

23. The girl's face ____ red. 24. He ____ very glad.

B. turned B. smells B. turn B. feel

25. The flowers ____ fragrant (芳香).

C. smell C. feels C. feels C. happily

26. The table ____ very smooth.

A. look A. look A. happy

(二)用smell,taste,go,get,become,grow,seem,look,feel,turn的适当形式填空:(10分,10分钟) 1. You _ _ __ very young. 2. At first those questions_ _ __easy, but later I found them difficult. 3. After the sports meeting, he _ _ __very tired. 4. My younger brother _ _ __a student last year. 5. When we_ _ __ up, we're going to help build up our country. 6. The flowers _ _ __very sweet. 7. Her face _ _ __red. 8. Jack _ _ __very happy. 9. The mooncake _ _ __good. 27. Jack ____ younger than Tom. 28. She looks ____.

B. to be happy

10. The meat_ _ __bad.

(三)把下列各句译成英语:(20分,20分钟) 1. 以她的年龄而言,她看起来很年轻。

2. 天色渐黑,咱们回家吧。

3. 他好象匆忙的样子。

4. 为什么他感到悲伤?

5. 我祖母的头发变白了。

6. 约翰成了一名好学生。

7. 1995年我哥哥成了一名解放军战士。

8. 他来看我时,我在生病。

9. 整天工作后,汤姆感觉又饿又累。

10. 听到这个好消息时,她的脸色变红。

11. 他的答案似乎正确。

12. 别喝这牛奶,它已经变酸了。

13. 别出声,请保持安静。

14. 我们应该永远保持谦虚谨慎。

15. 那听起来是个好主意。

16. 我国正变得越来越强大。

17. 足球是我最喜欢的运动。