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Cultural differences

There is no denying that different countries generate various cultures .Let me take the West and the East to make several comparisons including living habits, thinking ways ,communicative ways, and so on.

Firstly ,people in the East prefer to have a shower at night to confirm a comfortable sleep while the western people are fond of taking morning bath to refresh themselves to go through a whole day’s work with energy. In addition, the western people used to having a meal with knives and forks but the eastern people are tend to use chopsticks. What’s more, many eastern people get into the bad habit of jumping the queue when waiting to do something while people in the West would keep the public order automatically.

Secondly , the eastern people would like to think more indirectly and complexly than the people in the Western. And when feeling unhappy, the eastern people would hide the sadness behind to keep a smile in the face and keep on working as if nothing has happened. But the western people are inclined to straight express their emotions. And when it comes to solving a problem, the western people would face and overcome the obstacles independently and confidently, by contrast, the eastern people would feel worried and anxious to avoid the problems in front of them or try to ask someone to help out rather than choose to confront with the hardships directly by themselves.

Thirdly, the eastern people have much more complicate social networks than the West. In the East, people would acquaint with the family members , classmates,

colleagues, even neighbors of their friends’ and so on. Compared with the East, the western people seldom join their friends’ other social circles. Furthermore, the eastern people favor collectivism. They think many hands make light work, and they will take the collectivism as a premise to do something .Unlike the eastern people, people in the West would follow the principle of individualism .They have a tendency to work for themselves .They would concern little about others’ feelings .Thus the western people would have more self-esteem even self-importance than the eastern people.

However, what I mentioned above is just a drop water in the sea. As a matter of fact , it is hard to and controversial to judge which kind of culture is better. Every culture that could not replace each other exists for its unique and important reasons, therefore, we can not force other people to follow our culture. Beyond that, none of the cultures is perfect. We should learn from others' strong points to offset our weaknesses. But in the whole ,what we should do is to respect the cultural diversity . Different though the cultures may seen, I do believe the differences are of great use to facilitate the civilization of mankind to thrive. Doing the cultural adaption well is the premise of cross-cultural communications, but also the guarantee for both sides cooperation. Try to take in the culture differences rather than eradicate or assimilate them except some bad habits, because interactions do exist in the interchange of different cultures. If so , beyond dispute, we are bound to meet with a harmonious relationship with each other.