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篇一:10个有用的PPT课件制作技巧 10个有用的PPT课件制作技巧



Powerpoint似乎是已经落后了,但在实际教学过程中,发现大多数教师还是比较喜欢用Powerpoint来制作一些课件,Powerpoint的使用率还是很高的,这是因为对于大多数教师制作自用教学软件来说,对软件的要求一方面是无需特别安装,几乎所有计算机里都有;另一方面,更重要的是,简单易学,方便实用,而且的确效果不错。就一般而言,PowerPoint的功能虽然不及Flash、Authorware强大,但用在日常辅助教学中应该说还是游刃有余、应付自如的。 在课件实际制作过程之中,我们常常要选用和配制一些影片、图片、动画、声音等素材,而怎样灵活自如地用好这些素材,就成为提高PowerPoint课件制作质量关键所在。在用PowerPoint制作课件的过程中,本人逐渐积累了一些使用技巧,现在简要加以说明,同大家进行交流。 1.文字超级链接的设置

利用文字的超级链接设置,可以建立漂亮的目录。设置超级链接时,建议不要设置字体的动作,而要设置字所在的边框的动作。这样既可以避免使字带有下画线,又可以使字色不受母板影响。具体操作为选中字框,单击右键,选取\动作设置\项,链接到所要跳转的页面。 2.文字的出现与课堂讲演同步

为使文字与旁白一起出现,可以采用\自定义动作\中按字母形式的向右擦除。但若是一大段文字,字的出现速度还是太快。这时可将这一段文字分成一行一行的文字块,甚至是几个字一个字块,再分别按顺序设置每个字块中字的动画形式为按字母向右擦除,并在时间项中设置与前一动作间隔一秒到三秒,就可使文字的出现速度和旁白一致了。 3.解决课件中的菜单问题




解决办法:找到了症结,问题的解决就轻而易举了。在编辑状态下,点击菜单所在的幻灯片,然后单击“幻灯片放映→幻灯片切换”,打开“幻灯片切换”窗口,去掉“单击鼠标时”前面的“√”号即可。下面的时间选项使用默认设置即不设置时间。这样,这张幻灯片只有在点击菜单栏相应的链接时才会切换。要注意的是,[返回]按钮所在的幻灯片也应采用相同的设置,以避免点击[返回]按钮以外的区域时不能返回到主菜单。 4.在播放幻灯片的过程中进行画图的方法

首先使用鼠标左键或者右键单击屏幕右下角的图标(或者按下ctrl+P组合键),然后单击画笔,鼠标变为一只画笔,再在需要进行画图的第一点单击鼠标左键,然后拖动鼠标依次到第二点、第三点??,进行单击即可进行画图。如果需要擦掉刚画的图形,按下E(擦除)键即可(如果此时先切换到别的windows应用程序,然后再切换回来,则刚画的图形会自动消失)。 5.利用热字超文本链接功能实现跳转,提高交互性功能

大多数老师开始制作的PowerPoint软件,几乎都没有热键,因而也就没有交互性,幻灯片只能按原来的固定次序逐张放映,这使老师上课时就显得很被动。其实热字方式是通常进行人机对话的另一种常用的形式,精巧的设置可使你的软件具有专业水准。在PowerPoint中利用热字超文本链接功能实现跳转,其交互性功能也是相当不错的,设计起来也不困难。 ⑴热键可以是PowerPoint里本身为你准备的\动作按钮\(菜单栏上的\幻灯片放映\动作按钮\)中的各种按钮,如电影、声音、信息、开始、结束、帮助等,也可以自己设计任意形状、任意色彩图案、任意字符,只要自认为满意就行,例如:\主菜单\、\返回\、\背景介绍\、\作家作品\、\迁移阅读\等。


Business is all about selling -- a product, topic or concept. When making a business presentation, the most important thing is to know your material. If you do not know everything about what you are selling, it is not likely that the audience will be buying.


Keep your audience focused and interested. Making effective business presentations takes practice, but with a few tips up your sleeve, you are ready to take on the challenge.

Note - These business presentation tips refer to PowerPoint (any

version) slides, but all of these tips in general, can be applied to any presentation.

Seasoned presenters use key phrases and include only essential information. Choose only the top three or four points about your topic and make them consistently throughout the delivery. Simplify and limit the number of words on each screen. Try not to use more than three bullets per slide. The surrounding space will make it easier to read.

find it. Phrases should read left to right and top to bottom. Keep important information near the top of the slide. Often the bottom portions of slides cannot be seen from the back rows because heads are in the way.

Punctuation can needlessly clutter the slide and the use of all caps makes statements more difficult to read and is like SHOUTING at your audience.

script type fonts as they are hard to read on screen. Use, at most, two different fonts – perhaps one for headings and another for content. Keep all fonts large enough (at least 24 pt and preferably 30 pt) so that people at the back of the room will be able to easily read what is on the screen. Dark text on a light background is best, but avoid white backgrounds -- tone it down by using beige or another light color that will be easy on the eyes. Dark backgrounds are effective to show off company colors or if you just want to dazzle the crowd. In that case, be sure to make text a light color for easy reading.

Patterned or textured backgrounds can reduce readability of text. Keep your color scheme consistent throughout your presentation. When using a design theme (PowerPoint 201X) or design template

(earlier versions of PowerPoint), choose one that is appropriate for the audience. A clean, straightforward layout is best if you are

presenting to business clients. Select one that is full of color and