2019-2020年人教版七年级英语下册期末考试检测题(附答案) 下载本文




I. 拼读选词 根据句意和音标从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个适当的单词。(5分) 1. Can you _______/ s?? /?

A. thing B. think C. sing D. thin 2. I ________ / w?: k /to school every day.

A. walk B. work C. wake D. wash 3. We saw _______/ kwa?t/ a lot of elephants in the zoo. A. quiet B. quick C. quarter 4. He is not _________/ ? 'fre?d/to go out.

A. free B. front C. across D. afraid 5. My sister is doing ________/'eks?sa?z/ now.

A. exercise B. excellent C. everything D. exciting

II. 选择填空 从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。(30分) 6. ______night Jenny often talks with her friends _________the phone. A. On, at B. At, at C. At, on D. On, on 7. ---_____do you practice the guitar every day? ---I play it for one hour.

A. How far B. How old C. How much D. How long 8. There are some ________in the restaurant. We must follow them. A. rules B. people C. foods D. prices 9. It usually _______me about half an hour to do my homework. A. spends B. takes C. sells D. buys 10. ---How’s the weather? ---________.

A. It’s terrible B. I’m fine C. OK. You’re right D. Yes, please 11. Joe can play ______violin, but he can’t play ________ baseball. A. the, / B. the, the C. /, the D. /, / 12. ---Do you often go to school by bike? ---Yes. But _______ by bus.

A. often B. usually C. sometimes D. always 13. ---______does your father go to work? ---He drives his car.

A. How B. Where C. What D. Who 14. ---Where is Frank now? ---He ______ in the reading room.

A. read B. reading C. reads D. is reading 15. ---What does Miss Li look like?


D. quite


A. She is tall and has short hair B. She is very healthy C. She is a student in a school D. She is at work 16. ---_________?

---Yes, please. I’d like some mutton noodles.

A. What do you want to do B. May I take your order C. What about beef noodles D. Would you like beef or mutton

17. We had _______ dumplings for lunch, but we didn’t have ______hamburgers. A. some, some B. any, some C. any, any D. some, any 18. ---How was her vacation? ---___________.

A. She was young and quiet B. It wasn’t very good C. It is great D. She went to Dalian 19. ---What did they do last night? ---__________.

A. They stay at home B. They were fine

C. They did their homework D. They are studying for the test 20. ---Where is my dad?

---He’s sleeping. Don’t _________.

A. pick up him B. pick him up C. wake up him D. wake him up 21. ---___________? ---On Saturdays.

A. What time do you exercise B. When do you exercise C. Do you exercise on Saturdays D. What do you do on Saturdays 22. ---What’s the English for 10:05? ---It’s __________.

A. ten five B. five ten C. five to ten D. ten past five 23. ---_______ do you like elephants? ---Because they’re very interesting.

A. What B. Where C. Why D. When 24. It’s time for class. Please __________.

A. quiet B. be quiet C. is quiet D. are quiet 25. John isn’t here, but you can call _______at 892-5672. A. me B. his C. him D. he 26. ---How can I get to the bank?

---You can get there ___________. Just go down this street and turn left. A. differently B. easily C. easy D. different 27. Ice-cream tastes _______, but it’s not ________ for us.

A. well, well B. best, excellent C. nice, fine D. good, good 28. Elephants are ________ now. Don’t buy things ______ivory. A. of danger, make of B. with danger, make from C. in danger, made of D. for danger, made in 29. ---What do you usually do on the weekend?


---I enjoy _________ Chinese chess with my grandpa.

A. playing B. to play C. makes B. made 30. ---Is there a bank near here? ---_________. It’s on Center Street.

A. Yes, there is B. Yes, it is C. No, there isn’t D. No, it isn’t 31. ---It’s too late. How can we get there on time? ---Don’t __________. I’ll drive a car.

A. forget B. move C. surprise D. worry 32. ---Would you like some _________? ---Yes, please.

A. noodle B. dumpling C. apple D. chicken 33. ---Let’s do something interesting this Sunday. What about________fishing? ---No. I’d like ________ boating.

A. to go, to go B. going, going C. going, to go D. to go, going

34. When you see the sign”______”, you can’t take photos.


35. ---Don’t run in the hallway, Peter! ---___________.

A. Thanks a lot B. You are welcome

C. That sounds boring D. Sorry, Miss Li. I won’t

Ⅲ. 完形填空 阅读下面短文,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个能填入文章中相应空白处的最佳答案。(10分) When we watch kung fu movies, we often see people run on the walls(墙)or fly. Do you want to be a person like 36 ? You may say, “I can do that only in my 37 .”

But the students at kung fu schools are hoping(希望)to 38 their dreams come true. Anhui Xuanlong Wushu School is just one 39 these schools. Many children from 4 to 16 years old go there to 40 kung fu.

The students have to 41 at 6:00 a.m. In the morning, the students learn English 42 math. They learn kung fu in the afternoon. There are more 43 in the evening. They usually go to bed after 10:00 p.m.

The kung fu exercise is 44 easy. The students have to work hard. After many years’ hard work, these children will 45 kung fu stars. They can jump high and act well in kung fu games. 36. A. her B. him C. us D. them 37. A. movie B. dream C. idea D. house 38. A. help B. keep C. make D. turn 39. A. for B. at C. of D. with 40. A. watch B. learn C. teach D. follow 41. A. go out B. go back C. get lost D. get up