基于单片机的智能小车控制系统(论文) - 图文 下载本文

专 科 毕 业 设 计 (论 文)

题 目 基于单片机智能小车控制系统设计 学生姓名 ____ X X X___ ______ 班 级 X X X X X X X______ 学 号 ____________X X __________ __ 院 (系)_ __电 子 工 程 学 院____ 专 业 ____应 用 电 子 技 术___ 指导教师 ______ _X X X____ _ _ 职 称 ______ __X X X__ _

二0XX 年 X 月 XX 日


摘 要







With the rapid development of computer, microelectronics, materials, machinery, communication and other technologies, the intelligentization of vehicles and the development of robots are getting faster and faster. As a very great achievement in the field of automation in the 21st century, Close ties together. Intelligent vehicles quickly become the world's automotive research hot spots and the new growth point of the automotive industry.Therefore, the study of intelligent vehicles are necessary. Therefore, the development of a smart, intelligent car control system with high efficiency is of practical significance and scientific important theoretical value. This paper introduces the design of a smart car control system that can automatic tracking.Based on signle-chip microcomputer AT89C51 To achieve infrared wireless remote control smart car, the use of ultrasonic sensors to detect obstacles on the road and prompted the use of LCD1602 show car speed and distance.The car can realize automatic based on the black line forward regression. Steering,Ultrasonic ranging, prompting obstacles, LCD1602 real-time display of the speed of the car and drive away, with a high degree of intelligence, achieve the design goal.

Key Words: Smart car; AT89C51 MCU;ultrasonic sensor;LCD1602



目 录

摘要 ......................................................... Ⅰ ABSTRACT ..................................................... Ⅱ 目录 ......................................................... Ⅲ 第1章

绪论 ............................... 错误!未定义书签。 1.1 课题的背景和意义 .................... 错误!未定义书签。 1.2 课题的研究现状及发展趋势 ............................. 1 第2章

方案设计与论证 ...................................... 2 2.1 主控系统 ............................................. 2 2.2 电源模块 ............................................. 2 2.3

电机驱动模块 ......................................... 2

2.3.1 电机模块选择与论证 ................................. 2 2.3.2 电机驱动模块选泽与论证 ............................. 3 2.4 遥控模块 ............................................. 4 2.5 显示模块 ............................................. 5 2.6 壁障模块 ............................................. 5 第3章

硬件设计 ............................................. 6 3.1 总体设计 ............................................. 6 3.2 驱动电路 ............................................. 6 3.3 遥控电路 ............................................. 9 3.4 显示电路 ............................................ 11 3.5 避障电路 ............................................ 11 3.6 主控电路 ............................................ 13 第4章

软件设计 ............................................ 16 4.1

主程序模块设计 ...................................... 16