硫磺法硫酸生产工艺设计概要 下载本文


1. 硫酸生产工艺简介 (4 1.1硫铁矿制硫酸 (4 1.2硫磺制酸 (4 1.3冶炼烟气制酸 (4 1.4硫酸盐制酸 (4 2. 产品级原料物化数据 (5 2.1二氧化硫(SO2 (5 2.2三氧化硫(SO3 (5 2.3硫酸(H2SO4 (6 3. 工艺设计部分 (8 3.1原料熔硫工段 (9 3.2焚硫工段 (11 3.3余热锅炉系统 (13 3.4转化工段 (15 3.5干吸工段 (17 3.6成品工段 (18 3.7污水处理系统 (20 4. 物料及热量衡算 (22

4.1设计要求 (22

4.2硫磺焚烧的物料衡算 (22 4.3转化器物料衡算 (22 4.4转化器热量衡算 (24

5.主要设备的工艺计算和设备选型 (24 5.1主要设备转化器的设计 (24 5.2催化剂的装填量 (25

5.3各段触媒需用量V K、触媒层厚度H (26 6.设计总结及致谢 (27 参考文件 (28 附件 (29



关键词:硫酸;硫磺制酸;焚硫炉;转化器 中图分类号:TQ44.2

Sulfur method of sulphuric acid production process design

Peng fang (instructs teacher: chen yong zhou

(Hubei normal university and environment engineering department applied chemistry 0703classes Hangshi Hbei province 435002

Abstract:Raw materials for the production of sulfur to sulfuric acid without purification,greatly simplified the process,save investment costs and

high quality.Designed to produce raw sulfuric acid sulfur (300kt/a the process,describes the nature of some sulfuric acid and acid reaction of the principle of burning sulfur,transformed and absorbed three Section and the entire process has set out to do.Analyzed and transformed into a burning sulfur Section of the various

indicators,technological conditions.The burning of surfur Section of the burning of sulfur furnace, for the conversion of the chenical and heat transfer equipment for the done a macro equipment selection, and the burning of sulfur furnace and a converter to do the material balance.In order to make morr rational and sound design, the design also solved the problem of wastewater treatment.

Key words:Sulfuric Acid;Producing Sulfuric Acid by Sulfur;The stove of sulfur;Conver