2018-2019年遵义市遵义县山盆镇耀忠小学三年级上册英语模拟复习题无答案 下载本文



1. Stand __ , please .

A、up B、down C、/(不填) 2. How old __________ you?

班级_______________ 座号______ 姓名_______________ 分数_______________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ A.am B.is C.are

3. 你是李小姐吗?________

A. Are you Miss Li? B. Are she Miss Li? 4. —Good afternoon. — ________

A.Hello B.Good afternoon. C.Good morning!

5. I’d like _________ eggs.

A. a B. an C. some 6. P for ________.

A. light B. plane C. nose 7. 你想说:“让我们吃些面条吧。”你可以说:________ A.Let's have some noodle. B.Let's have some noodles. C.Let's has some noodles.

8. How many apples? ________ A. eight B. seven C. six 9. May I have _______ , please?

A.an orange B.a orange C.some orange


A. My name is Kitty. B. This is Kitty. 11.—Have some milk. —_________.

A.Sure B.You’re welcome C.Thank you D.Very well 12.下列字母中是元音字母的是 __ . A.AC B.AO 13.—____ is the skirt? —It's red.

A. How B. What colour C. What 14.Please give ___ that ruler. It’s ___.( ) A.she, her B.her, hers C.she ,hers D.her, her 15.Alice:Hello, Good morning! Lucy: A.Hi, Morning B.Hello, afternoon.

C.Hello, Good afternoon. D.Thank you.

第 1 页,共 6 页


16.给下列句子排排队 Guess?

What’s that? Thanks.

It’s a panda. I like it.


(1) ? I usually go to school by bus.

(2) ? I am going to wash my clothes this evening

(3) ? You can go to the cinema by the No. 15 bus.

(4) ? Yes, the park is next to the library.

(5)________________________________________ ? I am watching TV now. 18.情景对话。





5.下午陆华见到不认识的人,你会介绍自己是会说:_________ 19.读一读,选词填空。 are Me hair 1. This is________. 2. How______ you? 3. —Nice to meet you! —_________, too! 20.填空题

Point______the door. 21.I have an________.



A: Tom, this ________ my brother, Jim.

第 2 页,共 6 页

B: ________ old are you, Jim?

C: I am seven ________ old. What about you? B: I am ________ (9). Today is my birthday. C: ________ birthday! B: Thank you.

24.把字母组成单词。 (1)a n h d ________ (2)i r a h ________ (3)p a p h y ________ (4)u b l e ________

25.按字母顺序,用手写体书写下面的字母。 (1)Cc Ee Ff

(2)Kk Ll

(3)Oo Rr Ss

(4)Vv Xx


26.请读一读,再连线。 1. How are you? A.刘老师

2. Good morning! B.最近过的怎么样? 3. Miss Liu C.吴伟 4. Wu Wei D.早上好! 27.根据英语连汉意。

1. Look right. A 不准吃东西。 2. Go to the bathroom. B 不准说话。 3. No food. C 向右看。 4. Don’t talk. D 我的上帝! 5. My goodness! E 去洗手间。


⑴Look! A funny dog! A. Nice to meet you, too. ⑵What's this? B. My name's Xiao Hua. ⑶What's your name? C. It's an elephant. ⑷Nice to meet you. D. Fine, thank you. ⑸How are you? E. Cool! I like it.

⑹Good afternoon. F. Good afternoon.

第 3 页,共 6 页