阿拉善交通运输发展十二五规划 下载本文

responsible for the development of company management, including the development of settlement and settlement standards of preparation, the business unit clearing work inspection and guidance, business settlement audit; 23, is in charge of the company business and costs calculation and nalysis of new projects and to develop standards and provide the basis for decision-making and responsible for the comprehensive economic and technical indicators and statistics, analysis, summary and reporting; 24, the company responsible for audits of various types of business contracts, the principal of contract price (purchase price, freight, taxes, etc), payment method, payment, settlement, such as the reasonableness of the data, authenticity, accuracy; 25, strict enforcement of national tax policy, is responsible for the monthly reporting, including tax calculations, statistics, go through the relevant formalities, receive invoices; 26, the company responsible for all kinds of price (including product price, material prices,Freight, engineering machinery jobs price, price, price) 's terms of market surveys, quotations, price exception report; 27, is responsible for the company's management, including conference organized by price, of historical prices, totals, etc; 28, according to the annual operating plan, annual costs and undergo decomposition, control, analysis and evaluation; responsible for costing and cost control, ensure accounting number is reasonable, correct, and complete accounting report and the company's other reports compiled and reported to work;

这次全盟交通运输工作会议的主要任务是:深入贯彻落实盟委(扩大)会议和全区交通运输工作会议精神,总结“十一五”交通运输工作,明确“十二五”交通运输发展思路和主要任务,安排部署2011年交通运输工作。 下面,我代表交通运输局作工作报告。 一、“十一五”交通运输工作回顾

“十一五”是我盟交通发展史上“发展速度最快、发展质量最好、行业管理最规范、服务水平提升最显著”的五年。五年来,全盟交通运输工作深入贯彻落实科学发展观,以“三个服务”为宗旨,坚定不移地抓发展、强服务、保廉政,基础设施保障能力明显增强,运输服务水平明显提升,行业管理能力明显加强,全面完成了“十一五”规划的目标任务,为全盟经济社会快速发展提供了有力的交通运输保障。归纳起来主要有“五个历史性突破,七个重大进展”。 五个历史性突破:


首府以高速、一级公路连通,盟内重要干线、出口通道、经济通道、资源通道基本实现等级化的目标。 农村牧区公路建设实现历史性突破。五年新改建通乡公路21项1251公里,通嘎查村公路147项2525 第二,

公里。全盟苏木镇通公路率达到 92%,通油路率达到87.5%,分别较“十五”末增长2%和22.5%;具备条件的嘎查村通公路率达到100 %,通油路率达到15.7%,分别较“十五”末增长48%和5.7 %。“十一五”期间农村公路投资力度之大、等级提高之快、发展成效之好前所未有,成为社会主义新农村、新牧区建设的标志性工程。




responsible for the development of company management, including the development of settlement and settlement standards of preparation, the business unit clearing work inspection and guidance, business settlement audit; 23, is in charge of the company business and costs calculation and nalysis of new projects and to develop standards and provide the basis for decision-making and responsible for the comprehensive economic and technical indicators and statistics, analysis, summary and reporting; 24, the company responsible for audits of various types of business contracts, the principal of contract price (purchase price, freight, taxes, etc), payment method, payment, settlement, such as the reasonableness of the data, authenticity, accuracy; 25, strict enforcement of national tax policy, is responsible for the monthly reporting, including tax calculations, statistics, go through the relevant formalities, receive invoices; 26, the company responsible for all kinds of price (including product price, material prices,Freight, engineering machinery jobs price, price, price) 's terms of market surveys, quotations, price exception report; 27, is responsible for the company's management, including conference organized by price, of historical prices, totals, etc; 28, according to the annual operating plan, annual costs and undergo decomposition, control, analysis and evaluation; responsible for costing and cost control, ensure accounting number is reasonable, correct, and complete accounting report and the company's other reports compiled and reported to work;到位”。制约交通发展的突出问题和深层次矛盾逐步解决,疏通了管理脉络,激发了行业活力。 七个重大进展:



第三,交通运输服务保障能力取得重大进展。圆满完成了各项重大活动和节假日客运保障任务,确保了矿产资源和农畜产品的安全顺畅运输,道路运输基础性地位进一步巩固,占综合运输体系的98 %以上。道路运输经济不断发展,全盟道路运输从业户数、人员、营运车辆分别达到6456户、19000人、15000辆,较“十五”末增长59%、115%和138%。全盟三级以上客运企业3家,高中档客车占全部客车的83%,专用和重型货车数量较“十五”末增加2920辆,道路运输结构不断优化。城市营运出租车达1311辆,开通客运班线75条,日发班次247个,居民出行需求得到满足。国际道路运输发展迅猛,共完成出入境客运量43万人次,货运量1388万吨,分别是“十五”时期的2倍和27倍,策克口岸公路过货量位居全区口岸前位。交通现代物流业发展迅速,扶持创办物流企业118家,以阿拉善经济开发区东达物流中心为龙头的物流企业初具规模。 第四,交通行业监管取得重大进展。深化公路建设市场诚信体系建设,落实四级质量保证体系,加强勘察设计深度,推行工程精细化管理,工程建设质量明显提高。五年内所有竣工验收的公路建设项目优良率达到85%以上。组建了1个乙级试验检测中心和3个旗级交通局中心试验室。巴银高速公路建设管理模式在全区交通重点项目建设中得以推广应用。坚持政府主导、部门联动、多方合作,不断完善治超工作长效机制,车辆超限率从2006年的8%稳定控制在4%以内。着力强化渡口、船舶监管,海事管理日趋规范。持续加强对客货运输、驾驶员培训、机动车维修、城市客运的治理整顿,道路运输市场秩序明显好转。全面落实安全生产责任制,加大隐患排查治理,打击运输违法行为,完善应急救援体系,行业安全形势基本稳定。成为自2007年以来全区连续4年未发生营运性人员死亡安全生产责任事故的盟市。



responsible for the development of company management, including the development of settlement and settlement standards of preparation, the business unit clearing work inspection and guidance, business settlement audit; 23, is in charge of the company business and costs calculation and nalysis of new projects and to develop standards and provide the basis for decision-making and responsible for the comprehensive economic and technical indicators and statistics, analysis, summary and reporting; 24, the company responsible for audits of various types of business contracts, the principal of contract price (purchase price, freight, taxes, etc), payment method, payment, settlement, such as the reasonableness of the data, authenticity, accuracy; 25, strict enforcement of national tax policy, is responsible for the monthly reporting, including tax calculations, statistics, go through the relevant formalities, receive invoices; 26, the company responsible for all kinds of price (including product price, material prices,Freight, engineering machinery jobs price, price, price) 's terms of market surveys, quotations, price exception report; 27, is responsible for the company's management, including conference organized by price, of historical prices, totals, etc; 28, according to the annual operating plan, annual costs and undergo decomposition, control, analysis and evaluation; responsible for costing and cost control, ensure accounting number is reasonable, correct, and complete accounting report and the company's other reports compiled and reported to work;层活动富有成效。坚持正确的用人导向,五年对160余名环节干部进行了竞争上岗或轮岗调整,干事创业氛围日益浓厚。扎实推进人才兴交战略,人才结构进一步优化。全行业专业人才达到939人,较“十五”末提高了14%。


此外,《阿拉善盟交通志》编撰出版,交通战备、信息宣传、综合治理、督查督办等各项工作都取得了显著成绩。 “十一五”交通运输工作取得的显著成绩,离不开盟委、行署和自治区交通运输厅正确领导;离不开地方各级党委政府、有关部门和广大人民群众大力支持;离不开全盟交通战线广大干部职工艰苦奋斗和开拓创新。在此,我代表交通运输局向所有关心、支持、帮助交通事业发展的各级领导、同志们、朋友们表示衷心的感谢! 在看到成绩的同时,我们也要正视当前交通发展中存在的问题和困难:一是交通事业的发展仍然不能满足全盟经济快速发展和人民群众日益增长的需要,公路交通对经济社会发展的制约依然存在。二是尽快打通与周边的出口通道,加快国边防、重点园区、资源富集区、旅游景区的公路建设步伐,仍然是交通运输发展的重中之重。三是资金筹措困难仍然是交通运输发展面临的主要难题。四是农村牧区公路管理养护体制改革进展缓慢,交通建设管理“两个转变”有待进一步加强。五是加强自身建设和行业监管能力,提高管理和服务水平,提升行业公共服务满意度,仍然需要引起全行业的高度重视。对于这些问题,我们一定要以高度负责的态度,认真加以解决。 二、“十二五”交通运输工作总体思路

“十二五”时期,既是交通运输加快建设、加快发展的黄金期,也是交通运输转变发展方式、提升发展质量的关键时期。今后五年,我盟交通运输发展仍处于重要战略机遇期。 (一)总体要求

深入贯彻落实科学发展观,围绕全面建设小康社会和“富民强盟”战略目标,以推进交通运输科学发展为主题,以加快转变发展方式为主线,以结构调整为主攻方向,坚持“提高等级、优化布局、畅通出口、完善网络、提升效益”,突出以“两横两纵”为主骨架的干线公路网升级改造,加快重要出口通道建设,提高农村牧区公路等级,加快发展现代交通运输业,初步形成安全畅通便捷绿色的交通运输体系,满足全盟经济社会发展的新要求和人民群众的新期待。 (二)发展目标 1、投资指标
