2018年中考英语模拟试题及答案共2套 下载本文

18. Why are some books green?

A. Because green is good for the students’ eyes. B. Because green is beautiful and interesting. C. Because most students like this colours.

19. How does the colour red make most people feel? A. Hungry. B. Comfortable. C. Angry. 20. What can make people want to leave fast food restaurants? A. Soft music B. Hard seats C. Green colour 第二部分 基础知识运用 (共两节;满分30分)


从A. B. C. D四个选项中选出可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。 21.—Is the lady in a blue dress our English teacher? —Yes. Let’s go and say hello to . A. him B. he C. her D. hers 22.—What did Mr Wang say to you, Tom? —He asked me .

A. where my father worked B. where my father will work C. where did my father wok D. where will my father work 23.—Can we use the new computers bought yesterday?

—No. They can be only used by the students have computer lessons twice a week. A. who B. which C. what D. whose 24.—Mike, I can’t stop playing computer games.

—For your eyes, my dear friend, I’m afraid you . A. have to B. may C. must D. can 25.—Excuse me. Is the park far from here?

—Not very far. It only five minutes on foot. A. spends B. costs C. takes D. pays 26..—What a hot day!

—The weather report says it will be even tomorrow. A.cooler B.hotter C.wetter D.colder 27.—Would you like to watch the movie with me tonight? — ,but I have too much homework to do. A.I’d love to B.That’s all right C.It doesn’t matter D.Not at all 28.—It seems that Peter has nothing to do at the moment. —Let me give him to read. A.anything B.something C.everything D.nothing 29.—I saw you come to school by bus this morning.

—Oh,I come to school by bus,but it is raining today. A.hardly B.always C.sometimes D.usually

英语模拟(三)答案 第 16 页 共 1 页

30.—Did you sleep well last night?

—Far from that! One of my neighbors music pretty loud. A.plays B.is playing C.was playing D.would play 第二节:完型填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

先通读下面的短文,读懂大意,然后从后面各题所给的A. B. C. D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

Every one of us, rich or poor, should at least have one or two good friends. Your friends will 31 you when you speak, will take care of you when you are sick, and will be together 32 you in your journey through life. Everyone 33 friends. Friendship can make us happier. 34 can we find a good friend and get on well with each other? Here 35 some advice. 36 friends with a person who is easy to get along with.

You should make friends with a person who has 37 in common with you.

Give your friend a 38 when he or she is in trouble .Friends should always be ready to 39 each other. Believe(相信) in each other. This is the most 40 thing in a friendship. Even the best friends may have 41 sometimes. 42 this happens, don’t let it last too long. Try to make up with(和好) your 43 soon. 44 is a kind of treasure(珠宝) in our life . It 45 a bottle of wine(酒), the longer it is kept, the better it will be. 31.A.listen to B.hear C.sound D.listen 32.A.for B.from C.with D.at 33.A.need B.want C.have D.needs 34.A.What B.When C.How D.Where 35.A.has B.have C.are D.is 36.A.Making B.Makes C.Made D.Make 37.A.nothing B.everything C.something D.anything 38.A.book B.hand C.pen D.map 39.A.help B.helping C.to help D.helps 40.A.loudly B.outgoing C.important D.quietly 41.A.a fight B.a laugh C.a point D.a result 42.A.Before B.If C.When D.As 43.A.parents B.teachers C.classmates D.friends 44.A.Book B.Friend C.Friendship D.Teacher 45.A.is like B.look like C.is liking D.feel like 第三部分 阅读理解和口语运用 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 第一节:阅读下列短文,从各题所给的A. B. C. D四个选项中选出最佳答案。

( A )

I have two pets. They are Fly,a dog,and Huahua,a cat.

英语模拟(三)答案 第 17 页 共 1 页

Fly is brown and grey. He is naughty(淘气的). He sometimes steals(偷) food in the kitchen. Once,when there was nobody at home,Fly pulled (拉) a piece of meat off the table. But he was not careful enough. The plate also fell to the floor. When I got home,I saw the broken plate all over the floor, so I became very angry. Fly was so afraid that he went back to his bed at once. Huahua is a white and yellow cat. She is not beautiful but she is very lovely. Every night at weekends, Huahua sleeps on my bed. When she sleeps, she always snores. It is very funny.

Huahua is also naughty. Whenever she does something bad and my grandma tries to catch her, she runs away quickly and hides quietly under the bed.

Fly and Huahua love to play games with me and I like them very much. 46.What colour is Huahua?

A.White and brown. B.Brown and grey. C.White and grey. D.White and yellow. 47.What did Fly do when he pulled a piece of meat?

A.He pulled a plate to the floor. B.He ate a fish.

C.He pulled a piece of steak to my bed. D.He ate a big piece of meat. 48.How many pets does the writer have? A.One. B.Two. C.Three. D.Four. 49.Who does anything bad runs away quickly and hides quietly under the bed? A.The writer. B.Fly. C.Huahua. D.The writer’s grandma. 50.Which of the following is NOT true? A.Huahua is a cat.

B.Fly sleeps on the writer’s bed every night.

C.Fly and Huahua love to play games with the writer. D.Huahua is very naughty.

( B )

An eight-year-old child heard her parents talking about her little brother. All she knew was that he was very sick and they had no money. Only a very expensive operation(手术) could save him now and there was no one to lend them the money.

When she heard her daddy say to her tearful mother, “Only a miracle can save him now,” the little girl went to her bedroom and pulled her money from its hiding place and counted it carefully.

She hurried to a drugstore(药店)with the money in her hand. “And what do you want?” asked the shopkeeper. “It’s for my little brother,” the girl answered, “He’s really,really sick and I want to buy a miracle.” “Pardon?” said the shopkeeper. “My brother Andrew has something bad growing inside his head and my daddy says only a miracle can save him. So how much does a miracle cost?” “We don’t sell a miracle here,child. I’m sorry,” the shopkeeper said with a smile. “Listen,if it isn’t enough, I can try and get some more. Just tell me how much it costs.” A well-dressed man heard it and asked,“What kind of a miracle does your brother need?”

英语模拟(三)答案 第 18 页 共 1 页

“I don’t know,” she answered with her eyes full of tears. “He’s really sick and mum says he needs an operation. But my daddy can’t pay for it,so I have brought all my money.” “How much do you have?” asked the man. “$ 1.11, but I can try and get some more,” she answered. “Well,Good luck! ” smiled the man. “$ 1.11,the price of a miracle for your little brother.”

He took up the girl’s hand and said,“Take me to where you live. I want to see your brother and meet your parents. Let’s see if I have the kind of miracle you need.”

That well-dressed man was Dr Carlton Armstrong, a famous doctor. The operation was successful and it wasn’t long before Andrew was at home again. How much did the miracle cost?

51.What was the trouble in the little girl’s family? A. Her brother was seriously ill. B. They had no money.

C. Nothing could save her brother. D. Both A and B.

52.In the eye of the little girl,a miracle might be _______. A.something interesting B.something beautiful C.some wonderful medicine D.some good food

53.The little girl said again and again “…I can try and get some more.” That shows ___. A.she had still kept some money

B.she hoped the shopkeeper could sell her a miracle C.There was no need to worry about money D.she thought money was easy to get 54.What made the miracle happen?

A.The girl’s love for her brother. B.The girl’s money. C.The medicine from the drugstore. D.Nobody can tell. 55.From the passage we can infer (推断)that _______. A.The doctor didn’t ask for any pay B.A miracle is sure to happen if you keep on C.The little girl is lovely but not so clever D.Andrew was in fact not too sick. ( C )

Tigers are strong and dangerous animals. But now they are in danger.

In the past, there were eight kinds of tigers in the world. But during the 20th century, only five were left. The number of Siberian tigers (东北虎) was about 300, but now it is less than 22. They’re in danger of dying out. If the government does nothing, we won’t be able to see them in ten to twenty years.

In order to stop people from hunting and killing wild tigers, and in order to make wild tigers more, the World Wildlife Fund (世界自然基金会) has started a program (项目) recently (最近). China and twelve other countries joined it.

However, it’s not enough. Remember that nature is a food chain (链). If we hurt and kill too many wild deer and pigs, wild tigers will die out because of hunger (饥饿). So the most

英语模拟(三)答案 第 19 页 共 1 页

important thing is to save the animals that tigers eat. In order to protect the wild tigers, we need call on (号召) more people to stop eating, hunting and killing wild animals. 56.During the 20th century, _______ kinds of wild tigers were left. A.3 B.5 C.8 D.20 57.The number of the wild Siberian tigers reduced (减少) about _______. A.5% B.22% C.93% D.30% 58.Wild tigers will be in danger of dying out without _______. A.pigs B.deer C.people D.A and B 59.Which of the following statements is NOT true? A.There are less than 22 wild Siberian tigers now.

B.There are twelve countries in the World Wildlife Fund. C.Wild tigers mainly feed on pigs and deer. D.It’s our duty to protect the wild tigers. 60.The passage mainly tells us _______.

A.why and how do we protect the wild tigers

B.the government does everything they could to protect the wild tigers C.the wild tigers will die out in ten to twenty years

D.the most important thing is to save the animals that tigers eat ( D )

In some places around China,the junior high school graduates have to take a P. E. test. The full marks are usually 30 points and it counts for much in the senior high school entrance exam. In Nanjing the test is held in April. Students have the test in their own schools. Each student is tested on three sports. They can choose long jump, basketball dribbling (运球) or volleyball. The pull-up is for boys and girls can choose the sit-up. Both boys and girls must skip(跳绳) in the test.

Most students find the test easy and more than 90%of them can get full marks. That’s because they have been training for it during the three whole years. Students in Junior Three usually do lots of practice in P. E. classes. The training makes the test easier than it seems to be. Students in Nanjing don’t need to run a lot for the test, but students in Beijing must do lots of running for the test. Running is one of the sports in test. So in P. E. classes, they usually run a lot. Sometimes they have to run 3,000 meters in one class. Most teachers and parents welcome the P. E. test. They say it helps students build up their health and it’s really useful. 61.The P. E. test in Nanjing includes all of these sports except ________. A.skipping B.basketball C.football D.volleyball 62.Students in Nanjing have the P. E. test in _______. A.spring B.Junior One C.autumn D.Junior Two 63.The underlined word “pull-up” means “_______” in Chinese. A.仰卧起坐 B.引体向上 C.俯卧撑 D.跳高 64.Most students get high marks in the test because________.

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