天津高考英语作文2011-2017年真题解析及应试策略 下载本文




下面以天津市近几年的考试真题为例解析一下考试规律和应对策略 2017高考天津卷

书面表达(满分25分) 61.

假设你是李津,与你以前的外籍教师Mrs. Green 一直保持联系。近日她来信询问你的近况,请根据以下提示给她回复一封邮件。 (1)简要介绍自己的学习和生活;


(3)希望她有机会重访天津。 注意:


(2)可适当加入细节,使内容充实、行文连贯; (3)开头已给出,不计入总词数。

假设你是李津,与你以前的外籍教师Mrs. Green 一直保持联系。近日她来信询问你的近况,请根据以下提示给她回复一封邮件。 (1)简要介绍自己的学习和生活; (2)告知你已成为八月底在津举办的第十三届全运会的志愿者,并介绍为此所做的准备(如深入了解天津等);

(3)希望她有机会重访天津。 注意:


(2)可适当加入细节,使内容充实、行文连贯; (3)开头已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Mrs. Green,

I’m so glad to hear from you. I’m writing to tell you something about my life and study in recent days. I’m very busy with my lessons now, for the Entrance Examination, which is very important to me, is near. Every day, I have to spend most of my time studying. As a result, I don’t have enough time to take exercise, what’s worse, I don’t communicate a lot with my parents and my friends.

By the way, I am now a volunteer for the 13th National Games, which will be held at the end of August in Tianjin. In order to be a qualified volunteer, I have to

improve myself by reading some books about Tianjin so as to know more about it.

Will you please pay a visit to Tianjin once more so that we may meet again, for I miss you very much !

Looking forward to seeing you a second time.

Yours, Li Jin


假设你是晨光中学的学生会主席李津。一批来自英国的高中生与你校学生开展了为期两周的交流活动。现在,他们即将回国,你将在欢送会上致辞。请根据以下提示写一篇发言稿。 (1) 回顾双方的交流活动(如学习、生活、体育、文艺等方面); (2) 谈谈收获或感情; (3) 表达祝愿语期望。 注意:

(1) 词数不少于100;

(2) 可适当加入细节,是内容充实、行文连贯; (3) 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear friends,

How time flies! Thank you.

【参考范文1】Dear friends,

How time flies. It has been two weeks since you came to our school for the exchange program, which has benefited all of us. During the past two week, we have been buried in study in the same classroom and lived in the same dormitory harmoniously, which has enabled us to know each other better. Doing the same sports on the playground gives us the opportunity to promote our friendship. What impresses us most is your art skills, in which you showed your outstanding talent. We believe that the students in our school have learned a lot from the exchange program. At last, on behalf of all the students in our school, I wish you will have a safe and happy journey home and that we will have more programs like this in the future. Thank you. 【参考范文2】Dear friends,

How time flies! My name is Li Jing. I’m very glad to have the chance to speak here. I feel greatly honored to be here to say a few words to welcome you. The topic of my speech is friendship.

As is known to all, we have friends from the UK. They have been here two weeks. But they

need to go back their hometown now. So let’s look back the activity that we have experienced. In the first place, they got knowledge from us, and then we live together. Secondly, we play basketball and soccer together. Finally, we are talking about different art from different country. I think students of UK and us must gain more things. It’s really interesting, isn’t it? I hope we’ll be more better in the future. Therefore, let’s see the guests off sincerely. Thank you.





(3)询问对方的其他需求。 注意:


(2)请适当加入细节,使内容充实、行文连贯。 参考词汇: 学生会 the Student Union Dear Chris,

I am Li hua, chairman of the student union, from Chenguang high school. I am writting to tell you something about donating books to your class. to enhance communication with your school, we prepared about 100 books ranging from chinese cartoon to literature. With them, you may have a better understanding of china and its culture, we will take the books when participating in the summer camp this July to your school.

Would you please tell me something about your other requirements? We will spare no effort to meet your needs. I sincerely hope that we may exchange with each other more and more and developing our friendship. Best wishes

Your sincerely, Li hua


第二节: 书面表达(满分25分)

61.假设你是晨光中学高二(1)班的班长李津, 得知美国学生Chris 作为交换生,下学期将到你班学习。 请你根据以下提示, 给他写封邮件:

(1) 表示欢迎

(2) 介绍与本地生活相关的信息(如天气, 饮食等) (3) 介绍本班情况

(4) 希望Chris做哪些事情, 以增进中美学生之间的了解和友谊