19春福师《英汉互译》在线作业二 下载本文

(单选题)1: The young people made a new ____to the governor. A: proposal B: submerge C: tendency D: thread 标准解答:

(单选题)2: This river forms a natural____ between China and Korea. A: boundary B: string C: spot D: zone 标准解答:

(单选题)3: Please be serious. I am not____. You should consider it carefully. A: sorting B: joking C: counting D: comparing 标准解答:

(单选题)4: A Philippine maid was executed in Singapore after being _________murder. A: convicted of B: convicted in C: convicted on D: convicted at 标准解答:

(单选题)5: ____you choose, make sure that it is a good one. A: What B: Wherever C: Whichever D: Which 标准解答:

(单选题)6: In the film we saw last night, the hero ____ his wife to death with his sword. A: throat B: thrust C: trust D: thread 标准解答:

(单选题)7: I'd rather you _______anything about the garden until the weather improves.

A: shouldn't do B: didn't do C: mustn't do D: oughtn't to do 标准解答:

(单选题)8: The reason for his being late is _______his bicycle went wrong on the way. A: because B: that C: why

D: for which 标准解答:

(单选题)9: They ____cattle mainly for the international market. A: carpenter B: district C: ox D: breed 标准解答:

(单选题)10: The reason____the little boy died was lack of medical care. A: why B: because C: for D: as

标准解答: (单选题)11: Although badly hurt in the accident, the driver was _____ able to make a phone call. A:   still B:   even C:   also D:   ever 标准解答:

(单选题)12: In order to increase our output, we need to import more production____. A: facilities B: hens C: votes D: artists


(单选题)13: The slogan _________to remind the candidate and the staff ________the campaign focused on the nation's slow-moving economy. A: meant ... of keeping B: was meaning ... to keep C: was meant ... to keep

D: had meant ... with keeping 标准解答:

(单选题)14: A new English -Chinese dictionary will soon____ out . A: work B: come C: give D: hand 标准解答:

(单选题)15: Children are tired of learning often because they are ____to do more than they can. A: expected B: suggested C: hoped D: wished 标准解答:

(单选题)16: Jack is ____ of stealing the books from the library. A: accused B: witnessed C: strained D: found 标准解答:

(单选题)17: You will see this product____wherever you go in this city. A: advertise

B: to be advertised C: advertised D: advertising 标准解答:

(单选题)18: I'll come , ____ I don't expect to enjoy myself. A: if B: since C: as D: though


(单选题)19: She kept the children_________with her stories. A: amused B: amusing C: to amuse D: to be amused 标准解答:

(单选题)20: He _________the other students because he studies harder. A: has an edge on B: is an edge on

C: will be an edge on D: sits an edge on 标准解答:

(单选题)21: I didn't manage to work out the problem ____the teacher had explained how. A: until B: unless C: when D: before 标准解答:

(单选题)22: We should enable every student _________morally, intellectually and physically. A: developing B: develops C: developed D: to develop 标准解答:

(单选题)23: They_________the government's new policies. A: are opposed B: oppose to

C: are opposed to

D: are opposed against 标准解答: (单选题)24: For many cities in the world, there is no room to spread out further, _______ New York is an example. A:   for which

B:   in which C:   of which D:   from which 标准解答:

(单选题)25: The question then ____: What are we going to do when we graduate from the university? A: raises B: arouses C: arises D: rises 标准解答:

(单选题)26: _______nobody at home, the visitor decided to leave a note by the door. A: When B: Seeing C: See D: To see 标准解答:

(单选题)27: He checked carefully to ____ the possible errors in his design.

A: eliminate B: exceed C: enlarge D: vibrate 标准解答:

(单选题)28: I'd like to buy a house, modern and comfortable, and ____, in a quiet place.

A: afar all B: above all C: in all D: for all 标准解答:

(单选题)29: _________,we went swimming. A: Being a hot day B: The day being hot C: Due to a hot day D: It was a hot day 标准解答:

(单选题)30: He tried to____relations with his former wife but he