购物网站的设计与实现 下载本文







Is unceasingly thorough along with our country economic restructuring and the national economy high speed development, the computer network technology gradual development, along with the territory net's construction and the consummation, the electronic commerce website also casually enters the network, it has the prompt renewal, the propaganda surface is broad, demonstrated that merits and so on corporate image, through the network database's quotation, only need input website information's renewal maintenance work Jian Huadao the writing and the upload picture, thus causes the website the refresh rate big reduction.

Thus sped up the information propagation velocity greatly, also has attracted more long-term user groups, maintains at times the website the moving force and the influence。 the system is designs based on the WEB electronic commerce website design and the development, has about common electronic commerce website all functions.

This system uses the asp language and the AEEESS data bank technology development, realized to the website had issued that reached as high as the information the dynamic management, caused to be even more prompt to the website management, highly effective, raised the working efficiency.

Keywords: ASP ACCESS electronic commerce database company


摘要 .................................................................. I 1引言 ................................................................. 4 2 开发环境与工具语言 .................................................. 5

2.1 ASP的简介 ..................................................... 5 2.2ASP的特点 ...................................................... 5 2.3 Access数据库技术概述 .......................................... 6 3 系统需求分析 ........................................................ 9

3.1系统设计目的分析 ............................................... 9 3.2 系统的性能需求 ................................................ 10 3.3总体结构设计 .................................................. 10 3.4系统功能设计 .................................................. 11 4 数据库的设计与实现 ................................................. 13

4.1数据库的需求分析 .............................................. 13 4.2 数据库表结构设计 .............................................. 13 4.3 E-R模型 ...................................................... 15 5系统的详细设计与实现 ................................................ 18

5.1 系统登陆模块设计 .............................................. 18 5.2主界面的设计与实现 ............................................ 18

5.2.1后台管理信息设计 ......................................... 19 5.2.2添加网站信息设计 ......................................... 20 5.2.3网站信息管理功能设计 ..................................... 21 5.2.4 网站产品展示 ............................................ 23 5.3系统测试 ...................................................... 24 5.4系统调试 ...................................................... 25 结束语 ............................................................... 26 参考文献 ............................................................. 27 致谢 ................................................................. 28